Last Saturday night, hubby and I went out on the town and took our dog Salsa.
What?! A date with the dog?! Yup! She had just been groomed and just had to show it off.
We took her to the
Lazy Dog Cafe in Temecula. They allow doggies in their outdoor dining area.
They just have three begging, barking or biting. They even have a menu for dogs.
Salsa had already had her dinner but she enjoyed watching us, the other people and
other dogs. She was such a good girl and really enjoyed her outing.
We did too! The drinks and food we had that night were SO good!
We started out with a special drink they're currently serving.
It had moonshine, berries, peaches, mint and....hmmmm?...I'm not sure if it had
anything else. But, it was good and cute too as it was served in canning jars.
Looks like Salsa thought it looked good. Looks like she was licking her lips!
This was super yummy....sweet potato tater tots with jalapeno aioli. Yum!!!\
I didn't take a picture of our dinner but it was super yummy too.
It was a sweet and spicy shrimp dish with broccoli and rice.
It was flavorful and delicious!
I did get a picture of my dessert. We decided to order more drinks instead of something sweet to eat.
I ordered a special drink I've only seen on their menu...a Phuket. It's like an herb garden in a glass.
It's made with pepper vodka, coconut rum, basil, jalapeno, and candied ginger. Yum!
Hubby had a Moscow Mule. It was pretty tasty too!
Salsa has gotten a lot more snuggly lately. While we were at the restaurant,
she went back and forth a few times between us to spend time next to each of us.
Sometimes she even sat down and leaned against me. So sweet!
She never did lay down though. I think she didn't want to miss any of the action
of people walking by and other dining doggies. Eventually, I think she got a little tired.
Salsa, hubby, and I had a great time!
I even got to sear my new, high shoes! They're actually comfortable.
I didn't think it was possible to have comfortable heals. But, these really are.
I've been working on improving my wardrobe over the past year or so and platform
heels are something that was on my list. I'm not sure the style of these would have
been tops on my list but when I tried them on it was no question....I had to get them.
It was perfect! So pretty and just a tad bit of warmth that I needed in the evening breeze.
We topped off our outing with a stroll around the shopping and a little window shopping.
I love evenings like this! It was wonderful! :-)