Showing posts with label Travels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travels. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 November 2015

At Last! Some Stitching!

Yay! I finally did some stitching. This little Holly Girl is part of a design from a French cross stitch magazine (De Fil en Aiguille - Nov/Dec 08 issue), that I acquired from Sally (Thanks Sally). There are loads of lovely designs in it so expect to see more soon. I stitched it using orphan threads from my "I am never going to stitch that hideous cover kit but the threads might come in handy" bag and made it up into an ornament with a gold ric rac edging which is a bit sparklier than it looks in the picture

And another view of Prague, this one drawn with Derwent  pastel pencils on black Murano pastel paper

Sunday, 15 November 2015

A Holiday and Gifted Gorgeousness - November Edit

Gifted Gorgeousness is a SAL organised by Jo of Serendipitous Stitching. On the fifteenth of each month we post about something craft and gift related.
Sally very kindly gifted me this lovely LHN chart "Potted Poinsettia"

I was hoping to have it finished and re-gift the chart in this post but that didn't happen. Stitching time was curtailed this month by a mini-break to Prague. If you've never been I recommend it, it's a beautiful city. Here are a few pictures.

And finally in other craft news, I made another Pinterest inspired felt ornament. This one is supposed to be a Nativity

I believe there may be a special level of hell reserved for those of us who succeed in making the infant Jesus look like some kind of elaborate sea slug.