Tuesday, 29 April 2014

From the heart at Inky Chicks

Hello furriends!

Have I told you lately that my human friend loves her new job? She is very relaxed and her new boss is lovely she says. I am thinking of calling him and ask him to help me. She gives me yucky drops that should be good against my runs. I don't like them but she grabs me every night and then puts them in my mouth, eeeeew, digusting!

But look what she made for Inky Chicks! It's "From The Heart" and sponsor is Creashop Duymelot with a generous 10 Euro voucher to win for the shop.

Okay, I'm off to hide the bottles with the yucky stuff!


Tuesday, 15 April 2014

hello furriends!

Hello furriends! 

Hey, I got news for you! My human friend has another new job. Hahahaha, she cracks me up! She should not change her jobs like underwear, this makes me nervous. But she is much much much happier now when she comes home in the evening. She told me that it is very interesting and that she finally can do some reasonable work and this is satisfying her. I like when she smiles and you know what? She doesn't seem to be angry when I chew her plants or sleep on her pillow and shed all my fur there.

But onto the challenge at Inky Chicks that goes online in three, two, one NOW!

Sponsor is Sandy from Live & Love Crafts with a wonderful £10 voucher to spend in her store. The theme of the challenge is SHABBY CHIC and this is my human friends card. She is practising with Distress Inks and this was her very first image. 

Have a pawesome evening my furriends!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Butterflies at Inky Chicks

Hello furriends!

Actually my human friend and I have decided to close the blog because she has no time for blogging and I am a tired kitty. But then I thought, as long as I live I can post our Inky Chicks challenges and entertain you with my kitty stories. Not as if they are interesting...

Okay, we have the theme "butterfly" at Inky Chicks and our wonderful sponsor is Teresa of Crafts and Me, thank you so much! I love butterflies, they are yummie, full of protein and when you have them in your mouth and they still live they tickle your tongue with their wings and feet, I loooove it!
