Showing posts with label drawing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drawing. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2018

documenting my sketches

As part of my preparatory work for process book 2 and 3 I'm trying to properly document all the sketches I always make before arriving at the final art pieces. My work process involves many steps and a lot of after thought. Most of these ink drawings were made already in August 2015 and I didn't manage to get the art pieces working until autumn 2016 and the beginning of 2017!

I always work on parallel series as I very often have to let my work take a break. With these form cut drawings I tried so many adaptions that didn't work before I found the right solution.

"PARTY LAUGHTERS", installation view at Gislaved Konsthall February 2017

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

My process book

The book is called "LAUGHTER graphite eraser paper" (in Swedish though) and contains photos of my work in process, drawings in my studio, finished art pieces, som shorts texts and an interview with me conducted by Angelica Olsson.

I now have my dummy and will print the book in a small edition in February and bind it myself as it contains some pages in transparent special paper. A version in English is also coming up later this spring!

Friday, January 19, 2018

A great publishing course

I just took a publishing course at Valand Academy (one semester halftime). Not only did we explore digital publications and pdf format, but we also made some paper publications. We finished the course with a book release and an exhibition at Galleri Monitor.

I’ve been reflecting a lot about how people experience my art and the best way to present my art pieces - because most people will not experience them in real life. I work a lot with scale and material which is really hard to mediate digitally or in printed matter. Thus I ended up making a small material and process book, which is to be the first one in a series of three.

a visitor checking out my process book "LAUGHTER graphite eraser paper"

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 07, 2015

another one

Just finished my third drawing focusing on the process of drawing and laughing. I've been taking photos all along to be able to make a kind of stop motion animation. (Even though it might not be visible in the finished drawing it has taken 3 days to make each drawing going back and forth drawing and erasing, drawing and erasing ...)

Monday, August 31, 2015


Yes, it's the drawing I was working (jumping) on in June. Hard to judge size, isn't it? It's approximately 150 x 150 cm

Monday, June 15, 2015

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

drawing to document the process

I have this idea about making the process itself the focus - not the result of the act. 

Monday, June 02, 2014

June is also good

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Last day of May

May has been the month when I finally felt I found the joy in my art again. I had some occasional glimpses of it January-April, but really just occasional (though I tried to focus on those moments). It's been a despairing struggle mostly - I can admit that now when it is over. I felt art was pointless ... it was like I had lost what I had alway believed in. 

My interest in laughters has now turned more towards the ephemeral. (That's also why I'm interested in balloons. ) 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

drawing portrait

to get a much needed break from Snow White I spent the day working on a commissioned portrait drawing.

Why do all the portrait awards seem to be rewarding realistic, kind of kitschy - and very boring portraits? Technique seems to be the main focus. See for example Brewer J.C.Jacobsen's Portrait Award for Nordic Artists (check the winners from 2009. There is an open call for 2011 for Nordic artists). Same goes for BP Award as well (just a few exceptions). It's such a pity ... Because it can't be because those are the only sort of portraits being made, can it?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

run out of passion

For two weeks I was so into my colouring pages, making drawing after drawing (not all good), having so much fun. It was like a passionate love affair. Yesterday I made the two drawings with Snow White punching ... and then pfffffff ...
It was like the air going out of a balloon.
I run out of passion.

Today I desperately tried to wake the passion to life again making 8 lousy drawings while faking intensity ... but feeling utterly bored inside. I had thought that this time it was to be love forever.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

drawing some more ...

Last night we had a little studio get together with wine and tapas, and today in the afternoon I went with my family to see a circus - but I had such a nice time that I didn't take a single photo ...

But I've also been working in the studio of course :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

a good Monday

I cleaned the studio, got the funding for a project for equality within the Arts (I made the application, but the money isn't for me), the first tomato on my balcony is turning red - and I will not work in front of the computer tonight (I will drink wine).

Camilla is giving a workshop in August.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

chocolate brown vs snow white

No matter how hard I try I don't manage to stay within the lines. Who would have thought this would turn out to be so difficult, me being an artist and everything ...

Thursday, June 03, 2010

colouring pages

With the pedagogical mural project finished, the screen prints for the Fishes and Birds project sent to the Netherlands and my exhibition over - I will now spend all June in my studio working on whatever I feel like.

Aris sent me a Snow White coloured by her son (top left one), because it made her think of my art. It was so inspiring that I started making my own colouring pages. Unfortunately I didn't realize how hard it was to stay within the lines when colouring....

Thank you Aris!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

hares for tomorrow

Tomorrow I have my presentation for the tenants owners association (commission). I had planned to share here on my blog how I've been thinking with this commission and how I present the complete suggestion ... but it will have to wait some days. We have tonsillitis (me and son). But I will of course give my presentation anyway tomorrow (= self employed)

Blanket Magazine's blog - they like my art

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

drawing at the airport

Today I spend some time at the airport waiting for a guest on a delayed flight. But luckily I came prepared and didn't get annoyed - it became like a break instead. I listened to some interesting podcasts and kept myself busy with pen and paper. I love airports, train and bus stations: the feeling of transition and being in limbo...

The podcasts? Artist Talks from Tate Modern and Tate Britain (just search on iTunes U)
The guest? She finally arrived ... all the way from Guatemala (via Germany)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

60 minutes = many animals

No, they are not pixels - or supposed to make a bigger image all together. I just spread them on the floor to dry after making sketches in a fury; animals you find in Sweden (for the commission). Indian Ink + a calligraphy brush + Mozart's piano concerts = 60 minutes of animals. And I made more than these!

[Click the image for a bigger picture]