Monday, 28 May 2012

a few men's card

My human friend wanted to relax. She planned it. She lived for these three days. She NEEDED three days of lazyness and putting her feet up. And I wanted her to cuddle with me.

But instead she was invited, ate way too much, was busy with shopping and she cleaned the flat, washed the laundry, ironed it. Then she cleaned the windows, dusted and hoovered and she cleaned the bunnies home. And as if this wasn't enough, she suffers from hayfever since the weather became so nice and now she gulps down pills after pills and is constantly tired. 

So I can only show you a few men's cards that she recently made for all the male friends and relatives.

Hope you all had a better long weekend!


Meine Menschin wollte dieses Wochenende entspannen. Sie plante das. Sie lebte vorgängig für diese drei freien Tage. Sie BRAUCHTE diese drei Tage des Nichtstun und der Füsse hoch legen. Statt dessen verbrachte sie die Zeit mit Einkaufen, Waschen, Bügeln, Putzen, Hasen misten, Fenster schrubben, Abstauben, Staubsaugen und ausserdem, wenn sie nicht damit beschäftigt war, dann war sie eingeladen auf Besuch und hat viel zu viel gegessen.

Und weil jetzt auch noch das Wetter so schön geworden ist, hat sie konstant Heuschnupfen und schluckt eine Pille nach der anderen und ist nun dauernd müde.

Also kann ich euch nur ein paar Karten zeigen, die sie für die Männer in ihrem Freundes- und Verwandtenkreis gemacht hat.

Ich hoffe, ihr hattet ein besseres langes Wochenende!



Friday, 25 May 2012

Relax...and take it easy!

That is what my human friend is going to do the next three days. We have long weekend here in Switzerland. And guess what?! I will make her cuddle with me all day long! She hates that, mind you. But I love cuddling up with her (or anyone, as long as someone strokes me I'm happy). But don't tell her, she thinks only her strokes make me happy.

This card is for a co-worker that needed it for friends. She wants to put a voucher in for a day at a thermal bath.


Thursday, 24 May 2012

Candy Winner!

Hello dear fellow crafters
Hallo ihr Lieben

First I want to thank you all for joining in my candy...
woooooooooooooooow 251 entries, you are a crazy lot!!
Thanks a million. I do hope that you stick with me in future too. I realised on my previous candys that some ppl just became follower to take part in the candy and then a few weeks later stopped follwing me...Bailey has a list and knows exactly who our followers are, she is a clever pussy you know!

Erst möchte ich mich ganz herzlich bei euch allen bedanken, dass ihr an meinem Candy teilgenommen, 251 Einträge, ihr seid ja schon ein verrückter Haufen *ggg*!! Tausend Dank. Ich hoffe, dass ihr mir weiterhin die Treue haltet, denn mir ist ja schon bei meinem letzten Candy aufgefallen, dass einige Verfolger wurden und dann, nach ein paar Wochen, sich wieder ausgetragen haben. Bailey führt da eine Liste und weiss ganz genau, wer Verfolger ist, ach sie ist eine clevere Mietze! 

I've decided to not only give away ONE candy but have 5 more little surprise-giveaways for some of you!

Weil so viele mitgemacht haben bei diesem Candy, habe ich beschlossen, nicht nur EIN Candy zu vergeben, sondern werde noch 5 weitere Bloggerinnen glücklich machen mit einer kleinen Überraschung.

But I don't want to tantalise you any longer.

Nun will ich euch aber nicht mehr länger auf die Folter spannen. 

The winner of my Main-Candy is
Gewinnerin meines Haupt-Candys ist

Huge congrats, you didi it!!! Please e-mail me your addy!

Okay, onto the five other winners (all chosen by


and last but not least

Please e-mail me your addy. I will send the surprise-goodies next week!
Liebe Uschi, mail mir doch deine Addy, dann schicke ich dein Überraschungsgewinn nächste Woche auf die Reise!

Biggest of hugs to you all!
Alessandra & Bailey

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Tutorial for Hair Gel Card

Hi folks

OK, now here comes the tutorial on how to make a card with hair gel. My human friend steals the gel from her boyfriend because she has no own gel for her long hair. I heard him this morning in the bathroom, he was wondering where all his gel went to!! I tried to tell him but he did not understand my meow's and purr's. What a pity...I'd love to see him scold my human friend like she scolds me all the times!

Anyway...she made a tutorial and bossed me around to take piccies. She knows I'm a bit helpless with taking piccies. My paws are not made for taking pics. She doesn't understand this. I hope you'll find the pics useful, peeps!


You need your coloured image, a baggy, some distress ink refill to dye the clear hairgel and of course you need your hubbies hairgel (or your own, but my human friend swears that it's better to use someone else's gel...)

ONE drop of the distress ink refiller only!! Let the drop fall into the baggy

this should be the max amount of hairgel to put into the baggy to the drop of distress ink.

Close the baggy tightly

mix the drop and the hairgel with your fingers

it should look like this when finished mixing it together

then choose your spellbinders (or you can make it square like here and here)

cut your image to the size you prefer (make sure that it's smaller than the baggy's size but still big enough for the spellbinder)

now push back the gel on the top and bottom of the baggy like shown in the pic below

grab your cellotape

put your pic upside down onto the baggy

tape the upper loose part of the baggy to the back of the image and also the under part

a sideglance:

my human friend also tapes the still open right and left sides like shown in the piccies below. Hope you know what we mean! 
this is what it looks like when all four sides are
taped to the backside of the image:

now it's time to cut out a piece of design paper of your choice. It should be slighly bigger than the image. If you want to, you can make two layers like my human friend did

Now you can decorate your card as you like. This is the finished project of the cute little Mermaid!

We hope that you like our tutorial and that it is any help for you!

Thanks for all your lovely comments, peeps! My human friend comes soon around your blogs to visit you and "Oh" and "Ah" over your cards. She should better "Oh" and "Ah" over my empty food dish!!!! I'm hungry (although I just gobbled down a whole tin of food...).


Sunday, 20 May 2012

Another Gel-Card

My human friend had much fun making another card with hairgel (that she has stolen from her boyfriend...I saw her!!). The hairgel is clear and she put a drop of Distress reinker in to give it a touch of brown.

She will make a tutorial for all those that don't have the Magnolia Magazine. Guess we are not allowed to make a copy of the page and post it here... my human friend works with attorneys, you know, she should know. Well then, we make a tutorial.

Ah, the weather is I am to chase some mice or birdies. Yummie. 


Most materials that my human friend has used are from Scraphouse Online Shop. Have a shopping tour!

Challenges entering:

Stamp, Scrap and Doodle: flowers (ends 25 May)
I brake for challenges: flowers (ends 31 May)
Joanna Sheen: happy birthday (ends 24 May)
Scrap it Girl: flowers (ends 31 May)
Tildas Town anything goes (ends 24 May)
Colour Me Creative: anything goes (ends 24 May)
Simon Say Stamp!: anything goes (ends 20 May)

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Tutorial on how to turn off word verification and make a Pop-up Window

Hi folks

today I wanna show you how to turn off word verification and how to make a pop-up window for comments. As you all know it is pretty annoying to type all the silly letters which no one can read and it takes so much of our precious time! If you are scared of being spammed all the times I can assure you that I don't get much spam, but you can also use the possibility to have your comments moderated (sorry for my English, I know it's crap sometimes...I hope you all understand what I mean...if not: pls. feel free to e-mail me any time).

Also some blogs are so heavily loaded with stuff (heavy blog outfit, blog-header or tons of piccies in the sidebar) that it takes AGES to load them. And when they have no pop-up window for commenting and you want to comment more than one card (like me for instance, I always comment in stages LOL), then it really drives me crazy to load the site new after commenting the first card. Do you know what I mean?

So I created a tutorial for all those who do not know how to turn off word verification and I also beg you on my knees to make a pop-up window! If you are not sure if you have one, just try to comment your own card, you will then find out!

to make the piccies bigger, click on them!

Hallo ihr Lieben

Heute möchte ich euch eine kleine Anleitung geben, wie man die Sicherheitsabfrage beim Kommentarfeld ausschaltet und wie man auch ein sogenanntes Pop-up Fenster einrichten kann. Wir alle kennen das, dass es ziemlich ärgerlich sein kann, wenn man diese total unleserlichen Buchstaben eintippen muss und es braucht einfach haufenweise Zeit, das zu machen. Falls ihr Angst habt, dass ihr dann immer Spam bekommt, so kann ich euch beruhigen, ich habe selten Spam (und wenn, dann sind sie harmlos und man kann den Kommentar ja löschen). Es gibt aber immer noch die Möglichkeit, die Kommentare erst freizuschalten, sogenannte Kommentarmoderation.

Einige Blogs sind auch enorm vollgepackt mit Blog-Header, speziellem Layout und tonnenweise Bilder in der Seitenleiste und es dauert Ewigkeiten, bis die geladen sind. Wenn man dann also mehr wie nur eine Karte kommentieren will (so wie ich, ich kommentiere meist aus Zeitmangel immer in Etappen *lach*), dann nervt es extrem, wenn man nach jeder Karte, die man kommentiert hat, die schwere Seite wieder erneut laden muss, damit man zur nächsten gelangen kann. Aus diesem Grund bete ich euch auf Knien an: macht ein Pop-up Fenster, dann muss man nicht immer wieder die Seite neu laden! Wenn ihr nicht wisst, ob ihr so ein Pop-up Fenster habt (so wie bei mir, wenn man kommentiert), dann versucht mal bei euch auf dem Blog eure eigene Karte zu kommentieren, ihr werdet es gleich rausfinden!

Für eine vergrösserte Ansicht der Fotos bitte einfach draufklicken!

Step 1 (so sorry that it is in German only) / Schritt 1
go to Design when logged in / geh zu "Design" wenn du eingeloggt bist


Step 2 / Schritt 2
go to "Set up" (or at least I think it's called set-up) / geh zu Einstellungen


Step 3 / Schritt 3

go to "posts and comments" (or at least I think it's called this) and there you can choose "pop-up wondow" at the comment position (hope the piccies help you, I have no clue what the English words are for these set-ups) / geh zu "Posts und Kommentare" und dort kannst du bei der Kommentarposition die Auswahl "Pop-up Fenster" auswählen


Step 4 / Schritt 4

Word Verification: NO!!! / Sicherheitsabfrage: Nein!!!

Hope it was some help for you and that you all will do this. Please feel free to grab this tutorial to share on your blog (but it would be nice if you'd mentioned that it's from me and make a backlink to my blog).

Ich hoffe, ich konnte euch ein wenig helfen und dass ihr das alle macht. Ihr könnt auch gerne diese Anleitung mopsen und auf euren Blogs veröffentlichen, aber es wäre nett, wenn ihr sie nicht als eure eigene Anleitung ausgibt und eine Verlinkung zu mir macht.

Many thanks and happy holiday (to those who have a holiday today)!
Vielen Dank und einen schönen Feiertag (jedenfalls jenen, die einen haben...)!


Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Mermaid Tilda

Just a quick post and only in English, sorry peeps! My human friend has a tight program this week and will come back to all of you soon! We are thrilled about your lovely comments and will comment you back as soon as we have some spare minutes...Thanks a lot for your kind words!

This week my human friend got the message that there is another birthday this week...and the card need some days to reach the nice blogger lady who will get this one! So tonight after walking she "quickly" had to create this card so that she can mail it tomorrow. Piccies are not so good, sorry.

Off to bed we are now, good nightie-night!


Lots of the materials that my human friend used for this card can be bought at Scraphouse Online Shop

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Car addict

Tomorrow is my human friend's boyfriend's birthday. He is a car addict. My human friend is totally convinced that he loves cars more than he loves her. But that is not true. He loves me first, then cars and then comes my human friend. But I won't tell her, she'll be sad if she knew this!
Making a card for him was quite a challenge, she said. She stole a few piccies from him (and discovered some others while ransacking his picture-trunk). Since he is not following her blog (yet), she allowed me to post the card.


Morgen ist der Geburtstag vom Freund meiner Menschin. Er ist ganz verrückt nach Autos. Meine Menschin ist überzeugt, dass er Autos noch mehr liebt als sie. Aber das ist nicht wahr. Als erstes komme ich, dann kommen die Autos und zum Schluss meine Menschin. Aber das verrate ich ihr nicht, sie wäre sehr traurig, wenn sie das wüsste.
Es war eine echte Herausforderung, ihm eine Karte zu machen, sagt sie. Sie hat ihm dafür ein paar alte Fotos geklaut (und dabei noch ganz andere entdeckt!!). Und weil er unseren Blog (noch) nicht verfolgt, darf ich euch die Karte schon zeigen.

Eure Bailey