Showing posts with label knitting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knitting. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Abalone and Flowers (a crafty update)

At last, I have been able to upload photos! YAY! I really need to find the software for my camera so I can use the desktop for photo-related-stuff. 

I've just realised how long it's been since I've done a knitting/crochet update post.

So, the latest thing off the needles is this beauty (excuse my dirty mirror), Abalone.
I have worn it out, and was even complimented, which is always nice. It's like wearing a big cuddle. I love how soft it is.

These flowers were a little 30min project: a blind-pull for my parent's new house. The flowers were made using my Spring Blossoms pattern.

And those are the projects this post's title was referring to.

Below are some more of my recent projects, for your viewing pleasure (and my showing pleasure) - which do you like most? 

Slippers for my mother-in-law, a birthday present, made using my own pattern.

A doily, made up as I went along, now living under my fruit bowl.

An angel (you can just see the gold wings).

A strawberry keyring, a present for a friend.

And lastly, two dolls dresses, one in lilac and one in cream.
(This picture was taken in a hurry!)

There's something so inspiring about looking at what you have made. I've been working on a few other projects for a while now, hopefully it won't be too long before I can share more finished things with you (such as an incredible stripy scarf!).

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's been a while...


I thought I should finally post something, seeing as it's been well over a month since my last post. (I don't think I'll ever quite succeed at this blogging game.)

Some catch-up:
- This year is going way too fast!
- I'm behind on my 'finish crochet/knit 52 projects in 2012' challenge
- I'm on track with my 'read 50 books in 2012' challenge (are you on Goodreads? Friend me!)

And most importantly of all, I'VE HAD WORK! Seven days to be precise! Relief teaching is at once more fun and infinitely more challenging than I ever could have imagined. I've already semi-lost my voice (happily now recovered). I haven't got any more days lined up the moment, so I'm enjoying my time off while I have it.

Also, the new Sherlock Holmes series is quite good - I am very pleased! And I've started reading Charles Dicken's Great Expectations (because I saw the first episode of it on iview the other night) and I like the book but the writing is so old fashioned I sort of feel like I'm reading by "squinting". Do you ever read like that? Where you sort of just read and let the writing wash over you so you get the general impression, and not letting yourself get caught up in the old-fashioned language and writing. It makes it a whole lot easier. I have just reached "The End Of The First Stage Of Pip's Expectations".

Lastly, I still need to either commandeer Julian's laptop or install the camera software on the desktop... until then photos are stuck on my camera. When I finally do either of those two things, I'll finally be able to do a crochet/knitting update post.

Until then!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


You might remember that I started making a purple jumper, but undid it all.

With the rescued yarn, I've made two things, an awesome hot water bottle cover and the thickest, squishiest shawl ever! Sorry for all the colour changes between the photos, purple is really hard to photograph!

I call this my "Hoot Water Bottle Cover" - I think the owls are adorable! And the i-cord was so much quicker to make than I thought it would be. Here is the Ravelry link to my project.

And here is the Oscilloscope Shawl I made (Ravelry link). This is seriously the thickest shawl I've ever seen. I use it as a blanket sometimes. It's luuuuuuuuush.

This picture captures the colour the best.
And while we're on the topic of purple, I crocheted this eggplant a few days ago too:

Cute, don't you think? :D

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Flash Fiction: Patience

And now for something completely different...
It's the Spanish Inquisition!

Well, no, not really. (Sorry.)

But today, I've decided to write some "flash autobiography" to give a snapshot of what comes to mind when I think about patience - I think it addresses the first part of the definition the most (sometimes knitting takes a lot of sheer determination!), but also touches on the last part too about "peaceful stability and community".

Here is the full definition:
Forbearance and endurance through moderation. Resolving conflicts and injustice peacefully, as opposed to resorting to violence. Accepting the grace to forgive; to show mercy to sinners. Not killing or being violent in any way to any life form or sentient being; to practice moderation of meat consumption and consistent life ethic. Creating a sense of peaceful stability and community, rather than engendering suffering, hostility and antagonism. (Vice: wrath.)

Here it is - I hope you like it!



My baby blanket, lacy and hand knit. An heirloom made by Grandma for me. 

I did not always understand how knitted gifts are made of more than yarn, soft and warm and springy.

Now, as I knit, I know her gift was one of time, of effort and perhaps also of tears. A gift of love.

As I make stitch after tiny stitch, I envision a time when my children – and, God grant, my grandchildren – will be warmed by the work of my hands.

Now, I wonder, will they also come to understand – to love – this patient form of art?


As always, to see what others have done, simply click your heart out right here.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hello! (And some knitting and crochet)

Well it's been a while since I've shared any knitting and crochet, so I thought I might share a couple of finished projects now - silly faces and all.

I made this cotton doily/placemat thing, which lives underneath the fruit bowl. It's quite pretty. I like it. If the pattern wasn't so boring I would probably make more.

I made a Northumbria Cowl  (using Bendigo Woollen Mills "Luxury" in lavender) for a friend who has given me all her double pointed needles and who sometimes gives me knitting magazines too:

It doesn't really go with my hoodie. (By the way, my hoodie is nearly fluro in colour, but I wear it so much I don't really think of it as bright anymore. I am wearing it right now and I adooooooooooore the colour.) The cowl was nice and quick to knit, and would be good for all you knitters who haven't tried lace yet - just a simple two row repeat (and one row is all knit stitch!) Here's another silly picture of me, in which I remind myself of a duck:
And some tragic news... Remember my purple oatmeal? Well, it no longer exists. I decided it was a bit too small and undid it all. Even though I was undoing several hours work, I have to admit that there is something almost fun about completely frogging (undoing) a large piece of knitting. Most of the wool has already been used for something else, but the pictures I have of it are far to ugly to share (if you must see, go here). Soon I will take some pretty pictures and do a proper reveal!

By the way, I am sick, hopefully I don't look back on this post in a few days time and regret sharing these pictures with the whole world. Well, the part of the world with internet, at least. Most people in Africa, PNG and the Australian Desert (to name a few places) shall continue to think well of me! Not that they know me... oh my, I've really just got to stop typing... Until next time, farewell!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Finally Knitting Again!

It has been weeks and weeks since I last did any knitting or crochet, but last night the drought was broken!

I finished off the body of my Purple Oatmeal at long last, and am now up to knitting the arms. 

If I had kept working on this at the pace at which most of the body was done, this would have been finished by the end of March, but multiple assignments due in one week kind of distracted me...

I'm sort of putting off starting the sleeves and their miles of stockingstitch. However, as I should be planning for teaching this week I think that's more than acceptable!

I've also done some more work on a neck wrap I'm crocheting, but have no good pictures at the moment - hopefully I'll be able to share it with you soon - as well as some fingerless mittens I'm knitting for a friend.

And I need to make a swift out of lego so I can finish off a lacey scarf I'm crocheting from Mmmalabrigo Lace. Hopefully I'll have lots more to share soon! (ie. in a month or five... oh dear... time just goes by too fast!)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Making the Saroyan

(Crocheters, there's a little note at the end especially for you!)

I've had a few people comment on the saroyan I made for my sister, asking if it would be too hard for an inexperienced knitter, or saying that they "could never make that".

In response, I want to encourage all of you who knit, love the scarf, but are hesitant to have a go at it. It was my first lace project. If you can knit and purl, you have the prerequisites to make this scarf. The leaves that edge the scarf are made using combinations of decreases (such as knitting 2 stitches together: k2tog) and increases (like yarn overs [yo] and knitting into the front and the back of the stitch [kfb] which may be difficult if you knit very tightly, but other than that is simple).

If you look at the picture below, you can see that the majority of each row is plain stockingette: knitting and purling. Very easy! The leaf portion of each row is very small.

Looking at an individual leaf (see the picture below), you can see that a portion of each leaf contains a significant amount of stockingette stitch, just like the body of the scarf. The holes are made using yarn overs (yo) which really are very easy: simply wrap the yarn anticlockwise from bottom to top around the needle in your right hand (for right handed knitters, of course, the other needle if you're left handed). The leaf also uses one or two other increases, which are all demonstrated here at Knitting Help.
The leaf also utilises decreases to form its shape, these can all be seen here, also at Knitting Help. Knitting Help really does live up to it's name: you will also find videos on how to cast off, which you need to know, as when a leaf is completed, six stitches are cast off, making the leaves stand out more. This is simple, and not something of which to be nervous.

As with many projects, the first bit is the hardest, but by no means is it impossible. If you visit my project page on ravelry for the saroyan, you can see the changes I made. You can also see that it only took me a month to make (as I restarted it on the 23rd of November after deciding that I wanted to begin it differently to how the pattern is written). You will also be able to finish this in a month, just by doing one repeat (that is, a new leaf) every day. If you visit the ravely pattern page for the saroyan, you will get more information, and you will also be able to look at the saroyans made by other people, finding information and tips.

Lastly, let me encourage you by saying this: if you don't try to learn new techniques (such as knitting lace) your knitting skills will stagnate and you will will never know what you are capable of doing and making.

For the crocheters out there who like this design but never want to knit, Camille is a crochet version of the Saroyan, and really is very pretty - I plan to make it one day. I imagine that it would be gorgeous made out of a merino and silk blend: warm yet drapy.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Knitting, the Flood and You

I think every Australian and many people from overseas would be aware of the massive flooding that has been happening in Queensland Australia. Last I heard (which was several days ago), fifteen people had lost their lives. The story that leaves me in tears is of the 13 year old boy who insisted that his younger brother be rescued first. The 13 year old lost his life before rescuers could come back for him.

As you might imagine, there have been several funds set up which through which you can donate money. In an effort to raise money, my sister in law, Meika, has set up a raffle. The prize? A handknit (and she's a great knitter!) for your child. All you have to do is donate $5 to the Premier's Flood Relief Appeal, and leave a comment on this blog post with the receipt number of the donation.

The above picture is an example of the top that would be knitted for a little girl. If you have a boy, click through to Meika's blog to see pictures, and to get more information on how to enter. This really is a great fundraiser, and with only two entries so far, you have a good chance of winning!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Advent Day 18 (But really only day 4)

Only a week until Christmas! December is zooming past at the speed of light.

I've been occupied knitting my sister's present, a Saroyan (see this post for more details). Since posting those pictures I ripped it out and started again, so the the ends would be more tapered.

This is what the first one looked like: 

This is what the end looks like now (notice how the first leaf now has a stem):

I have done nine repeats of twenty-two, so still have a way to go, but it should definitely be done by Christmas Eve. The garter stitch edging likes to fold over to the back, I think because stockingette naturally curls. It is so soft! I love to hold it against my neck - if I could purr while doing this, I would.

You can see that my tension is a bit wonky in places... but hopefully after a wash it will be looking better. The picture below is of where the increase section finishes and the straight section starts.

So, Christmas knitting is under control at my house... how is it going at your place?


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Advent Day 2: Christmas Knitting

I have already nearly forgotten to post! Not a good start to the month...
So, I'm doing a fair bit of knitting and crocheting for Christmas. My sister is getting a lovely scarf-which-is-also-a-bit-like-a-shawl, called Saroyan.

It has lace leaves running down one side of it.

This photo is from the first time I started making it. You can see that I've done two repeats of the pattern. It has four more increase repeats, making it reasonable wide, then ten repeats that neither increase nor decrease, and then six decrease repeats.

Since taking these photos, I frogged all this (knit-speak for 'undid it all') and started again, using some modifications which makes the ends of the scarf more tapered, gives the first leaf a stem, and uses a different increase which is more invisible. So far I've done three repeat. Each repeat takes about an hour, though they're taking longer as the rows grow.

I have not taken any more photos since starting again, but no doubt you'll see some pictures soon enough!

If you want to make this scarf, it is a free pattern (Ravelry link). If you want to see my details, go visit my Ravely page.

Are you doing any handmade presents for Christmas? Please share! I need more ideas.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Todays Creative Space...

Writing is STILL happening! Though not feeling particularly creative about it... I'd rather share a picture of some knitting I have been doing:

It is the start of my sister's Christmas present... more details soonish!

And one last creative thing for today, which I am allowed to do if I reach 25,000 words by 5pm, is some colouring. I stumbled across some utterly adorable colouring-in pages, which you can download for free. The birdies are just so cute!

Are you doing anything creative today?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Creative Space

Last time my creative space was all about [creatively] writing essays. 

This time, it's all about yarn.

Some knitting...

Some crochet...

Some more crochet...

Sorry for the awful pictures: today is overcast and grey, which isn't helpful when it comes to photo taking!

I'm joining in with kootoyoo... pop over and visit if you want to see more (hundreds more!) creative spaces!

What creativity is happening in your space today?