Snuggle sacks are so great that I think every baby should have one.
I knitted one a few weeks ago for a baby boy. Last week,
I knitted up another one for a baby girl who's expected to be born in about a month.
What's a snuggle sack gift without some cute little onesies to match?!
It was hard to find baby clothes with the right green.
Just about everything I found with green had a neon, yellowy green.
I was about to give up when I finally found this adorable little set.
There's a little pink one that has tiny green leaves that tie into the snuggle sack...
There's a little gray one with tiny green leaves...
And, there are two with polka dots.
I ran out of time to make a matching hat. But, I think the baby will will be warm and cozy
with long sleeves and the soft snuggle sack.
I got it done just in time for the shower on Saturday.
I'm not sure if the mommy-to-be had ever seen a snuggle sack
but she loved it and was thrilled to receive something hand made.
The only other thing she received that was handmade was a lacy,
crochet blanket my mom made for the baby. It was gorgeous!
It was round, lacy, delicate, and a soft lavender/purple.
crochet blanket my mom made for the baby. It was gorgeous!
It was round, lacy, delicate, and a soft lavender/purple.
I wish I'd been able to get photos of it.
Mom-to-be loves purple and green.
Hopefully, the colors we chose were exactly what she'd hoped for.
Mom-to-be loves purple and green.
Hopefully, the colors we chose were exactly what she'd hoped for.