Miss Sarah from
April is Forever Jewellery has given me the Kreativ Blogger award! How sweet is that? It's my first award and I feel all giddy inside :) Be sure to check out Sarah's blog

Here are the rules for the award:
1. Post the award on my blog
2. Thank the person who gave me the award
3. Link the person who gave me this award
4. Share 7 things that you probably don't know about me
5. Choose 7 great bloggers to give the award to
6. Share a link to their blogs
7. Leave a comment on their blog
7 Things About Me:
1) My first full name is Rosemarie. And I get rather irked if a person calls me RoseMARY. Sure, the two are rather close, but they aren't the same. Alternatively, I remember people who say my name right the first time.
2) I am Filipino. The name "Ahtee" is a spin on "Ate" (pronounced Ah-teh). My baby sister would call me Ahtee instead of Ahteh and the cousins thought it was a cute way of pronouncing the word. My sister called me this in school too... to the point where some of her friends called me Ahtee as well.
3) My favorite foods are spaghetti and hot wings, but not at the same time.
4) I have very thin hair. I don't bother getting it cut professionally. Most of the time, I just get my mom to cut it to my shoulders. The last time I needed my hair cut, though, I did it myself. It came out pretty good. I learned I really could cut a straight line.
5) Sometimes, I mix red Fanta and Coke to make a cheap cherry coke (though I think red Fanta is strawberry) when I'm craving it and the restaurant doesn't have it.
6) I am only 5 feet tall.
7) I love snails. They're cute. I learned last night, however, that I do not think slugs are cute.
7 Bloggers I give this award to are:
1) Jessica @
To Bead Or Not To Bead What A Question2) Millie @
ammjewelry3) Jana @
Be~Jeweled by jana4) Pegg @
Five Forty At Home5) Erin @
Every Heart Crafts6) Ashley @
Ashley Akers Jewelry7) Davinia @
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