Showing posts with label onesies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label onesies. Show all posts

Monday, February 4, 2013

More Snuggles

Snuggle sacks are so great that I think every baby should have one.
I knitted one a few weeks ago for a baby boy.  Last week,
I knitted up another one for a baby girl who's expected to be born in about a month.  

What's a snuggle sack gift without some cute little onesies to match?!
It was hard to find baby clothes with the right green.
Just about everything I found with green had a neon, yellowy green.
I was about to give up when I finally found this adorable little set.
There's a little pink one that has tiny green leaves that tie into the snuggle sack...

There's a little gray one with tiny green leaves...

And, there are two with polka dots.

I ran out of time to make a matching hat.  But, I think the baby will will be warm and cozy
with long sleeves and the soft snuggle sack.

I got it done just in time for the shower on Saturday.

I'm not sure if the mommy-to-be had ever seen a snuggle sack
but she loved it and was thrilled to receive something hand made.
The only other thing she received that was handmade was a lacy,
crochet blanket my mom made for the baby.  It was gorgeous!
It was round, lacy, delicate, and a soft lavender/purple.
I wish I'd been able to get photos of it.
Mom-to-be loves purple and green.
Hopefully, the colors we chose were exactly what she'd hoped for.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Just finished up a snuggly little set for a baby boy that's soon to be born.
He'll be the first grandchild for one of the ladies in our knit group.

I knitted a little snuggle sack and a matching hat.
And, I found an adorable set of little onesies that not only match the gray yarn but
look how cute the little dinosaurs look peeking out from the top of the snuggle sack.

There are two long sleeve onesies and one with short sleeves.

I knitted the snuggle sack and matching hat with Simply Soft yarn in Grey Heather.
It took about one skein.  I used a size seven, 16" circular needle for the snuggle sack 
and size seven double point needles for the hat.

I posted additional notes on how I did it on my Ravelry site.
Just click HERE if you'd like to see them.

I even made a little dinosaur card to go with the gift.

I sure hope they like it and that they didn't already receive
 a bunch of these since they know a lot of knitters.