Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Moving On...

Well, it's no longer just Alaina and Adrie.

New Life, New Blog.

If you want in on the action, send me an email or post your email here.

I really like the open forum of open blogs, and I've resisted the whole "private" setting for a long, long time. Private blogs are such a pain, and seem such snobbery. But in my line of work, Brad's growing interest in politics, and for a host of other reasons, it's just better that you can't google us to find our random thoughts and happenings.

So again, email me ajchatterley [@] or post your email address here if you'd like an invite.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wedding Pictures

Raquel took our post-eloping pictures. She's amazing. Check out more here.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Midnight Snack

Here we sit. Him with a hunk of cold roast beef leftovers, me with day-old peanut butter cookies made warm again by the microwave.

Life is so great.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Once Upon a Time...

...there was a sweater.

Not just any sweater.

A 100% cashmere, snowy white sweater

better than a wedding dress.

You see, after almost a year of dating and finally deciding "Yes!" this is what we wanted, convention and hassle seemed the least desirable thing imaginable.

So we set up a plan. Wedding preparations were FUN, with a covert, secret-like feel to them, and nobody asking annoying questions. Deciding what to wear. The bishop as conspirator. Getting a marriage license after swearing to secrecy the brother and in-law who accompanied us to the
county office. Laughing and smiling at the "Are you married yet?" questions and hearing about the bets people had going. Telling Adrie in detail the plan because she a) she didn't understand, and b) nobody would take her seriously. We Christmased. We vacationed. We even went back to work for a day.

After spending the day of New Year's Eve at work, I came home to get ready and open my much-anticipated new sweater, overnighted to me from a J Crew in the middle-of-nowhere-but-they-had-the-only-small-white-in-the-country. AND. There is was. The plastic electronic anti-theft device still firmly attached to the underarm. Would that deter me? No. Here I am, in my cashmere-sweatered glory, with my new groom.
The fun part of the story is that JCrew was mortified and overnighted that sweater to some store that could actually remove the dreaded device. And for my trouble, they gave me a handful of gift cards for my next purchase. You know, in case I ever elope again. Kidding. Kidding.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Wishing for Internet

Twiddling my thumbs while I wait for internet at home so I can post

1) Thanksgiving Photos
2) Arizona Christmas Photos
3) Mexico Beach Photos
4) The one self-portrait we took of our elopement.

For those of you dying for great wedding photos and a juicy story, my apologies. But stay tuned for the fun story and single photo nonetheless ;)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Cheer

Sold $1150 worth of stuff on ksl/craigslist
Moved to a darling house in Provo
Spent $577 at IKEA
and $98 the next day.

Lived out of boxes for awhile
Slept on an air mattress for 2 weeks
Scrubbed/patched/painted my old home
while trying to set up our new one.

Finished 4 photo shoots
Got my christmas card made
While prince charming worked magic with tools.
It was like Christmas morning to wake up and find bookshelves, a kitchen table, chairs, and more appear where brown boxes had stood before.

Christmas parties - work, work, ward, ward, friends, family, and the Appetizer Extravaganza coming up.
Talking about the beach with that Adrie doll of mine, and counting down the days.
Wishing I had internet at home to post my fun, fun Thanksgiving photos.
Oh well.

Life is pretty great.

Did I mention I'm getting married? I think I've neglected that information here. I am getting married. I didn't know life could be this great. And just getting better.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Are you wondering where we've been?

Well, we're moving.

On Saturday.

To Provo.

(Yes, I recognize that going closer to BYU is sort of like moving backwards in life. Oh well.)

Here's Adrie's first picture ever with my camera, and all of the moving junk behind me.

Hooray for being spontaneous! I think this is the longest I've ever lived in one place since age 18. I will miss it. I am also excited for new adventures.