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Showing posts with label FPD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FPD. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sweet September and Grass Stains

Hello again Scrapland!  It’s kind of an odd title, but sometimes those two things go together, don’t you think?  They certainly did for me this week.  I was able to squeeze in a little scrapping and when I did, I ended up doing an Autumn page and a grungy page with a Grass Stains kit.  Ok, enough rambling, let’s show you the goods!

This first page I did using the kit Sweet September by River Rose.  It’s a gorgeous kit for any fall occasion!

Here’s the beautiful kit preview, you can click it to check it out in the FPD store:

The second layout I did was a fun grungy layout using Grass Stains by Recherché by KH Designs another designer at Funky Playground Designs.

I love all of the different boyish grungy elements of this kit…was perfect for my family!!  Here’s the preview for this kit, again, click it to go check it out in the store! 

I hope you found something you liked today!  It was quite a variety wasn’t it?  Happy Scrapping!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fun at the Playground!

Hello Scrapland!  This weekend Funky Playground Designs has a ton of fun in store for you!  Not only is this weekend Lost and Found weekend with a whole lot of fabulous products on sale for just $1, but the fabulously talented designers over there have also put together a Blog Train full of freebies!!!!!!  I know I’m excited, how about you??  Here’s the ad, click it to be taken to the FPD blog where you can hop on the train this weekend!

If the train isn’t up yet, check out the previous posts that talk all about the super fun playgroup kits they have this month!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Charity Collab!!

Hello Scrapland!  Today I have a Wonderful collab to show you.  It’s called All Creatures Great and Small and it’s soooo cute!  Here is the charity information:

All Creatures Great and Small is a charity collaboration to benefit the National Wildlife Federation and is exclusively available for sale at Funky Playground Designs through July 18th.

According to the National Wildlife Federation:

Millions of gallons of oil have oozed into the water since the April 20th rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Some estimates calculate the oil flow to be over 70,000 barrels of oil a day—making the BP spill already eight times larger than Exxon Valdez!
And we still don't know when it will stop.
The wildlife casualties are adding up. Oil has officially hit land, and numerous sea turtles, dolphins and migratory birds have all been reported dead or dying on gulf beaches. Sadly, this is just the beginning of the uphill battle wildlife in the region now face.
Please donate today to help protect the over 400 species of treasured wildlife that stand to lose so much from this devastating tragedy. Your support will go right to work protecting wildlife and wild places impacted by the BP oil spill disaster.

The profits from the sale of this collaboration will go directly to the National Wildlife Federation and the receipt will be posted on the Funky Playground blog after the donation has been made.

Contributing Designers are: 4 Shades of Blue, Caged Bird Designs, Daybreak Scraps, Ellie Lash, Edeline Marta Designs, EH Studios, Girl Boy Girl Designs by Jen Balding, Jaclyn Bernardo, Jennilyn Designs, Kiss This Designs, Mad Genius Designs, Michelle Batton, Scrappin' Daisies Designs, Secret Garden, Shanmomto4 Designs and Siamese Studio.

Here’s the HUGE preview, you can click it to be taken to the store:

Here’s the layout I made with it, the template I used is even in the collab!


AND, to top it off, this weekend is the Lost and Found Sale over at Funky Playground Designs, and let me tell you, there are some GREAT buys over there!  Click the ad to go check it out!

I hope you found something you like!  Happy Scrapping!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

Hello Scrapland!  I’m feeling about knee deep in summer right about now, how about you?  We even went out and bought a new kiddie pool for the kiddos the other day.  (I think I’ve played in it more then them so far though!)  Well, if you are in the summer spirit, I have a huge collab for you!  The designers over at Funky Playground Designs have made a new collab kit for this month and it’s stuffed with super cute summer elements and papers in Great summery colors!  The best part?  It’s only $3 right now!!!  Here’s the layout I made with it:

Here’s the teaser preview, click it to head over to the store where you can click on more images to see more layouts done with the kit and get a better idea of whats all in it.


Hurry up and check it out while it’s such a good deal!