Showing posts with label transferware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transferware. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Decorating Bravery and Using What You Have

I've long had the problem of worrying what others will think or judge about how I decorate home.  I've worried to the point of not doing much of anything.  Crazy, huh?!  I also hesitate because I don't want to fail and end up with results I don't like.  Well, I recently tried to stop worrying and started to just go for it.  It can be hard because I find myself going back and forth in my mind between trying not to worry and thinking of what's "in" and trying to figure out what I'd really like to do in my own home.  I'm hoping it'll get easier with practice.

One brave move I made was to finally hang my red plates.

I love transferware!  I've been slowly collecting it over the years.  I initially fell in love with blue ones.  However, when I started collecting them I found myself loving the red/cranberry color too.  So, my collection of those two colors began to grow.  I hung a few on the walls years ago but a collection of the red ones grew and just sat stored away because I just couldn't figure out where to put them.  They don't exactly go with the colors in our home.  Red is one of the colors we have in our decor but it's not quite the cranberry red in transferware.

  There was some space in our dining room for them.  And, I noticed that the cute little noses on this bunny painting we have just happen to match the plates perfectly.  I played around with the arrangement for a few weeks but didn't want to commit out of fear it might not look good and it didn't  perfectly match the rest of the house.  Finally, one day, I just made myself go for it.  I made a decision on a layout and began pounding nails into the wall one by one until I had this....

I absolutely love it!  I often sit on the side of the table facing it just so I can stare at it.  It's so pretty!  And, no, it's not the right red but the painting across the room has some of this color in it along with the red-red that's in other parts of the house.  That sort of ties it together.  And, I think that's good enough!  Especially since I love this so much!  

This is also a great example of use-what-you-have to decorate.  I imagine I'm not the only one that has things tucked away here and there that aren't being used.  Or, things that can be arranged differently or in a whole new way or area.  I've been noticing this past year or so that I often think of something I'd like to get or an area I'd like to decorate and find that I already have something that will work.  It's such a great feeling!  Not to mention a great money saver!  

Sometimes it's something that may work out great until I find something to replace it or make it even better.  This photo is a good example of that.  The dresser isn't exactly what I want for our dining room.  I'd prefer a buffet or hutch of some kind (which I had something closer to that idea but it works better in our craft studio for now).  However, I just haven't found what I want yet and I'm a budget shopper which means it may take even longer to find.  So, for now, the dresser will work.  

The Pepsi box is another example of using what we have.  I'd been watching for a nice wood tray for a bar but never found one I loved.  We had found this box at an antique sale and it worked great for our bar.  So, that's how we're using it.  It's not quite big enough but we can at least keep our most used spirits in there.

How do you approach decorating?  Are you fearful of what others will think to the point of not doing much decorating?  Does fear of it not working out make you hesitate?  Do you decorate with what's currently in style?  Or, are you brave and bold and just go for it and do your own thing?  Are you budget minded and go to thrift shops, yard sales, and antique stores?  Have you found joy in using things you already have?  Have you always approached it in one of those ways or changed over time?  Our homes are ours and we should enjoy them in that a reflection of us and who lives there.  Although, it's not always easy.  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spring Cleaning in My Studio

I love my craft studio and it gets a lot of use.  One of the more recent uses was for the Care Package Project.  For over a month the table was covered in boxes, donations, and projects we were working on to make them extra nice.  The table and room seemed so bare once the boxes were sent off.  That inspired some spring cleaning.  I started cleaning, dusting, and re-organizing

This morning, I finally put the new cutting mat on the table that my husband gave me for Christmas.

I can't believe what a perfect fit it is for my table!

It's so much bigger than the one I've been using for over 25 years.
It'll be so much easier to cut fabric on!

I kind of needed a new one!  The old one was supposed to be "self healing" and it was for a long time.  But, I have a feeling they weren't meant to be used this long.  It's been cracking and falling apart
over the past few years.  I got a LOT of use out of it.

Here's the other side of the room.  I love my chandelier!
I just need to make some window treatments.  That would make the room look great!

I still haven't figured out how to make the working/supply side of the room prettier.
Lots of supplies are easily accessible though.  There's also a walk-in closet in the room.

I've had some red transferware plates sitting around for a while.  I just couldn't decide where I wanted to hang them.  Plus, I have trouble committing to a decision when it comes to hanging things on the walls.  I think that's weird since I used to hang tons of stuff on my walls.  Anyway, it popped in my head to try them in the studio and they looked so good that I actually hung them up!
You can see them in the top photo too.

The bins that used to fill the studio closet are now spilling into the room.
These two have yarn in them...along with several in the closet.

And, these are filled with fabric and patterns...

I really want to work through the materials in these bins.
I'd like to have less bins and materials, and more space.
The satisfaction of all the things I could make would be great!
I'm determined!  Now, if I can just match patterns and projects to the stash I have!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Updates and Fun Finds

Life's been busy lately but good.  I got to work a couple of days this week at the yarn/antique shop.  So fun!  I love it!  I even taught a few classes while I was there.  Grandpa, who I mentioned went into the hospital on Monday, ended up with double pneumonia.  He seems to be doing pretty well though and was told that he'll be going home today.  I got the results of my uterine biopsy back last week.  It's good and bad news.  The hormone therapy improved the complex endometrial hyperplasia to simple endometrial hyperplasia (that sure is a long name!).  That's good in that the risk of cancer is almost nothing now.  But, the doctor recommended doing another six cycles of progesterone to try to completely fix the problem.  The bad news is that I'll have to go through that horrid biopsy again.  Ugh! But, on the bright side...that means I'll need more yarn therapy afterwards!  ;-)

I visited my daughter last week.  We went to lunch and ran a few errands.  In the afternoon, we went for a foot massage.  They said it was an hour and only $20.  Sounded good.  Turned out to be a whole body massage for an hour.  It was amazing!  We only had to take our shoes off.  We started out by soaking our feet in tubs of warm water while they massaged our necks and shoulders.  Then, we laid down and they massaged our scalps, face, arms, hands, feet and legs.  And, if that weren't enough, we then laid on our stomachs and they massaged our backs and necks more and our feet and legs again.  We felt amazing after that.  We tipped generously and it was still an amazing deal!  We'll definitely be going back to that place!  We ended our visit with dinner and she played her harp for me so I could hear some of the pieces she's working on and what she'll be playing in the upcoming concerto competition.  I've been listening to her play for years but she never ceases to amaze me.  Her playing is so beautiful!  

I've squeezed in a bit of shopping time here and there.  I'd love to show you what I've found...

When I visited my daughter, I stopped at Suzoo's Wool Works in Costa Mesa.  I'd never been there and, since I was nearby, I had to check it out.  I bought a beautiful shawl pin.  It was only $10!

On the way home from visiting Grandpa in the hospital this week, I stopped to check out some antique shops I'd never been to.  I found a transferware plate that I couldn't pass up.  Botanicals and birds are my favorite on transferware.  And, this shape is so unusual that I had to get it for my collection.

When I was working at the shop yesterday, I helped someone start her first crochet, lace shawl.  She chose a skein of Cascade Heritage Sock yarn in a gorgeous blue/teal color (color #5637).  I fell in love with it and there was just one skein left.  So, I had to buy it.  The color is quite different than in the photo.  Pictures just don't show how gorgeous it is in person.  But, this was the last skein and this yarn just came in the shop last week.  So, that speaks well to how beautiful it is.  It's also very soft.  It's made with 75% Merino superwash wool and 25% nylon.  I can't wait to make something with it!

I finally have a "normal" day at home today and my to-do list is super long.  I have lots to catch up on...including blogging.  So, I was sure to put it on my list.  
Now, back to laundry, cleaning, and all the other stuff.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Another Day, Another Plate

I found another transferware plate this week...

I love them all but the red ones are some of my favorites.  I have quite a few and this one just joined my collection.  It's botanical...the kind I like most.  And, I couldn't possibly pass it was only $3!
I don't think it's old but that's ok because I like it.  :-)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I popped into a little antique shop this week and just couldn't resist this...

I don't think it's antique.  But, I don't care.  It's gorgeous!
I have a hard time resisting transferware and have a little collection going.
I've never seen this one and I love the picture, the border and the black and white of it.
So pretty!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pretty Plates

I'm always watching for transferware but rarely find it...until lately. I found two antique plates and a cup a few months ago. I found another antique plate and two new replicas a few weeks ago. And, last week, I found three more replicas that I couldn't pass up...

This red plate with a chicken will go great with my growing collection of red transferware. I love the gingham border...

I'm always watching for red, blue, brown or black transferware and I usually just find red. Sometimes I find blue plates but I pass them up because they usually have buildings or people on them and I just collect plates with botanical patterns. When I find them with botanical patterns, they're rare and expensive. This one is botanical and definitely fits into my budget. It was only $2!...

This one was only $2 too! I broke my own rule of no buildings but this little cottage scene is pretty. This small saucer is so cute and I like it's rippled edge...

Now, I'm officially collecting red and blue. And, now, I think I have enough red plates to hang in a nice grouping on the wall. :-)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Growing Collection

My collection of transferware is growing! I found a two plates and a cup a couple of months ago. Yesterday, I visited one of my favorite little antique shops and found two more...

This one is small but so pretty. I think it's old too...

Here's the back of it...

I like botanical patterns the best and have avoided designs with buildings, people or scenes...until now. I couldn't resist this one because it's so cute. I love the cow, the sheep, the black sheep, more sheep in the background and, of course, all of the flowers around the edge. This plate is a reproduction of a pattern called, "Milk Maid" which was first introduced in 1814. It even came with a plate hanger already on it...

This is another reproduction that I found a few weeks ago at a discount store. The center of the plate is similar to an antique one that I already have but the pattern around the edge is different...

I'd love it if all of my plates were old but transferware has become a challenge to find. So, when I find a plate that I like and it's in a color I like, especially red, I get it! I think I have enough now to hang a nice grouping on the wall.

I'm still considering a large antique transferware pitcher that I saw yesterday. It's gorgeous but it's $38 (not too bad). Hmmm???

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fabulous Finds

As I get back into blogging, I'm finding things to catch up on. Like, some fabulous things I've found over the past month or so...

I spotted a Santo doll years ago in a decorating book and have been on the lookout for one ever since. I found some a few years ago that were (supposedly) authentic antiques. They were, however, very expensive! I just couldn't bring myself to spend so much on one. I kept looking and recently found a reproduction Santo that was more in my price range. She's so beautiful and I've been wanting one so bad that I splurged. I love her face!

The antique store that I found her in had a pretty rosary draped around her neck. After I brought her home, I quickly went on Etsy and bought a red one for her.

She's 27" tall. The orginal Santos were used in Catholic ceremonies and were heavily adorned. I'm thinking that she might look really pretty with a gathered silk skirt in an antique ivory color.

Something else I've been wanting for a long time...years...are some cowgirl boots. And, not just any cowgirl boots. I wanted "Old Gringo" brand boots. I've tried on mannnny boots over the past few years and always fall in love with Old Gringo. They have such a great look and feel. I like how the tops are narrower than most brands too. That works well on my skinny legs. The only problem...they're usually around $500! That's definitely not in my budget! Imagine my excitement when I found some online for only $149! I bought them for myself for my birthday. Here they are...

I've heard women talk about how, when they put on a great pair of high heeled shoes, they feel powerful, wonderful and like they could conquer the world. When I put these on, I know exactly what they're talking about! I love them!

I'm always on the lookout for transferware. These days, it's pretty hard to find. When I do find it, it's usually expensive. I stopped in at one of my favorite antique stores recently and found three pieces of transferware! And, the prices were great!

I'm not sure if I've ever seen this pattern. It's called "Paisley"...

Here's the back...

Another cute little plate in the "Branble" pattern...

Here's the back of this one...

I even found a little cup!

Here's it's bottom...

I feel like I've been hitting the jackpot of fabulous finds lately! I wonder what I'll find next?! I can hardly wait to find out!