Showing posts with label beads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beads. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2012

BSBP: What I Love Most

Our fearless leader, Lori Anderson, posed the question "Why/how did you become a jewelry designer and what do you like best about it?" Well, I answered the first half of the question but completely left out the second half!

There are quite a few different things I love about being a jewelry designer.

There's the pretty things I make. I thoroughly enjoy making pretty things.

There's the fact that I get to actually make pretty things. That's pretty awesome. Making things brings me happiness.

Then... there's my customers.

I don't consider myself a successful Etsy seller, but in the last year, I've sold more and made more jewelry than any time before. And I love my customers. Custom orders make me giddy. Questions about my work get me excited. And then the feedback... oh the feedback.

Knowing that someone loves a piece as much as I loved making it... that's joy. I make these things with my own two hands. My heart goes with each piece and a part of me is expressed in every little thing I make... even my $6 bracelets.

And when someone tells me how much they like it... or that it was the perfect gift for their friend... my heart soars. I am so thankful to these wonderful people who take time out of their day to tell an artist they like the work he/she is doing.

We all need to hear that, sometimes.

Oh. At the risk of contradicting yesterday's post... there's also the beads.

I. Love. Beads. Shopping for them. Holding them. Sketching them. Thinking about making them. Dreaming about my own bead store. Oh yes. Beads are another reason why I make jewelry. ^_^

What do you love most about what you do?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

BSBP: Why I Became a Jewelry Designer

Lori Anderson, the lovely lady behind the Bead Soup Blog Party, emailed us recently with an interesting idea: Tell why I became a jewelry designer. I scratched my head... Have I already told you how I decided to become a jewelry designer? I'm pretty sure I haven't... because, really, I kind of stumbled onto it accidentally.

I was working at Borders when I started designing jewelry. Right around the time I had to drop out of LCAD, I felt like I couldn't do any art. I had failed to complete art school because I was lacking funds and therefore, I had failed as an artist. I drifted around quite a bit. Threw myself into working at Borders... Oh, I still sketched, but I couldn't complete a real "piece."

Enter Beadwork magazine. I was putting magazines away and this one just caught my eye. Gorgeous designs in beautiful colors. My brain went "OH! It's just thread and beads! I can do that."

From a 2010 blog post. I couldn't make the seed beads hold the rivoli in place.
Epic. Fail.

I can't tell you how many incomplete projects I STILL have sitting in a plastic box from 2009. Oh, they started out pretty enough but maybe I couldn't find exactly the right size seed bead and then it threw the whole project out of whack. Or the tension was wrong. Or the needle(s) broke. Whatever the reason, I just couldn't do bead weaving.

But. Then.

I found... wire.

My first piece published in Jewelry Affaire

And I never looked back. I think my love for seed beads stems from the fact that I so desperately wanted to be a beadweaver. I tried so hard but just couldn't do it. So I wrap them up instead. And they come in so many beautiful colors and sizes! I love that they add such detail to pieces... they're tiny gems!

I've added leather and cord to my list of tools I love and now I'm learning to play with metal. It's such an awesome learning process and I don't think I'll ever stop growing, learning, making mistakes... HAVING FUN!

Jewelry gives me an opportunity to express myself. To add some beauty to our world. And I find myself loving it like I never thought I would. I can actually FINISH pieces, which I used to struggle with when I was just drawing and painting. I even finish paintings now...

Something about making pretty things just makes me happy. And that's ultimately why I do what I do. To bring smiles and happiness to my life and to the lives of those who like my jewelry.

So why did you become a jewelry designer?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday Randoms

[[[ If you're looking for the Bead Soup blog post, it's HERE. :) ]]]

What I think of while I'm wire wrapping:
  • Wow. All these songs sound new. Probably because I usually listen to audio books while I'm working.
  • I think I need a new audio book. Game of Thrones has become a bit depressing and the narrator leaves something to be desired.
  • Hm. I do that a lot. I'll stop reading/listening to a book before it's over. Well, at least I go back to it eventually.
  • Wow, there's a lot of rap songs on this playlist. 
  • Oh, that's right. I tried to be "gangsta" in high school.
  • I wonder if my brother was embarrassed by me when I was in high school.
  • I wonder how my brother and his fambam are. They're like my favorite people.
  • Really should go look for Legos to turn into jewelry for my brother's girlfriend.
  • I wonder if I could make some pyrex jewelry too (she like's pyrex).
I love how my mind wanders when I'm creating. I mean, is that bad? I know some people say that you should focus but some things like wire wrapping... c'mon. Oh it's beautiful, but I can't just count wraps and beads the whole time, can I?

It was unbelievably warm the other day. Like "OH! I can wear my favorite sleeveless dress today!" warm. And my fingers came up with these earrings, now in the shop here. Minty green and tangerine flowers. I bought those beads because they looked like margarita green but are pretty transparent now that I've wrapped them up in shiny copper.

I liked this design so much I made another pair of earrings:

But those are mine. ALL MINE! I'm trying to be more daring with the jewelry I wear myself (inspired by the lovely Shannon). I usually just wear silver studs and a few wrap bracelets but I think these will make a regular appearance on my lobes. Even made a matching necklace... which I forgot to take a picture of. Soon, I'll be brave enough to show my mug on my own blog. Booyah.

I tweaked the design a bit with the second pair of earrings. I think if I make these again, I'll make them just like that. I love the fire polish finish on the Czech glass too. Happiness all around.

Remember my bead soup bracelet? I found some pretty zebra jasper to make more bracelets to sell.

I love the variation in the stone. Some have purple tones. Some are all brown and orange. Some are black and grey! And they were on clearance at Michaels. SCORE!

My latest bead store haul. And yes, I was at Corner Bakery... again... I practically live there. But I think the details on that topic deserves it's own blog post.

Can you tell I LOVE Czech glass? Druk beads. Fire polish. Crystal. Sigh. All kinds.

I've already played with those seed beads.

I'm thinking necklaces. Add a simple chain maybe? Break up the chain with some crystal? I dunno yet. But I'm having fun making the bows.

So, that's my random Tuesday post. Check out the shop where my new earrings are sitting, waiting for a new home. I've marked down some destash mags and added some UK issues. Woot? WOOT!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Recent Bead Store Trip

I think the bead store is the only place where you can fit $84 worth of merchandise... (LEGAL merchandise :P) into a small brown paper bag.

But really, how could I pass up strands of pearls for $5 and crystal drops for $2.50. ... I hadn't been to the bead store in MONTHS so that's what I kept telling myself when I pulled strand after strand off of the hooks and put them into my little tray.

The boyfriend- I like showing him what I buy even though he always says, "You know I know nothing about this sort of thing." He always has something to say though and I like that. He has his favorites and comments on the colors I pick out. I love him <3

Monday, November 29, 2010

A Handy Tip

RH bought me some glass beads and they came in a plastic tub. At first, I didn't think too much of them. They were made in India which you would think would have me all goo-goo eyed, but most of them were chipped and they had a funny residue on them (which smelled like oil so I suppose it was oil). But, there seemed to be a few treasures in the bunch.

I knew I had to get the residue off but wasn't sure how to go about it. We'd just bought some hand wipes and I snatched up a few and decided to give them a try. You know what? It worked like a charm. I picked through the bunch looking for beads that weren't chipped. I ended up with a beautiful batch of shiny glass beads.

It was interesting. The dark blue bead in the middle and the one off on the upper right corner seemed black at first but they're blue! And the pretty round blue bead in the lower left corner? I saw a tutorial in the latest Bead Style that would be PERFECT for that bead.

Ahh... Happiness.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Beads, Buttons, and Poker

RH and I were playing cards last night (he kicked my butt at War). Before we dealt out the cards, I wanted to pull out the above beads for a project I have in mind. Out of his mouth comes this: "We could totally play for beads and buttons." Instantly, I thought of playing poker with my beading heroes and friends, using beads and buttons as our currency.

Oh, I'd probably lose. I suck at poker. I have a terrible poker face. But, still, fun to think about.

RH and I discovered we like playing Go Fish. Ahh... to be in love. :P

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Ceramicy Goodness- Etsy Treasury

Instead of a boring post about my theory as to why I still feel sick, I created an Etsy treasury of beautiful handmade ceramicy goodness. Happy Monday!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Messy First Step

 Here's a peak into my bead stash. I pull this out every time I make jewelry.

I know. It's rather horrid. I had a freakout a few days ago because I KNEW I had copper crimp beads and couldn't find them in this mess (really, who could?). I sat on the floor crying, about ready to throw out all my beads and just start over when RH calmly pulled out the bags and said we just need to sort through the mess. Well, of course, there were no crimp beads. But, I decided it was time for a new system.

We went to the Container Store and found these awesome little boxes with tiny compartments. LOVE! We bought two of them and I've taken the first step toward a new bead storing system. I couldn't think of a way to organize and RH asked how my favorite bead store organizes their merchandise. They just do it by color! So, that's what I'm doing. Baby steps. I'll get there.

I like labeling my little beads too. Most beads are glass... this one is stone but I can't remember what kind! Brain fart...

Oh, and if you're curious as to what happened to the elephant charm from yesterday's post...

I made a pendant last night with some brass wire (brass wire is WAY stiffer than copper wire, btw). Used some wonderful new seed beads. I LOVE seed beads. Now... how should I string him???

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ahtee's Links- What I'm Reading

A Bead A Day- Buttons? Ohhh yeah. This is my kinda "bead" :P

ammjewelry- To take her mind off things, Millie makes some bling for her healing foot

Backyard Beads- Doreen found the CUTEST pea pod!

Beautifully Broken Me- Molly's earrings make me want to start experimenting with wire!

Be~Jeweled by jana- I can see this pretty blue necklace worn with a white summer dress.

Cindy's Art and Soul- I have to agree, copper is quite delicious.

Erin Siegel Jewelry- I am loving this leather and stone series.

Gardanne Glass Lampwork Beads and Artisan Jewelry- LOVE peaking into studios!

Kelly's Bead Studio- A productive day ends with peaking into her own studio.

Lorelei's Blog- Buttons... buttons... buttons... buttons... buttons... BUTTONS!!!

maryhardingjewelry bead blog- I think those little connectors are just adorable!

Put a little magic in your life- Is this ring a flower or a weapon? O_O

The Rabbit Muse- LOOK! Peacocks! I love peacocks :D

PS. Links posts will now be on Fridays because it seems I will have most Fridays off! Yay? I think its a Yay!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ahtee's Links- What I'm Reading

A Bead A Day- Such a cute freebee! The color is so pretty!

ammjewelry- Look at all the goodies Millie got! And really, isn't that just the cutest cat?

ARTISAN BEADS PLUS by MaryAnn Carroll- It has been too long since I bought beads... Looking at these pics is kinda like a sweet torture :P

Backyard Beads- Celebrating the summer months with beautiful charms!

Be~Jeweled by jana- Something a little different from Jana. I am loving the wood.

Chameleon Designs- Busy bee is she! New blog... Loving the goodies I see :D

Dawno's Beaded Badge Lanyards and Jewelry- I've missed her blog posts! But she's been busy busy BUSY!

Erin Siegel Jewelry- Erin gets a visit from her friend and they bead together! Two very lovely necklaces, I might add.

Humblebeads Blog- Earrings inspired by FIREWORKS!!!

JustATish Designs- Tish shares some wonderful tips from one of her favorite sites.

Lorelei's Blog- Aren't these little birdies just DARLING!?

Mary Newton Designs- Mary plays with resin with FANTASTIC results!

maryhardingjewelry bead blog- LOVE that first pendant. Look at those gorgeous colors!

Put a little magic in your life- Loving the first pair of earrings there. The color of that amazonite is just beautiful!

Reinvented Objects- Denise collaborates with her son to make two stunning pendants!

Summers Studio- Showing off the good, the bad, and the down right ugly.

The Peacock Fairy- Two bracelets featuring Michael's new Industrial Chic products.

To Bead Or Not To Bead What A Question- Jessica makes a simply beautiful blue necklace.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I'm blogging on my lunch! WOOT! LOOK OUT! Come back in the making!

Anyway, I was finally able to but some new pretties. It did wonders for my spirit just looking at all the new things they have out at the stores. I got the shell beads and dragonfly toggle/charms you see at the top. I am in love with the color of the shell beads and the cuteness of the dragonflies. You know, I saw my first real dragonfly the other day... I mean, I probably saw them when I was a kid but this was the first time I saw one and was like "Oh hey! A DRAGONFLY!" And squealed. Seriously. Squealed. Ask my boyfriend :P

Keep your fingers crossed for links tomorrow and a post soon about what I did with these pretties I found at JoAnns!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ahtee's Links- What I'm Reading

A Bead A Day- Lisa is hosting a book giveaway... with her lovely book "A Bead in Time" as the awesome prize!

ammjewelry- Millie tries her hand at stamping and etching copper blanks!... with FANTASTIC results, I might add.

April Is Forever Jewellery- Got only one bead left? Use it to make a BEAUTIFUL ring like Sarah did!

ARTISAN BEADS PLUS by MaryAnn Carroll- I absolutely love the red buttons at the bottom of the third picture.

Beads, beads, beads...- Such a pretty red!

Desert Rubble- Lynn tells the tale of a street fair that was "dead" but still oh so much fun!

Designs by Dawn Marie- Dawn takes a shell necklace and makes a beautiful set of jewelry for her Aunt!

ErtheFae's Meandering Thoughts- I have to agree... that crescent moon with flowers on it is pretty perfect.

Five Forty at Home- Summer is the time for play but I'm glad Pegg is still creating! I love the first pair of earrings here :D

Gaea's Ceramic Bead and Art Studio Blog- Spring cleaning, a music festival and she still had time to make some beautiful frames!

Gardanne Glass Lampwork Beads and Artisan Jewelry- LOOK! She has new jewelry up! And they're so pretty!

Julsbeads- I'm excited to see if she takes this broken bead and turns it into another beautiful pendant like in this previous post.

JustATish Designs- I love seeing the evolution of Tish's style.

Kab's Creative Concepts- Kerry switches gears and makes a colorful and pretty picnic blanket.

La Bella Joya- This ring is so pretty! And I love that bracelet. I'm a sucker for pretty seed beads.

LODY'S BEADWORKS- Beaded bead earrings? CRAVE! LOOOVE!

Lorelei's Blog- Lorelei introduces a new collection featuring her own handmade components. I, for one, am rather inspired.

Mary Newton Designs- I love taking a peak into artist's studios. Mary has a new workspace!!! :D

Summers Studio- Leann took an entire day and cleaned up her studio. *I* should do that!

The Cerebral Dilettante- I like the first comment that says "Like vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce..." PERFECT description.

To Bead Or not To Bead What A Question- The gold and red make a fantastic color combo for this fun loopy necklace.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ahtee's Links- What I'm Reading

So many new beads from my fave artists! Must get to listing my pieces so I can make some extra cash so I can buy some BEADS! I'm such a lazy bum. Lol.

Happy Monday, all!

A Bead A Day- It's craft night at Lisa's house. What a wonderful idea!

ammjewelry- Millie knows how to celebrate! Happy Anniversary!!!

Artisan Clay- Fun and summery definitely describes these beautiful necklaces and earrings.

Be~Jeweled by jana- This bracelet would be perfect to wear to that Fourth of July barbecue!

Deez News- That dark chain makes the colors on the first piece just POP!

Designs by Dawn Marie- Such a fun anklet! Perfect for summer!

Dora Schubert- Dora made SO MANY BEADS! O_O

Dragonfly Lampworks- Such a cute dragonfly! And the strawberry red beads make me think of caaaaandy. :D

Every Heart Crafts- YAY! A shop update!

JustATish Designs- I love copper probably just a tiny bit more than I love buttons... and Tish is on a copper kick! I absolutely LOVE it!

Kelley's Bead Studio- I love these eggs. I want those orange ones very badly O_O

Lorelei's Blog- Lorelei's picking a winner TOMORROW! Get those comments in for a chance to win some BEAUTIFUL ceramic beads!

Mary Newton Designs- Mary makes a pair of earrings for a deserving lady. Someone's having a GIVEAWAY!!!

Painting with Fire Artwear- A new kit from Barbara Lewis features hand-dyed rayon fibers and cute "gumball" beads.

Sue Beads- Sue shows off some work a customer made using her beads! Lovely.

Summers Studio- OMG. NEW PIECES!!! Preeeetty.

Sundown Bead Designs Rhetoric- I love the idea of dipping head pins in paint for a dash of color.

The Cerebral Dilettante- This necklace tickled my brain... I must make a leather necklace. I MUST!

The Rabbit Muse- Ants in the pants results in beautiful bracelets.

To Bead Or Not To Bead What A Question- I think the color combo works very well! Not strange at all :D

Vintajia Adornments- What a clever way to photograph your pieces!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Ahtee's Links- What I'm Reading

A Bead A Day- This week's project features an adorable carved owl bead.

Artisan Clay- Are YOU a tool girl too?

Beading Arts- A lovely tutorial by Paul Bishop.

Beads, beads, beads...- I just love the eye-candy on this blog. LOVE those earrings.

Beautifully Broken Me- I am in love with this necklace. Maybe its the lovely beads or maybe its the etched butterfly.

Credit.River.Art.Glass- Terrible, cruel tease!

Cynthia Thornton of Green Girl Studios- Pieces in the making carved by Cynthia's friend. I LOVE LOVE that flower one!

Deez News- I wish I had a best friend like Carmen! Just LOOK at those crystals!

FiredancerBeads- Nell gets her hands on a new tutorial and makes a BEAUTIFUL bead!

Jewelry, Art, and Life- Jennifer uses the same pattern to make three different pieces!

Julsbeads- Julianna puts together a necklace with a BEAUTIFUL focal bead.

JustATish Designs- What is Bismuth?

Kelly's Bead Studio- Watch a cool video on mandrel dipping.

Kokopelli Design- That window focal is adorable and goes so well in the necklace!

La Bella Joya- The colors on that necklace work so well together!

LLYYNN- Two projects come together and form a beautiful single piece! Shannon's fixin' to make a beautiful piece!

More Than Somewhat- A blog award, project trade, and new goodies! Busy busy!

Summers Studio- I cant wait to see these beauties when they're all finished!

The Rabbit Muse- Pretty etched metal pieces going into Miss Nancy's extra shop... check it out!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ahtee's Links- What I'm Reading

(Internal Dialogue: Maybe if you distract them with a picture of cute adolescent geese, your readers won't notice that the links are two days late...)
LOOK! Aren't they adorable?
Lol. Sorry the links are two days late... busy busy with boyfriend's family visiting and allergies... and the weather has been so beautiful that a lot of our time has been spent outdoors! Today it was with GEESE! One more picture before the links :D

Ok. Enough cute and fuzzy... LINKS!

A Bead A Day- So many sparkles! I would totally feel like a princess wearing this!

ammjewelry- Millie plays with her flea market finds.

April Is Forever Jewellery- Oh yes, summer is definitely on it's way :D

ARTISAN BEADS PLUS by MaryAnn Carroll- A simple and helpful banner tutorial for your blog!

Artisan Clay- Yay for new goodies!!!

Ashley Akers- Take a little break from the jewelry to check out all the yummy bread! I can smell it through my computer! O_O

Backyard Beads- Doreen's made some cute lentils!

Beads, beads, beads...- I LOVE these hair clips!

Bei Mondi- New bracelets from Leslie! COOOPPPER! Love!

Be~Jeweled by jana- A BEAUTIFUL necklace inspired by her daughter's wedding flowers!

Deez News- She's brave enough to show off something she calls "a dog's breakfast."

Designs by Dawn Marie- A beautiful custom order for a Paris wedding!

Earthenwood Studio Chronicles- Curious about the raku process? Check out this blog.

Five Forty at Home- New sun catchers by Pegg! I love the dragonfly one!

Humblebeads Blog- Beautiful pendant inspired by beautiful autumn foliage.

JustATish Designs- Are you crafty or trendy? Check out this AWESOME giveaway!

Kelley's Bead Studio- These eggs are SOOO cute!

Lorelei's Blog- I love her stuff- This one is called "Love Letter."

Melissa J. Lee- Treasures found on the beach!

Sue Beads- The first one reminds me of chili peppers!

The Cerebral Dilettante- Oh, I dream of Paris when I see this necklace.

This Artist's Journey- Pretty Bronzclay molds.

To Bead Or Not To Bead What A Question- So exciting to see how Jessica's first beads are turning out!

Vintajia Adornments- That touch of orange is just lovely against all that blue.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ahtee's Links- What I'm Reading

A Bead A Day- Lisa's project of the week is blue and sparkly!

ammjewelry- Flea markets disappear! BUT a wonderful find found at a Salvation Army store.

April Is Forever- YOU know how much I LOVE buttons... Check out Sarah's cute cute brooches!

ARTISAN BEADS PLUS by MaryAnn Carroll- MaryAnn's pieces look yummy enough to eat!

Beading Arts- Looking for some wire tutorials? Check out this list!

Beads, beads, beads...- A BEAUTIFUL blue brooch made from vintage beads and a pretty filigree.

Beadweaver- I've flipped through this book and it looks really good! You still have time to enter the giveaway!

Bei Mondi- Reading this almost makes me want to call my mom... almost :P

Be~Jeweled by jana- Beautiful new set by Jana! LOVE those colors!

Bonnin Designs- Hey, this show is in my 'hood... kinda. Shari is busy busy making wonderful goodies to show off at the Patchwork Festival!

Chinook Jewelry Blog- Mellisa shows off some BEAUTIFUL pieces!

FiredancerBeads- Linked a blog which tells the value of handmade.

Five Forty at Home- Purple and copper! A fave combo of mine!

Gaea's Ceramic Beads- I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bella.

Humblebeads Blog- 23 days of inspiration!

Jewelry, Art, and Life- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

JustATish- A peak into Tish's booth.

Lanyardlady- MMM! This is making me HUNGRY!

Lorelei's Blog- A ribbon video tutorial!

Mary Newton Designs- Beautiful folded copper earrings.

Melissa J. Lee- Melissa is a cover girl! I LOVE the first pair of earrings shown here.

Paradise Falls- This necklace makes me miss Hawaii!

RASBARRI- Her first trunk show was a success!!!

Summers Studio- 26 glaze tests and only 1 came out to her liking!

To Bead Or Not To Bead What A Question- Orange is such a hard color for me to work with.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ahtee's Links- What I'm Reading

Sorry this is a day late!! Busy me... Also, before getting to the wonderful blogs, I just want to remind everyone that you can still win a bracelet in my giveaway! I'll be picking the winner May 1st!

A Bead A Day- How do you create a bead mix?

ammjewelry- Rubber tubing on a memory wire bracelet gives it a wonderful texture

Backyard Beads- A peak into what Doreen is cooking up with he polymer clay.

Beading Arts- A fun fabric flower necklace.

Bei Mondi- Some new lovelies in Leslie's shop.

Be~Jeweled by jana- Such a beautiful necklace. Pink and soft and very girly! Love.

Deez News- Someone's muse disappears, but MacGyver steps in to help.

Elaine Ray Rambles About Beads- I love this new shape!

Five Forty at Home- Pegg has been drilling PEBBLES! And they look FANTASTIC!

jibby and juna- Feeling uninspired? Finish those pieces that need to be finished!

JustATish- Azalea Crazy is BEAUTIFUL! I love those green beads!

La Bella Joya- I love the rings she makes!

Lorelei's Blog- EGGS! in jewelry? Why yes!

mariedodd- Pretty Earth Day earrings!

Margot Potter The Impatient Crafter- Will you work for glitter?

maryhardingjewelry bead blog- BEAUTIFUL new toggles!

MsBelle ~ Artisan Crafted Jewelry- Beautiful Spring! And some new items in her shop!

Rose's Designs- Want to see some awesome organization? I want my workspace to look like this!

Stefanies Sammelsurium- Wire, glass, and fiber... a beautiful bracelet.

Summers Studio- A little break to put a bird on a branch. A necessary move, I think.

The Rabbit Muse-Cabbage Roses? My favorite!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ahtee's Links- What I'm Reading

A Bead A Day- Lisa features a gorgeous two strand, gold filigree clasp.

ammjewelry- Learn how to make a basic anklet with Millie!

April Is Forever Jewellery- Tulips are my favorite flower... this necklace is PERFECT for a tulip lover!

Beads, beads, beads...- The red featured here is such a sweet red. Really does make me think of cherries!

Beautifully Broken Me- Evoking a classic feeling, this necklace does remind me of spring with the subtle etching and colors in the bezel.

Bei Mondi- Take a little break and walk through this wonderful garden. Full of beauty.

Be~Jeweled by jana- Check out what Jana won! Love that koala! Lucky duck!

Deez News- I love the blue and green paired in this necklace. A beautiful focal AAAND a button clasp! Beautiful!

Designs by Dawn Marie- Personally, starfish scare me, but in this necklace, it looks just darling!

Dora Schubert- More beautiful garden beads! I want one something terrible!

Earthenwood Studio Chronicles- Something about tummies and owls... adorable. And also, lovely links!

Five Forty at Home- Pegg's newest are simply beautiful. Love the chocolate earrings!

Five-Minute Features- Turquoise and orange carnelian work well together in this beautiful necklace!

Gardanne Glass Lampwork Beads and Artisan Jewelry- I love Wednesday Beads! Check out the glass headpins! Beautiful!

Humblebeads Blog- New beads! So perfect for spring!

JustATish Designs- Tish's mom got a gorgeous necklace for her birthday!

Kokopelli Design- Beautiful polymer clay cabs!

La Bella Joya- These pendants are just DARLING! I promise.

Lorelei's Blog- Lorelei experiments with resin! And with wonderful results!

Lorena Angulo- This gift is way better than an apple for a teacher!

Margo Potter The Impatient Crafter- An interesting read for anyone who has thought of writing their own book... A match made in Bead Heaven.

More Than Somewhat- And just who is destined to receive these lovelies?

Paradise Falls- This pin makes me miss Oahu.

Pretty Things- Dragonflies and sand dollars! Two beautiful necklaces!

SoftFlexGirl- 6 wonderful tips to stay motivated when you work at home!

Stefanies Sammelsurium- A beautiful bracelet! Glittery and elegant!

Sue Beads- Two new pendant sets! I love the second one!

Summers Studio- No more Procrastination Queen! Check out these lovelies from LeAnn!

The Beading Butterfly- Such elegance! Beautiful bracelet and earrings set!

The Cerebral Dilettante- After looking at this bracelet, I, too, am craving fajitas!

The Rabbit Muse- Beautiful birds in wonderfully delicate colors!

This Artist's Journey- Perfect jewelry for driving down Pacific Coast Highway with the top down!

To Bead Or Not To Bead What A Question- I love this storage idea! Might even work for a booth display... just tweaked a little bit maybe.

Treasures Found- Taking something old, turning it into something new for a beautiful bride.

Vintajia -jewelry from the hand and heart- Beautiful Earth Day earrings!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ahtee's Links- What I'm Reading

So sorry! I don't know where my brain is! I was supposed to post this on MONDAY. Here are the links...

A Bead A Day- How would YOU use this fun lock?

Artisan Beads Plus by MaryAnn Carroll- Another peak inside her kiln. Such pretties came out of it!

Artisan Clay- Check out some of these beads which are featured in BEADS 2010! I love the tulip one :D

Ashley Akers- Someone has been busy!

Beads, beads, beads...- I overheard some ladies talking about how yellow isn't very pretty... well, they clearly haven't seen this lovely!

Be~Jeweled by jana- Jana works shells into this beautiful crocheted necklace and earrings set!

Deez News- Electrical tape and grungepaper combine to make some pretty pendants!

Dora Schubert- Colorful pretty bird beads!!!

Earthenwood Studio Chronicles- Pearls add a wonderful softness to this necklace, I think.

ErtheFae's Meandering Thoughts- Beautiful BINDIS! That's right... she made BINDIS.

Five Forty at Home- I love these glass beads! And the bracelets really highlight their beauty!

Gardanne Glass Lampwork Beads and Artisan Jewelry- Those spring photos pair well with her pretty new beads

JustATish Designs- I am in LOVE with Tish's copper pendants.

La Bella Joya- All that work and effort paid off. That necklace is BEAUTIFUL!

Lody's Beadworks- Beautiful necklace and Love love love the sketch!

Lorelei's Blog- This is such a darling bracelet!

mariedodd- I love looking at other people's packaging ideas. Marie's are simple but so pretty!

More Than Somewhat- If someone told me my beaded beads would DEFINITELY come out like this, I'd actually give it a go :P

Pretty Things- Add some color and pizzazz to your life with Lori's new necklaces!

Silver River Jewelry- A break from lampwork beads turns into a beautiful pendant!

Stefanies Sammelsurium- I love this necklace. So free. I'm trying to let loose... this piece inspires me :D

Sue Beads- Oh my. Bronze infused purple turquoise??? Excuse me, but I think these beads were MADE for me :P

Summers Studio- After leaving the Procrastination Queen side of her behind (for now :P), Leann kicks it into high gear!

The Cerebral Dilettante- "Yak bone." That's all I'm giving you.

The Crafty Retailer- Its good to know people are THRIVING!

To Bead Or Not To Bead What A Question- This necklace is SOOO Spring! Elegant but also fun. Love!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ahtee's Links- What I'm Reading

A Bead A Day- I didn't think skeletons could be this cheery!

ammjewelry- Millie finally this copper clasp she was searching for and added it to a beautiful bracelet!

Art Bead Scene- Check out this month's challenge!

Artisan Beads Plus- A peak inside MaryAnn's kiln.

Beading Arts- Fabric flowers!!! Will HAVE to try this!

Beads, beads, beads...- The blue here is GORGEOUS! So perfect for Spring!

Bei Mondi- Showing off some beautiful custom orders.

Be~Jeweled by jana- This bracelet IS Spring. So beautiful.

Dawno's Beaded Badge Lanyards- Dawno is at Norwescon!

Deez News- Showing off a few necklaces. Love the first one!

Earthenwood Studio Chronicles- These birds are adorable! The green/peach combo is my favorite.

Humblebeads Blog- Bead Cruise 2011!

JustATish- I love Tish's pendants. They're so free and fun.

La Bella Joya- A pretty embroidered headband.

Lorelei's Blog- This beautiful necklace is headed for the Bahamas. Lucky necklace :P

Marbella Jewelry Designs- Beautifully blue Cezch glass bead earrings!

maryhardingjewelry bead blog- I wish I had more patience for beadweaving. This Russian Spiral weave is beautiful! Shannon's having some fun naming her new components.

Painting with Fire Artwear- Pretty pretty bangles!

Pearl and Pebble- These colors all work so well! And I love the pendant!!!

RASBARRI- Barri Bunches is a totally appropriate name for these darling earrings!

The Rabbit Muse- Its a little late for me to list this blog but Nancy makes a good point about bunnies... I, however, still want one :P

To Bead Or Not To Bead What A Question- I, too, adore the spiral stitch... especially the way Jessica uses it!