I love to use sketches...they take the guess work out of all of it, fast and easy and already balanced for you...all you have to do is make it your own. Take it for a spin. My Mind's Eye does a monthly sketch and I encourage you to give them a try. You can win 3 complete collections and the runner up receives on complete collection. It's worth a few minutes of you time to play along.
I looooove this sketch sites too, www.pagemaps.com, www.pencillines.com, and www.inspiredblueprints.com. All fantastic sketch sites and I know there are tons more out there. It's not cheating, how may original sketches for a 12x12 or a card can still be out there. Everything possible has been done....now take the sketch and make it your own and you have a totally original design and layout. No one's sketch turns out like the original, take a peek below and you'll see what I mean.