I made two doilies. One is big enough for a teapot and the other is coaster size for her teacup.
I started with the larger one and used the "8. Vanity Fair" pattern I used about a year ago as inspiration for another doily. I altered it a bit more on this one because I had less yarn and wanted to be sure I had enough.
I ended up with enough yarn left over to make a coaster. I used the "Kimberly's Flower Coaster" pattern that I've used in the past but I modified it so it would go with the larger one. I love the little points on both of them. And, I love their chunkiness.
I also sent her a little scrubber that I had made. It even matched the tea boxes! Maybe she'll use it to wash her teacups.
It wasn't a lot but it was made and sent with love. She called after she recieved it and said she really liked it. She lives a few states away and we've been talking about having tea together over some of our phone conversations. Oh...and, since her doilies are green, they'll also work for Christmas (they're a prettier, sage kind of green in person)! :-)