Late last year at our Open Studio event, a lovely couple approached me to ask if i could be commissioned to make a special wedding necklace based on some of my designs on show.
Always ready and excited to take on a new project and challenge, i made a time to meet up with the lovely bride to be, Lauryn, to have a chat about what she might like to have made.
The brief was to create a necklace that combined a collage of handmade beads made from a variety of materials such as resin, ceramic and timber, all within a pallet of off whites, neutrals and dusty pinks, but still using the shapes and textures that she loved in my more colourful pieces. There was also the request to add a little shock of colour and preciousness with the addition of a piece of rough turquoise and a handmade silver bead or two.
While taking into consideration the neckline of the wedding dress, the desired pallet, and the variety of materials, Lauryn was more than happy to let me run free with the brief allowed me to play with a range of ideas and compositions, consulting via email and a few studio meetings to come up with a final design that was at once delicate, subtle, unique, whimsical and mysterious.
During the consultation and design process, i had the chance to chat with Lauryn about her wedding plans and future plans. It's always so lovely to hear people's stories and be a part of such a special occasion.
A few days ago i received a lovely email from Lauryn letting me know that the wedding was a success and that the necklace was a hit.
It's lovely to get such positive and happy feedback, and i thank Lauryn for letting me share this story and the beautiful pic she sent me from their special day.
I wish Lauryn and her new hubby all the best for all their future plans!!!