Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

wow - march.

jan 1-march 7 has been quite a trip.

But for now, I am going to try to just put words around the last week.

R and I bought a house last Wednesday, and thanks to TONS of help Friday and Saturday - we are moved in! Pretty amazing to be in my own home! We loved our last home in VA, but it was always a rental... ya know? So crazy for this to really be ours.

The one phrase I am sure I heard 1 million times was "you aren't doing too much are you?" Ummm... well... sure, of course I am. Since finding out I was pregnant back in September, we have had a job change, moved 5 states away, spend 10 weeks living with my parents, moved into our own home, gone through several weeks of R's training during day shift - - - -- - and now are testing out night shift (ew) - - -

Sunday we were still unpacking. R was on his first night shift - I was feeding Josiah his cucumbers and microwaving my left-over pizza and my phone rang. (yeah, his food is more healthy than mine sometimes :)) It was my sister with horrible information.

My dad was on his way home from church on his motorcycle and was hit by a driver in a truck. The driver drove off. A man from our church saw it happen, but didn't realize it was dad. A long string of events came afterwards - - - but that isn't what I am writing about.

I am so amazed at the way the people have been there for my mom and dad. Jon and Brantley, Jen and Andy, Ronnie and I were all as fast as possible doling out kids and heading to the hospital that night - and we were actually not the first ones to get there to be with mom.... by the time we came out of the little consult room - around 50 people from the church had driven the 40ish miles to come support mom... and dad.

The moment of the evening was when one of the men wanted to have people to pray - and there, in the ER waiting room - - having many other people around us - they all stood, held hands, and prayed for my dad's healing. Pretty crazy. Pretty overwhelming. Absolutely amazing.

Watching people pray, having them help with kids, seeing the food being organized, knowing people are doing all they can to help - just absolutely amazing.

It is hard to comprehend the callousness of the driver of the truck - the basic lack of respect for humanity is hard to imagine. But in the grand scheme of things - this one heartless jerk's actions of hitting my dad and then leaving him on the roadside to die has been so overshadowed by the love and care of those that love my parents.

He is home healing now. There is a long physical and emotional recovery coming up - but we are all so thankful that he is going to be ok - - and is recovering as well as possible.

So, there ya go - the last 7 days. A rollercoaster of large proportion. Yeah, I'm doing too much - - but the little princess is still kicking regularly... I feel great... her room is NO WHERE NEAR READY! but God is good and we are moving on.

Friday, December 16, 2011

moving on

Well.... august - that's the last you heard info??


No big half-marathon for me this year.... we found out soon after the last entry on the ol' blog that I am pregnant.... again... 4 times in just over 2 years~ of course two of these pregnancies have sent little precious ones to heaven long before I got to meet them... one is now 17 months old.... and the other is growing strong!!

So, now, I am just shy of 19 week along - and we found out this past monday that she is a girl!! what a new world I am about to enter!

Also, we are moving - from the southern area of VA back to my home state.

that happens next week!

So, pregnant, with a 17 month toddler, moving, at Christmas..... when the Mayhew's do something - we do it FULLY!

ok - that's all for the update.... back to packing.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 - revisited

This year has been oh SO FAST! I know they say that it just gets faster as you get older.... not real excited about that - but seriously, does it not feel like yesterday that we all celebrated 2010?

So, the highlights. I really thought about not doing this, but even though I don't have all the blogs to tell the story, I feel like I need to mark the big stories - good and bad - of 2010.

My baby showers in waiting for Josiah in April and May - how wonderfully humbling it is to have so many people that loved my baby before he even arrived!

Jon-Jon came home in May... as hard it is has always been to say goodbye to him - - the joy of celebrating his return is OH SO MUCH GREATER!

The end of the Congressional primary in June... it is always fun to be on the winning team!

Of course, the highlight of the year happened July 10 - when my precious son arrived on the scene. He has changed our lives in SO many ways! Our family went from 2 to 3 but that little addition has multiplied our love so much! I love Ronnie even more than before when I watch the way he loves his son! We are so blessed.

The most difficult part of my year came about 18 days later, when my friend, Brianna passed away while giving birth to her daughter. My heart hurt for Brianna's family, and even more for her daughter... such a beautiful little girl whose mom loved her so much! Even last week, when taking pictures of that little baby, so many times I just wanted to ask Brianna what kind of pictures she wanted me to take! It is hard to say goodbye to someone like that.

August, September, and October are a bit blurry. There were trips to Alabama - holidays, MANY firsts - and LOTS of pictures.... but the awe of being a mother was still a little overwhelming to me... and then November brought Josiah's first flights - just he and I, while Ronnie went to Thailand for 10 days. I have rarely been more proud of my husband than when watching him do what is right in the sight of God.

And, December, well - J's first Christmas has been amazing. and busy. But we celebrated Christmas in Gatlinburg first - and had a blast.... and then at home... and that was awesome with the three of us celebrating together, and cooking together, and eating together... I LOVED it! and then in Alabama... the first time since 2006 that EVERYONE has been together. my brother was not at war - I was not in VA.... we were together... mawmaw, pawpaw, mamaw, dena, danny, kelsie, paul, suzy, matthew, jon-jon, brantley (and their new one on the way!), jen, andy, aubrey, barrett, ronnie, josiah and me :)

crazy? yes. but, fun? yes.

it has been a year. a full year. a wonderful year. a tragic year. what does 2011 hold? I can hardly wait!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Heart wrenching morning!

Conversation I heard while I was on the phone with mom this morning.

Aubrey: Is that JuJu?
Mom: Yes
Aubrey: Is JuJu coming to my house?
Mom: No, JuJu has to work
Aubrey: (shouting at this point so I can understand every word) But she SAID she was coming to MY house!

Mom: Do you want to talk to JuJu?
Aubrey: yes

Aubrey: JuJu?
Me: Hey Aubrey, I love you
Aubrey: Are you coming to my house?
Me: (choking at this point) No sweetie, I have to work today
Aubrey: (handing the phone back to mom) I'm "pinished" (finished)

My tears flowed......

two hours later.

Phone rings - some random number.

Me: Hello?
Jon-Jon: Hey JuJu!
Me: (running outside of my office to be sure I have good phone reception) Hey!!

The conversation continued.... I won't type all that out.

Needless to say, it has been an emotional day. I feel as if tears are just seconds away from bursting out of my eyes.... Tears of missing my family, and tears of praying for my brother, and tears of thankfulness that he was able to call me....

Kinda hard to focus on work today...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Update on Mamaw

She came through the surgery fine yesterday.

Today I got to talk to her - she has had NO pain medicine, not even tylenol, since coming out of recovery! WOW! I am impressed by this mamaw of mine! The Doctor couldn't even believe that!

She is already talking about going back to church next week! Her determination to continue doing the things God wants her to do should have all of us feel bad when we avoid things for a headache!

Everyone seems to be doing well.

For me, it has been tough to be here. It has really helped that so many people really love her and have taken care of her, and my family, through this.

Ronnie and I had some friends over last night too, that we had not seen in a while - so that helped to distract. We had a blast, eating, talking, and playing Wii.... they let me talk through what all was going on in Alabama, and then we moved on! Thank you guys!

I had my camera out to take pics of the evening.... and forgot till this morning. Sorry! You just have to take our word for it. My pride of the night was making my mom's famous "hot fudge cake" - - and it actually tasted almost as good as hers! It's always better when mom makes it - but hey, I do what I can. I knew it had to be good enough when everyone went back for seconds on the dessert!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I know you all know stories upon stories of people who have had their life changed by prayer.

I am asking all my bloggy world friends to join with me this weekend in prayer for my grandmother. I mentioned her a couple blogs back - they found that she had breast cancer just a few weeks ago - today they found that the cancer has already spread to her lymph nodes.

Friday she goes to have surgery - a masectomy and the lymph nodes to be removed as well.

The request that I have, and that my family has, is that you pray. Pray for peace in her about what is to come, pray for my mom, and her two brothers as they have to watch their mom go through this. Pray for the doctors, that they will have wisdom - and that they will listen to that wisdom in their heads! Pray that in some way, God will use this for His glory.

We aknowledge Christ in this. We will stand, with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, knowing that our God is able to deliver her. Heal her. Take the cancer away. But if He chooses not to, we will praise Him anyway.

I have been blessed in knowing that all four of my grandparents have been believers as long as I have known them. I know that not everyone has that blessing, I am thankful for the heritage of godliness that has been passed down through these generations. My Papaw passed away about 8 years ago. I also realize how amazing it is that at 29 years old, I still have three grandparents.

Mamaw, as I have always known, and as most of the people that know her call her, is one of the most godly women you wil ever meet. She has prayed many of us through more situations than we can count. And anyone who has ever asked for her to pray for them has had a "number" in her prayer journal - - with a date it was first requested - - and a date that there was an answer from God - - and what that answer was.

Thank you to all who will give my Mamaw a "number" in their prayer book this weekend.

Our God answers prayer. This we know for sure.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I want it now!

What it is about finally exercising that makes me want immediate gratification more than ever?

I caught myself - after a pilates video, and a 3 mile run - looking at my stomach in the car on the way home and wondering if it had gotten any "tighter!"

I mean, I have been working on this for about three weeks now (skipping the week I was in Bama.... I choose not to count that one!... even though I did chase a 2 year old around a LOT!)

But I want it all... and I want it now!!

In other news, Jen has posted some new pics of Barrett.... that baby is already sleeping like a crazy man - 4-6 hours at night time! He is precious...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

what a rollercoaster!

Wow. The last 10 days have just been over the top. In as many ways as possible.

I will try to get it all in a post - but that will require less detail than is really deserved on any of these topics.

1. As seen previously, Jen had her baby. A wonderful, healthy little boy. Named Barrett. He is wonderful! A great sleeper, only cries when ya change his diaper or give him a bath. A wonderful baby!

2. Due to the birth of Barrett, Ronnie and I got to spend some wonderful quality time with Aubrey. She is precious. and talks CONSTANTLY. My favorite comment of the week was when we were in Target, Ronnie put some random headband on her head.. she didn't see it coming. She jumped up, hands on her hips, and loudly said "What's the big idea here, Ronnie?" Oh, so young, and yet so smart!!!! We got to take her to play at Chickfila, get prizes at Target, see a magician at church, run through the aisles at Walmart with her swinging from our arms, and watch her learn about her baby brother. Time I will treasure forever.

3. Ronnie, Mom, Dad, Jon, Brantley and I all went out for a dinner the night before Jon left to go to his train-up for Afghanistan. I will be honest and just say that I am not ready to do this again. If you haven't experienced a family member or loved on being over there, there is just no way for you to understand the constant wondering, fighting the unknown, waking up with a gut feeling, and spending hours a night praying. I am proud of my brother. I am thankful for our military. It hurts to see him go back.

4. Mamaw found out she has breast cancer. (This is my mom's mom). Cancer has never been a problem in our family. Heart disease, yep - strokes, got em - alzheimers, yep... cancer? no. So this is new to our family. Decisions, test, dyes, etc are all going on this week. Please be praying for mamaw, and for my mom as they make all these decisions.

5. A friend of mine in Ga announced she is pregnant with number 2. Who will be 13 months younger than number 1!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!

6. Another friend of mine found out that after years of trying to get pregnant, they are finally approved to adopt - and will have a baby in May.

7. A friend from VA had her sister pass away unexpectedly.

8. Friendship has been redefined again in my life. No details. But I will say this, friends that are only friends when things are easy, or when they are good, or when they need something themselves, are easy to find in the good times, but seem to disappear with life gets rough.

Friends that are willing to cry with you, pray with you, love with you, hurt with you, celebrate the good, and mourn the bad, drop their details to help you pick up your pieces, are very difficult to find. I am blessed to say that God has given me a few. Those that are not afraid of the tears streaming down my cheeks as the bad news drops. Those that are thrilled to celebrate to amazing.

These are the people that make me want to be a better friend. They make me want to be like them. I pray that those people will find you!

Thank you.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

He's here!

Jen had to have a C-section this morning. She was supposed to have delivered yesterday but when she came to the hospital yesterday morning Barrett had turned around and would have delivered breech. Just 5 days ago the doc had said he was fully engaged and ready to have an easy delivery - - he decided to flip upside-down!! So, they simply rescheduled for today, (tuesday) and all went well. He was born this morning around 8:00 - - 8 lbs, 8 oz, 21 inches... at 11:00 his temp was already back up to 98.6 and glucose level at 77 (apparantly anything above 40 is good - I don't know.) Jen is sore - but morphine is fixing all those problems:) As any proud aunt would do, here are a couple pics.

Aubrey hasn't met Barrett yet, she is supposed to come to the hospital after her nap this afternoon to meet her new little brother. I will get some more pics when she meets him! She has kinda been ignoring the events of the week so far. I kept her all afternoon yesterday afternoon while the rest of the family was doing everything else in the world - so we had a good time, but didn't ever discuss the baby.

It has been so good to be here to meet my little nephew - he is precious!

On all other fronts - my grandmothers tests are all still scheduled for Friday (which may now be the day that Jen is coming home from the hospital.)and my brother is still leaving for Afghanistan training on Saturday.

Hope you guys are having a good week. Thanks for the prayers!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Not today

My little nephew was supposed to make his grand entrance into the world today, but somehow, between the last time they checked, and today - he flipped his little head back around so his feet were at the bottom. So, long story short - we are gonna try to welcome him to this planet tomorrow! Please be praying for Jen, Aubrey, and Andy as they all are getting ready for Barrett to come!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

27 years ago

27 years ago - 1982

Michael Jackson releases Thriller.
AT&T divides into 22 separate companies.
Chariots of Fire wins best picture.
The Weather channel is on Cable for the first time!
Ronald Reagan was in his second year of his first term.
Epcot center opens at Disney World for the first time.
The first Double Stuff Oreo is sold.
Sony launches the first Compact Disc player.
The Dow surges 43.41 points - (4.25%) to close at 1,065.49 - its first all- time high in more than 9 years. The points gain is the biggest ever to this point.
The Veterans Memorial is dedicated in D.C.
Time Magazine's "man of the year" is given for the first time to a non-human. A computer.
The Toyota Camry is introduced for the first time.
Median Household Income - $20,000.
Top movies - - E.T. – the Extra-Terrestrial, Tootsie, Gandhi, The Verdict.

A bit less noticed - in southside, VA. A young man was born - this young man would grow to be a godly young man that although most people did not notice the birth... he would change my life forever. My husband started his journey on earth.

The journey for him so far has been one filled with achievement, excellence, honor, and goals attained. For many 27 year olds, that simply cannot be said. I am excited to be the one that God chose to put along side him through the challenges and thrills of life. I have said it many times before - and never will quit saying it. No one but God could have chosen a man for me that fits so perfectly into every aspect of life. No, life ain't perfect, it never is. But to have such an amazing man - - and to be able to call him mine... and be called his - is so much more than I ever expected, and DEFINATELY worth the wait!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Too much time, too little to do - Wait - Reverse that -

What movie is that from?

Anyway - as stated by my dear movie companion, and fellow chocolate lover - Willy Wonka - "too much time, too little to do" seems to be my theme these days. I mean, I feel like my list is long... laundry, syllabus writing, questions to create for this online music course, dishes, basic house maintenance, my commitment to Scripture memory and healthy living... yet, due to the fact that all of these have this "whenever" basis, I generally feel like I am behind in all of them.

It all falls back to discipline. My goal for the year. I have none when I am given freedom.

When I had a daily job, and requirements and deadlines, I get more done. When I have free time - I end up at the end of the day wondering why I didn't get my stuff done.

I don't want to waste my day. I don't set out for that to happen. It just seems to happen.

So, I am working on finding a way to plan my days. Even those days that seem to have no plan. I have got to get a schedule going. It can have some flexibility - but it must be planned.

So, having said that - - this must be a short blog. For I have a schedule to come up with!

P.S. mom blogged about her Hospital visit this weekend... and her memory verse and the reason behind it

What a whirlwind....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I forgot to send a card

So, I am going to say Happy Birthday to my mom here! I am sure she will read it... sometime... soon... I hope.

Here are '50' reasons I love my mom!
1. She is so in love with Jesus it is precious!
2. She is a great encourager
3. She always gave me advice.
4. Usually I wanted it
5. She loves my daddy so much!
6. She has taught so many ladies so many things!
7. I hope my life has as much impact as hers has had!
8. She loves me
9. She loves my brother
10. She loves my sister
11. She treats my husband, brother in law, and soon to be sister in law as if they were her own.
12. She thinks fairness is important
13. Sometimes the 'in-law' children get it better than the real ones... HEHEHEHEHE!!!!
14. But we even like that because even that shows how much she loves us.
15. She wants us to be all that God wants us to be.
16. We can never get by with anything less than our best.
17. She gave up 12 years of her life to teach us.
18. She never went to college because of us - a sacrifice greater than I can imagine.
19. She looks forward to talking to me
20. I want to be a mom like her.
21. I want to love people like she does.
22. I want to have a spirit for Jesus like she does.
23. She loves her mom, and mother and father in law.
24. She loved her daddy so much!
25. She loves so much.... even when we do stupid things....
26. When Jonathan was little... she called him the wrong name when he was bad... Jen and I thought that was funny.
27. She loves Aubrey a ton too... and will make it a priority to love all her grandkids the same amount... even if, because of distance, she has to show it differently!
28. She is constantly in God's Word
29. She shares what she learns with us.
30. Even sometimes when its hard to hear what she just learned
31. I look just like her.
32. And that's a wonderful thing
33. Cuz she doesn't look 50.
34. Even though she is!!
35. My friends all loved my mom.
36. She made sure we all had a place to hang out,
37. Even when her house may not have been perfect.
38. She still opened it for us.
39. She knew we were more important than a perfect house.
40. That showed us love.
41. She likes to do projects.
42. She doesn't like to exercise.
43. I got it honestly.
44. She over packs.... for everything.
45. I got that honestly too!
46. She is the woman I look up to more than anyone else.
47. I miss her tons!
48. I can't wait till I see her again next week.
49. She has shown us the love of Christ through her life.
50. I want to be just like her.

I love you mom.

Monday, May 5, 2008


hey - My mom put together a great blog on forgiveness... go read it - I will write more after I do my homework preparing for my class tomorrow night.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


So, someone gave a link in the comments to my last blog to the full story of the military funeral that I saw... Turns out that the people I had asked about the funeral were mis-informed. It was not the funeral of the Roanoke soldier, however it was a military funeral, of a vet from the Korean war. They apparantly have recently found some soldier bodies from that war, and this soldier from my city was identified.

My emotions are not diminshed by this not being what I originally was told. Can you imagine the closure that a family must feel to finally know what happened to their loved one? A wife? A sister? A brother? Now, for the first time in 50 years they know the end of the story. Both of my grandfathers fought in Korea. One in the Air Force, and one in the Army... I cannot imagine what the family of this soldier must feel today. relief? saddness remembered? regret? closure?

Anyway - having said all of that, I am sure the family of the Roanoke soldier still needs your prayers during this time.... and I know my family appreciates your prayers for my brother as he finishes his time over seas. He wants to finish this race strong, and we want him to, but even more than that, we want to see his smiling face and get that "little" brother hug I have needed for the last 7 months!

On to other topics. This is a birthday week for me... WHOA! I will be 29. (for the first time) I always thought I would feel older when I got to 29, but surprisingly I still feel about 21. I have decided though, that I might turn 29 several times before the next dreaded number. Don't get me wrong, I would rather have birthday's than the alternative right now - but maybe I will just stay 29 until my husband catches up with me... I married a youngster, he is only 26. So, I think I will stay 29 for about 3 years... or maybe longer.

Well, it's dinner time. re-run food here we come!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

my experience yesterday afternoon

I was sitting in front of the CVS in my town. Across from the big graveyard, and traffic was all jacked up. I was stopped right at the entrance for the graveyard.

I have to believe God put me there. At the time, I was frustrated though, a funeral procession was coming and I was late getting to the church. Car after car turned into the cemetary.

There was a family standing along the road at first, they had American flags in their hand and it looked like they were waiting to cross the street at the entrance to the cemetary. I though thtey had just visited a grave or whatever. Then more people started to walk up, each carrying American flags. As some of the people in front of me in the traffic got frustrated and turned down the side roads, I pulled up a bit further, looked down into the cemetary and saw two lines of soldiers standing at attention. My heart dropped. About 10 days ago, a soldier from the VA national guard was killed in Iraq by an IED. He was 24 days from coming home, had taken his wife's place to go (she was called up and he rejoined so that she could stay home since she was pregnant with their second child). The guy was part of my brother's battalion. They trained at the same time about 8 months ago. I looked further down the road. Jon's group was trying to get back to their base about a week ago to make it to the memorial there overseas. It was strange to think I was at the other end of a funeral that started in the Middle East. As I looked up, I saw the Patriot riders... the motorcycle guys that stop any protesters from showing up at military funerals and send-offs. They are there to protect the families of the soldiers.

The tears started to fall then as they are falling now. I then saw the TV cameras coming to the street from the graveside - Then, the hurst with the coffin, I could see the American flag draped across the coffin through the window as it passed by me. As it passed, and turned into the cemetary - the tears flooded my eyes. Time was standing still. Then Someone behind me honked their horn, as the traffic in front of me started to go and I was just sitting there, watching, wishing I had known it was happening in time to go as support, wishing I could hug his family and say Thank you.... Anyway, please pray for this guy's family.... I don't know how they are handling it... and please continue to pray for Jonathan... He is so close to the end of his tour... don't let up on the prayers for his safety!

Friday, April 18, 2008

I'm baaack

Whoa, what a week! actually, what a "two weeks"! Its been kinda crazy around the house, but I think things are settled down a bit... at least today.

It was so crazy this week that I actually missed the Finale of the Biggest Loser - AND I missed the Office - one due to teaching my new college course, and one due to a Tupperware party. I have to get online and see the re-runs soon. Not right now of course - that would be too easy!

I also have been sickly, my voice sounds like I have sandpaper lining my throat. Wow. I think (hope) its just allergies, but since there was a fever involved for about 48 hours, it may be a combination allergy and cold/flu bugish thing.... So this morning my nose has joined my throat on its boycott of functioning properly and I have that nice tickle that makes my eye keep watering because my nose is tickling... You all know the feeling... close to torture!

On to better topics - I had a COMPLETE conversation on the phone with my 23 month old niece yesterday! Here is the script... (I have to add, she had this full conversation with me with NO coaching from mom on the phone.) (Also, mom and Jen have really worked to make sure she knows me and Jon since we are away while she is learning people... so she knows our picures, and our names and stuff!)

Me: Hello?
Aubrey: Hello Ju-Ju
Me: How are you?
Aubrey: good.
Me: are you playing with Bob?
Aubrey: Bob
Me: Is larry there too?
Aubrey: laura Carrot
Me: I am gonna see you next week ok?
Aubrey: Ok
Me: I love you
Aubrey: I love you
Me: Ok, Bye bye.
Aubrey............ Bye bye

And then mom got the phone back... It was so much fun! The reference to Bob, Larry, and Laura carrot are all Veggie tales stuffed... umm.. animals? Vegetables? Anyway - stuffed things that mom told me she was playing with at the time. its the first ACTUAL conversation i have had with her since I moved away before she was really getting words together, and she has now begun to really comunicate just recently! So much fun!

Well, its a beautiful day here - and I want to enjoy it - even though it will probably make my allergies decide to go into overdrive.... it just KILLS me to have to stay inside!

Have a nice day.

Friday, April 4, 2008

nothing much to say

Do ya ever find that when the more stuff is going on in your life, the less you have to say about ... well.. anything? That has been my problem this week... things are happening... its been busy - good, bad, indifferent - nothing REALLY major - most things possibly significant but not amazing or really extra life changing or anything - just stuff - you know - what life is made of... however, nothing interesting enough to put on the internet for the world to read, yet mind consuming for me so that I can't really come up with anything ELSE To put on the internet for the world to read!

Basically, its a vicious cycle! Anyway - maybe one day something will be interesting enough to put on the internet - until then, you are stuck with my trying to come up with something to say that is not boring... yet not exciting either:)

Anyway - my brother seems to be doing well... we are TRYING to count down the days till he comes home... just gotta stop him from taking those long walks! mom and dad have a new blog on the home... which is what they have done lots of researching on and stuff over the years... Jen has a photography blog now... and is taking some kickin pics!

Anyway - hope all is well with you and yours.... (sounds like a bad Christmas card i know) -
Happy Weekend!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fish sticks for Breakfast

As a child, Good Friday meant one major thing to me - Fish Sticks for Breakfast. I don't really remember eating fish sticks often, so anytime I see them now, or eat them, I think of good Friday in the Warren household.

Jonathan would be in charge of the fire, since he was always ok with getting up early if it included fires, he would build a fire in our backyard, Jen and I would roll out of bed at the last possible minute and the whole family, would go to the back yard and sit on blankets around the fire and eat Fish Sticks and Eggs for breakfast. Mom would usually have little Rye rolls as well - This was good Friday breakfast for us. We were really celebrating after Jesus' ressurection when he appeared to the disciples and cooked breakfast for them when they came ashore after trying to catch fish. They ate the fish they had just caught... so we had the 20th cent. version of fresh fish... Fish sticks. Dad would read the easter story, we would have some concrete spikes laying next to our plates, and hold those against our wrists as dad talked so as to imagine for just a moment the pain that our Savior went through as He died for us. We would then have a prayer time.

The rest of the day was usually uneventful other than the burping of fish sticks all day... But the mornings stood out to me. I don't remember when we had our last family breakfast on Good Friday. Its one of those things that got harder and harder to do once we got in college and started moving away... I miss it though. It might even be a tradition I carry on once the are children in the Mayhew home... We shall see.

I hate the way Good Friday is skipped over in American tradition. We remember all facets of Christmas, and that is good... however, without Good Friday - the death of our Lord... and Easter - the ressurrection, Christmas would have no meaning. It would just be another day.

He was wounded for OUR transgressions, He was bruised for OUR iniquities.... and BY HIS STRIPES we are healed! Today is the remembrance of this. My transgressions, my iniquities... they are healed because of the stripes, the nails, the crown of thorns and the spear.

The crucifixion was not God's backup plan, it was His original plan. "It pleased the Father." This is such a picture of the love of God for us, His creation. He was pleased to offer His Son for our redemption.

Whoa, I could go on and on... .but I won't - Just remember, today is different. Today is the remembrance of the day Jesus died. The day His followers didn't understand what was going on. The day His mother had to think back on the little child that had been born in Bethelem just 33 years earlier and have memory slide shows of her little boy growing up. The day the temple vail was torn in half and the presence of God was now available to all men. The day the sky turned black in the middle of the day because God had turned His back away from His Son... not becuase of shame... but because our Holy God couldn't bear to be in the presence of the sin that was on the shoulders of His own Son. But this day was more than that. It was different. It was the beginning of a new period of History. It was the day that the sacrifice on the cross... the most cruel form of punishment ever imagined by the depraved human mind, bought us a chance for eternity with God! Wow!!!

I leave you with a few phrases.

Jesus paid it all - ALL to Him I owe, Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. Hallelujah, what a Savior, Hallelujah what a Friend! Jesus, what a friend for sinners, Jesus lover of my soul. How marvelous, how wonderful, and my song shall ever be - How marvelous, how wonderful is My Savior's Love for me.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Change in plans

I had a great post ready for today - it's a funny story of dinner at a friends house the other night - complete with great pictures... however, it will have to be delayed.

In the last 48 hours some things have happened to people that I know and love that have forced my emotions into extremes.

The good first. Some friends of ours from church were pregnant. She was due in the middle of March, however, on Tuesday of this week - the little girl was born - 8 weeks early. There were lots of fears about her lungs, her heart, even her stomach when she was born so early. However, this little 2lb 15 oz girl was born strong. She obviously still has a long way to go before she leaves the hospital - but amid many prayers of the people at our church - she has the doctors confused. What a Savior we have.... that He would touch the small body of this little girl and show doctors that sometimes they can't explain miracles. We rejoice with the family of baby Allison!

Second, there is pain in the life of my family. We have a family friend, Terry.... he is literally a part of my family. He has spent more time in my parents house than me, Jon, and Jen in the last 15 years or so. He was a groomsman in my sisters wedding, an usher in my wedding, and will be in my brothers wedding.

Last May, Terry's youngest brother - Scott was taken in a fatal car accident. Scott was only 20 years old (approx... I don't know his exact age) and this was obviously tragic for the family.

Yesterday afternoon, I got a call from my mom. Terry's other brother - Jason - who was my sister's best friend through high school - was taken home as well. His father found him in his bed yesterday morning. Jason was the "funny" guy as I remember from the days he and Jenifer spent so much time together. He was always laughing, smiling, making jokes. I never saw him get down outside of the death of his brother last May. What a reality check it is for those of us left here - - that there are no promises of tomorrow. The Hall family is hurting right now. I called Terry last night, but what do you say? As he answered the phone, I started to choke. I could only come up with "you know I love you, and Ronnie and I are praying for you." I can't say "I understand" - because I don't... I can only pray... and love from the distance of states away. I want to go be with my friends - I want to be with my sister during this time that she is hurting. I want my brother to be here - Terry is his best friend.... I want to be there for Terry - he is trying so hard to be strong... I can do nothing. Its kinda funny how we feel that we need to be there for people - when in reality - even being there will do nothing to help other than support. I guess it is just one more picture of why we need people in our lives. People that love us - people that support us during the painful times....

I am rambling... mainly because I still feel that I don't know what to say to Terry, to Jenifer, to Terry's family, or to Jonathan...

In addition to this death so close to my family. A public figure in Alabama, Rick Burgess, of the Rick and Bubba show on WZZK - lost his three year-old son in a drowning accident the other day. I just watched the sermon that Rick gave at the memorial service for his son on youtube. You can link to my sisters blog if you would like to see this. You can also search it on YouTube. It is about 30 minutes long - but is a passionate cry to the believers to quit being wimpy Christians, and realize that we are to be Warriors. I do not want to begin to try to deliver his sermon. He said it all so well. However, one phrase sticks out.... he is talking about teaching his children to be Warriors for Christ - that is so much mroe important that being educated, being talented, or defining yourself through worldly success... His reason was that in that moment, when he was told that his son had passed away - he was able to cry to God - not in anger, or shaking his fist and asking "why" but he could say - "If it costs my son's life, so that people will not perish in eternity - then It is well with my soul." Wow..... that is all I can say. Please connect to watch this 30 minutes sermon - it might change your life. For me, it put things in perspective.

So, within 48 hours - life so prescious, and death so real, and faith so strong... I turn and wonder - what is my response Lord? Do I have the faith of Rick Burgess and his family. Would I be able to turn, in the face of tragedy, and say "It is well with my soul?" Would I be able to turn my pain into a call to battle for the warriors of God? I may never face the pain that Terry and his family are facing, or that Rick and his family are facing. To be honest - I don't WANT that type of pain in my life - who does? However, I do want to be able to say that I lived my life making an impact, that my life, however long it is, made a difference on this planet. This will require being rejected. John says that "In this world you WILL face tribulation" This is not a "maybe" It is a definate. The great thing is what follows "But do not fear - I have overcome the world" Wow - that is a promise! I want to hold to this promise. I want to be able to look at the unbelievers in the world around me and say - "No - I can't do this on my own - but my Father can!"

Please join me in prayer for my friend Terry - and his family. Please join me in loving my friends - the parents of baby Allison - and rejoicing with them... and please join me, in joining the battle to which Rick has called us all.... to use the events in life to show the world that Jesus is real and that He is the only way to make it through times like this!