Showing posts with label bride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bride. Show all posts

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Budget Bride- Earrings

I was looking at wedding magazines (shh! Don't tell my boyfriend) when I saw a pair of earrings that I just adored! But I know I wouldn't be able to afford them if I were getting married. I don't even know if I'd want to spend that kind of money on earrings I might only wear once! I wonder if I'm the only girl who thinks that.

ANYHOO. I made these. These are for the girl who wants the look but can't (and just refuses) to pay the price of the real thing. Glass pearls, fire polished glass, filigree beads, sterling silver hooks... just as pretty as the ones in the magazine and affordable!

Will post on Etsy soon. Alternate views! I love alternate views :D