Showing posts with label Men card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Men card. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

sexy babe

Hi all!

Just popping by to show you my male card. The image is a Kenny K image and I had it for years (or it seems like years lol) and I finally printed it out and coloured it with pencils. Not my best colouring but hey, who cares when there are so many other details to look at! 

When I go to a hardware shop and walk through the aisles I alway have an observant look on the things and I always think: "Can I use this on a male card?". Same when I walk through Ikea; this is where I got these little pencils from :) 

And when the light from my fridge was "broken" I kept the little bulb :) 

Hope you like this make, it's quite a good one this time!

xoxo, Ally

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Dem Boss zum Geburtstag...

...hat meine Menschin natürlich auch eine Karte gemacht, ist ja Ehrensache. Denn sie mag ihn, wisst Ihr! Sie war aber ein bisschen ideenlos (der Scheff spielte früher lange Basketball, aber meine Menschin hat keinen Basketball-Stempel) und deshalb kommt hier ihr neuer Stempel zum Einsatz. Den hat sie zum gestrigen Geburtstag von einer lieben Bloggerfreundin bekommen und sie hat riesig Freude daran!
Sie hofft nun, dass dem lieben Scheff die Karte auch so gut gefällt wie ihr...

Eure Bailey

To her boss' birthday it was a point of honour that my human friend made him a card! She likes him, you know! But she was a bit clueless (the boss played basketball until he had an accident and my human friend doesn't have a basketball rubber stamp...) and so she used the new rubber stamp which she got for her birthday yesterday from her very nice bloggerfriend.
Hopefully her boss likes the card as much as my human friend does...


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