Showing posts with label blog party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog party. Show all posts

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Blue Finch

The recent "Grow Your Own Blog" party hosted by Vicki at "2 Bags Full" was so much fun!
And, the fun continues...  One of the blogs I visited during the party was "Blue Finch".  I enjoyed her blog and began following it and left a comment.  I don't think I realized that she was giving away
a pair of earrings to each person that commented, followed her blog or emailed her.  But soon after I had left a comment, she emailed me to let me know she'd be sending me a pair.

After receiving her email, I popped over to her blog for another look and noticed that she had over 60 comments on that one post.  That's a LOT of earrings to give away.  Not to mention that it would be costly to send all of them.  I wanted to ease her burden and asked that she not send any to me.  But, she insisted.  I think she had a LOT of work ahead of her as she was just recently able to finish all the earrings, pack them up, and ship them.  I received mine this last week.

They're pretty!

They arrived in a fancy box and the earrings were attached to a cute little card stock finch...

I'm excited to wear them!  I really need more earrings as I always wear the same few favorites.
I think these will become part of my regular rotation!

It turns out that Rachel makes lots of beautiful jewelry.
She sells it from her online store...

Thank you, Rachel, for your generous gift!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Congratulations to the Winner!

The "Grow Your Own Blog Party" hosted by Vicki at "2 Bags Full" has been amazing!
I have about four times more followers on my blog than when it started.
I've had so many wonderful comments that it's been hard to keep up with writing back to each one.
I've visited and started following lots of fun and inspiring blogs from the party. 
And, best of all, I'm making new and wonderful friends from around the world.

Thank you to each and every person who visited, started following my blog, and left comments.
I appreciate every visit, every follower and every sweet comment.
This has been so much fun!

Part of the fun is a give-away!  Each comment on my January blog posts and each and every follower received an entry into the contest.  I used a random number generator to pick the lucky winner.
And, the winner is...

Sandra from "Curlerchick 2.0"

Congratulations, Sandra!  You won from your comment on my "Blog Party Prize" post.
You can choose a prize from my that post.  Your prize will be made especially for you.
I'll contact you through email to see what you select and find out what colors you like.

The party isn't over just yet!  Vicki said she'll keep the party up all year long.  So, you still have plenty of time to visit the many wonderful blogs participating.  She has a link to each and every one of the almost 400 blogs that signed up.  And, I'm still planning another give-away for February!  So, starting today, February first, through the end of the month, each and every comment will go into the drawing.  I will announce a winner on March first.  Good luck!  I look forward to all your visits and comments.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Welcome to the Party!

There's a party goin' on!  I'm so glad you were able to come!  There are lots of wonderful people, great things to see, interesting stories, and endless inspiration.  There are hundreds of guests.  You and are are just a few.  The gracious host is Vicki at "2 Bags Full".  She came up with a wonderful idea for us to find new blogs to follow, meet other bloggers, and make new friends.  I loved the idea and didn't hesitate to join in on the fun.  My blog is just one of 400 that signed up for this international event.

When you visit my blog you'll find stories and pictures of things that I love to do...knitting, crochet, weaving, sewing, quilting, needle felting and more.  You'll find yummy recipes that I create using fresh, delicious ingredients.  You'll see stories of my adventures in travel, camping, and exploring slot canyons, caves and other exciting and beautiful places in the western United States.  You'll see lots of beautiful wildflower photos.  And, you'll enjoy stories about my wonderful family, including our adorable Airedale, Salsa and our soon to arrive new baby kitty, Penelope (we just picked her out at the shelter yesterday and get to bring her home on Monday...we're so excited!).

This month, I'll be having give-aways!  I'm still working on what the prizes will be.  So, be sure to come back and see.  To enter, simply leave a comment each time you stop by.  I love comments!  They add smiles to my day.  I try to respond to each and every one of them.  If you don't receive one, it's usually because the comment has a "no-reply" on it and no email address to write back to.  Each comment from all of the January posts will go into the drawing(s).  You can receive one entry for each blog post that you comment on.  If you're a follower or become a new follower, you'll get an additional entry.  I'll be drawing the name(s) of the winner(s) on February 1st.

I hope you'll come back for more visits.  While you're visiting today, click HERE to pop over to Vicki's to find more party goers and wonderful bogs to visit.  She has all the participants listed and linked so you can easily visit lots of them.  Have fun!