Sunday, 7 December 2014

Hello from Catheaven

Hello furiends

When my human furiend first saw me I looked like this

I had to look cute because when I saw her coming I knew instantly that she will be my furever furiend. And guess what, it was just pawsome because she fell in love with me at once! 
The lady where I lived at liked my looks and she wanted to keep me to get kitten all the time. Ahhh bah, who wants kitten? My siblings who were 3 months younger than I am were born just three weeks ago and this stupid woman already gave them away! 
My human furiend told her thas she can't do this she has to wait another couple of weeks for them to go to their new homes. Not only because it's bad for the kitten but also for the mama cat because of the milk she has and everything.

Anywhooooo my human furiend said, she wants me (I looked soooooooooo adorable, I'm telling you!). The woman said no but my human furiend was very, very stubborn and she told the woman that if she didn't get me she'd steal me. After long and heavy discussions my human furiend put me in a carrier box and brought me to her home.

There I met Cleo, Kiwi, Gino and Turbo, four cats that my human furiend grew up with. Cleo and Turbo soon died after I moved in. Cleo got hit by a car and Turbo was old and blind.
Kiwi also died - I think- two years later. She was my human furiends first cat and she was really old too. The only one left was Gino. I liked him, he was so wise and calm, he taught me a lot of things.

I will never forget the wonderful life I had at my human furiends home. She always took care of me and loved me unconditionally. She did not know though that I had plans with her. I knew from the beginning that she once will learn from me how to communicate with animals. And when she met her ex boyfriend it was time for this. Through him and a friend at work she learnt about animal communication. Because she and her ex boyfriend moved together and her ex had a tom cat called Djoser and my human furiend was scared that meeting him would be a disaster for me. This is why she contacted an animal communicator. Well, this was the best thing ever I made her do, clever and smart as I was back then (and still am, mind you!).

She took lessons and soon became an animal comunicator herself. It was brilliant! She once said, it's shite because she thought now that she can speak to animals all her problems would be solved but the truth was: they all started from then on.

My lovely human furiend learned a lot about animals and the knowledge we have. The thing that really impressed her is that we normally don't have a problem when we die. To us it's just a wonderful thing too and we know where we are going and celebrate this step. To humans death is a horrible and frightning thought that scares the shit out of them. I taught my human furiend well and so did Gino too.

When she has learned enough and became soft and gentle (she has been before but lots of times also very negative and animal communication changed this fact) her ex felt the change in her and left her for another. This was the most terrible time she has ever gone through in her entire life so far. It broke her heart. Actually it broke more than her heart. Gino, Djoser and I needed a lot of time and effort to heal her wounds. Djoser soon died after the breakup and that her ex accused her of being responsible for his death broke her heart and soul even more. She was desperate. I have never seen her like this. Not even back then when she had no money to buy herself food (she spent all the money to our catfood so that we didn't have to be hungry).

A friend of her had kitten and one of the kitten came to us. Sunny Sunshine was the name she wanted to have and her goal was to bring the love back into my human furiends life. So there we were, Gino, Sunny and I and we worked with and on her. Gino then died, he was over 18 years and although he wasn't ready to leave her cause his mind was still clear, his body was weak and my human furiend had to put him to sleep.

Sunny did a very good job because she brough love back in my human furiends life. I loved Sunny from the beginning, such a lovey and beautiful cat. Look this is us, sunbathing:

Playing with her was so much fun!
But back to her good job! She brought my human dad in my human furiends life. Stefan. Oh we sooooooo loved him. He is a real catwhisperer. Nobody has ever petted me the way he did, I swear. 

We made my human furiend keep him. And we made that they moved together. In the meantime, shortly before Stefan came to my human furiends life she gave George a new forever home in our family. George desperately needed a home and I kinda liked him too, he was very calm and didn't like fights and liked to be on his own. We called him Mr. Grumpy.

Sunny, George and I then lived in our new home until now. Freddy came to us too, he is my human furiend's brother's cat who found a home with us. So life came back to my human furiend and it was kinda happy ending. 

Now I became old. My work was done, she didn't need me anymore. She says she does but she really does not. She has her life back now and I am tired. It was difficult to leave my body on my own. Cause I knew it's time to leave but I also wanted to stay with my human furiend who is more than a furiend to me. She and I are one soul in two different bodies and it is sad and diffucult to leave her. But my body became old and sick and I gave her signs to see that I needed help to leave my body. 

So yesterday it was time. The vet came and I spent my last hour on my human furiend, purring into her ear that I will always love her and she can always talk to me. Just because my body is gone doesn't mean that I am gone. I am in her heart, forever and always and she is in mine.

My body is in box now, wrapped in a towel. She will brong it to the crematory on Tuesday and my ashes will then be with her. 

You see, every story comes to an end. I had a wonderful life full of joy and happiness and I am very thankful for everything I had and for the love she gave me. 
I might visit once in a while to make a blog post but I will pass this duty over to Sunny, George and Freddy. I will keep in touch with them and they can tell you how I am doing. I know my new task is to help a child. Don't know if I wanna be in a dog's body or again in a cat's. But it's certain that I will safe a childs life with my presence, keeping it sane and strong and teach him what love and friendship is.

Farewell, bloggers! It was an honour and pleasure to entertain you during the years!

Monday, 1 December 2014

from Switzerland with love ;)

Hello furriends

My human furriend is guest designing the Live & Love Crafts challenge blog where they have the wonderful theme

With Love

Hop on over to the blog and join in the fun! Thank you Sandy that you have asked my human furriend to be Guest Desinger! That kept her distracted and she didn't come after me all the time :P

I am still having this terrible cold. My human furriend keeps cleaning my nose, I hate that. She sticks a tissue up my nostrils, that is just so baaaaaaaaah!! She says it makes my nose get better but honestly it is anything but! 

I can hear her coming... have to hide under the bed where she cannot get me!
