Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Shabby chic at Inky Chicks

My human friend is a grumpy pea today! Don't ask me why, she doesn't know it herself. It cannot be me, I was a pawesome kitty-cat this week, didn't get sick, let her cut my claws and behaved really good!
Over at the Inky Chicks starts a new challenge, the theme is SHABBY CHIC! This is the card my human friend made for this challenge.
Our wonderful sponsor is Sandy from LLC, ooooh don't we just lurve her shop!
Thank you Sandy for sponsoring us xxx
Have a pawesome evening you all and be nice to your kitties!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Summer fun...IF it finally would arrive!!!

My human friend is moaning all day long. She really doesn't care about the weather but after six long months of coldness and wet days she wants some sunshine. Her batteries are empty and need a sun refill.
So she made this card for the new challenge over at Sketch N Stash.
This weather makes me tired. I'm off to have another nap whilst my human friend gets ready for work.
Talk to you laters!

our lovely sponsor for this challenge is

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Inky Chicks Challenge No 2: Happy Birthday Girl!

My human friend had a busy week and finally her hubby came home, she was so please to see him. Erm, that’s what she says…I know exactly that she rather was looking for the Copic refills she ordered in the States and had to bring it home. I know her very well!
But today starts the second challenge at Inky Chicks. And since it is the Queen’s birthday soon the team has chosen the theme: Happy Birthday Girl. My human friend says it’s quiet an easy one for all. She has made a special card for a friend of her, whom she loves so much but doesn’t see often. I love her too, because she loves cats and my pal Sunny, who lives with me, comes from there.
Sponsor is Cult Pens with this terrific voucher!
Okay, my human friend goes out to run up the hill with her co-worker. I will check if she fills up my bowl before she leaves…

Have a pawesome week!


Monday, 8 April 2013

Get well soon lil birdie

Well erm, after we played the whole night with the corpse of the birdie that George caught the other day, my human friend did not stroke us since then. I think this is so mean, after all we are cats and we are born to hunt, aren't we?!
She made a get well soon card for the new challenge at Sketch N Stash... but it's too late, the birdie is dead it won't get well anymore.
Optional theme at Sketch N Stash this time is "embossing". Remember, it's optional. But the sketch is a "must" to follow and it must be recognized.
My male human friend is coming home soon, my human friend is so excited. She said he will be home the day after Caturday, woo hoo, she said she might unplug the phone to have him all for herself!!

we are being sponsored by My Mums Craft Shop
and also by Di's Digi Downloads

And this is the sketch. Have fun!


Saturday, 6 April 2013

Happy Birthday Nina!!!

My human friend got maaaaaany many e-mails that she should pleeeeease put back her comment section on the blog. I know of some kitty-cats that wanted to make a reservation in my Hotel in London, tee hee...
Okay so here you go again, feel free to leave a comment but don't be disappointed when my human friend does not comment back, okay? But she promises you all that she visits your blogs! Really! We just don't comment. If you become a member of our Inky Chicks Facebook Group HERE you will get comments in there from us. We would love you to see you there!
It was our friend Nina's birthday yesterday and she got an album card from us. Lots of piccies to look at!
George caught a bird tonight and now my human friend is mad! He brought the birdie in and it was still alive. She was not able to kill it and so George had to kill it. Now our entrance is full of feathers and a corpse. And she is mad because we don't eat the birdie!!




Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Inky Chicks Challenge No 1 and piccies from London

Finally the day has arrived!! Inky Chicks are back with the first challenge! My human friend told me to say that the theme is
and this is what she has come up with:
You might have noticed that you cannot leave a comment anymore on this blog. Well that is because my human friend does not comment anymore. She says she knows that blogging lives with comments but if she has no time to comment back she feels bad and with this decision she feels comfortable.
You can find us on facebook though, we have a fanpage and my human friend can rather be on facebook and comment cards there when she is on her way to work or on her way back home.
Okay and here we show you a few pics of our her trip to London with lovely Nina. They had lots of fun and I guess next stop will be Magnolia Store in Boras tee hee! That will be pawesome!

Piccadilly Circus
By accident they saw this
oooooh lots of celebrities *lol* they did not know...
 ...except him! Yeah my human friend and Nina thought he looked very familiar to them and at home my human friend found out it was brilliant actor Damian Lewis!
This is a hotel where my human friend would have looooved to spend the night! 
a bit of homeland
Nina in action at Buckingham Palace
wow, they were so pleased to find a M&M store!!!!
Brrrrr, it was freezing!! My human friend has wrapped herself in warm winter clothes
Erm...they are not supposed to speak, are they???!! They witnessed a conversation of the two!
They had much fun at the party with Julia Roberts and...
...Daniel Craig. Nooooo, don't be jealous, if you ask her nicely she might invite you to their wedding this August on the Maldives *lol* 
Mr. Obama laughs now after he has shouted at my human friend and she was so scared of Mr. President that she did what he said and called Mr. Putin to invite him for dinner!!
This is the hotel that I own. My human friend was not allowed to stay in there, it's only for cats you know!
That's it! Ms. Sherlockina Holmes and her assistant Ms. Johanna Watson wish you a pleasant day!