Showing posts with label craft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craft. Show all posts

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cord Edged Coasters: Free Crochet Pattern!

It seems to me that half the people I know are really tired right now, and I am right there, yawning along with them.

On Thursday, in my half asleep haze, I watched a couple of old movies (Babe, Pollyanna) while my fingers hooked up an incredible EIGHT coasters.

I then used Snapchat to turn them into pictures to send to my friends: 

I thought I would share the incredibly simple pattern with you.

I used a ball of 8ply (DK) that I scored from a secondhand shop years ago for $2, and then dyed. Out of the 99.7m (109yards) I just managed to eke out eight coasters.

Here are five: 

Cord Edged Coasters

This pattern uses US terms!
UK/AUS terms are in italics, eg: (triple crochet!

Yarn: I used DK weight yarn

Hook: I used a 4mm (G) hook

Start: Make a loop to crochet into, you could do a magic loop if you want to. Because I wanted to get the most out of my yarn, I made a slip stitch (leaving a very short tail), chained 4, then slip stitched into the first stitch to close it.

Round 1: chain 2, make twelve double crochets (triple crochet) into the ring, slip stitch into top of first double crochet (triple crochetto join.

Round 2: chain 2, make two double crochets (triple crochet) in the same stitch, and in each stitch thereafter. Slip stitch into the top of the first double crochet (triple crochet) to join. (24 stitches in total)

Round 3: chain 2, make one double crochet (triple crochet) in the same stitch, and two double crochets (triple crochet) in the next stitch. Repeat this pattern of one double crochet (triple crochetand then two double crochets (triple crochet) (1, 2) all the way around. Slip stitch into the top of the first double crochet (triple crochet) to join.  (36 stitches in total)

In the next round, instead of doing double crochet (triple crochet), we make single crochet (double crochet). 

Round 4: Chain 2, make one single crochet (double crochet) in the same stitch, a single crochet (double crochet) into the next stitch, and two single crochets (double crochet) in the stitch after that. Repeat this pattern (1, 1, 2) all the way around. Slip stitch into the top of the first single crochet  (double crochet) to join.  (48 stitches in total)

Now, the bit that feels really weird! We are going to do reverse single crochet (also called crab stitch) to make the edging. This just backwards crochet. I am left handed, so usually I crochet in a clockwise direction. For reverse single crochet, however, I crochet in an anti-clockwise direction. 

There are lots of video tutorials already on the web. I have embedded one at the end of this post.

Edging: chain 1, skip the closest stitch, and reverse single crochet all the way around for that lovely cord-like edging. Finish it off by cutting a tail of about 10cm (4inches), threading it only a needle, and making a couple of stitches that mimic the previous crab stitch. Weave in ends.

Now make yourself a drink and use the coaster!

This pattern is for personal use only. The pattern may not be distributed or sold. Items made from this pattern, however, are yours to do what you wish with, including selling.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Cross Stitch Bookmarks

It is one of my favourite school memories: grade five, in a country school, learning to cross stitch.

My teacher that year - now long retired (that makes me sounds old, doesn't it) - was wonderful. I remember one time, the year before she taught me, walking into her classroom, to be confronted by a huge cardboard castle wall. 

The year I was in her class, she did what she no doubt did every year, and invited parents to come in and teach us skills like bread-making and cross stitch. I remember the first thing I ever embroidered, a little train. I still have the pattern. 

This all sounds very nostalgic, doesn't it. To be honest, I often find cross stitch repetitive and, if the pattern is confusing, frustrating. But it is so pretty!

After some life changing events that took place about a month ago now (which I have not yet shared here), I was feeling the need to do things. I needed to keep my mind and hands occupied. Last Christmas, my mum gave me a cross stitch kit for a bookmark featuring a blue wren, and last week I did it. I did it ALL. Even the sewing up. It was a cross stitch miracle! I love it so much. The blue wren perched on a twig of heath is simple and perfect.

I shared it on facebook, because I am a sharing, caring show-off. (That is why I have a blog!)

Two days later I found two more unfinished bookmarks. All the cross stitching was completed, but the sewing up needed to be done. Another miracle took place as I finished them both that very day. Ah-mazing! 

I now have a cross stitch bookmark collection! And a very messy floor from all that fringe-making!

I actually nearly completely ruined the one with all the pink and yellow and orange flowers. I also don't really remember making it! I think my sister may have done most of it and I finished it. I really like the material I backed it with, a vintage fabric that was passed on to me by a friend. 

Only this bookmark was finished like this, the other two were sewn like a tube then turned right way out and given a fringe (much easier!).

I am feeling so inspired now to do more cross stitch! I have another kit, with lambs and butterflies and flowers, and a kit for a REAL embroidery that uses all sorts of stitches!

I want to know, do you cross stitch? Do you remember learning? Have you recently shared a crafty project on your blog - I love craft and I want to see it!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas has Landed

So! Today was awesome!

I did some volunteering in a friend's classroom (which I've enjoyed so much) and that led to me getting to decorate a gingerbread house! I had to do it super quickly as it was almost lunch time (and the kids were using all the lollies I wanted!), but I think it's cute.

That's the door - notice the two hinges!
After supervising several groups of children, I knew that for a gingerbread house to be successful (and look extremely tempting) a huge amound of icing is crucial!

A bird's eye view.
After volunteering (I was only there from 9 until 1), my husband and I went to Mitre10 (a hardware store) to find a real, live, prickly, conical and cute Christmas tree. I love the one we chose - a White Spruce, still very much a baby.

It's decorated with bells (red and while), angels with glitterly wings, and a starry garland. We think it's too small for the lights, though I may add them. It would be nice to have it lit up.

I also wrapped a silver and red ribbon around the pot, to make it look a little nicer.

As we now had a Christmas tree, it meant that decorating could happen, and now the house is decked out. 

I'm pleasantly surprised at how many times I've already posted this month, I half expected to get to Christmas and realise I hadn't posted at all!

I'm planning on being back soon to share about my snickerdoodle making venture and the recipe for the yule log I plan to make for boxing day!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembering and Rainbows

Originally, this post was just going to be about a rainbow badge I made for my niece, whose birthday is today (she's currently into rainbows), but I also want to say something to acknowledge all the courageous men and women who have fought to keep Australia free. 

Thinking about these two things, the rainbow and Rememberence Day, I realised that there is a connection - for me at least. For me, the rainbow is all about remembering. When I see a rainbow, it reminds me of God. I'm filled with joy and thankfulness that my God is faithful and trustworthy. I can honestly say that God has never disappointed me. He has made even the hard and difficult parts of my life into something beautiful.

This post is getting much deeper than I intended!

Here is the rainbow badge I made for my neice:

To make it, this is what I did:
  • I crocheted a flat disk (sc), using the usual increased (6, 12, 18, etc) until it was 36st around, then did a round of slst (blo), doing an extra ch in each of the six corners.
  • I then embroidered the rainbow on, using chain stitch and some running stich, and I used the yellow to sc around the outside.
  • I then sewed a piece of felt onto the back, and sewed on a brooch pin.
  • To flatten it, I boiled the jug, held the badge in the steam (being careful not to burn myself!) and then pressed it flat.
Here's the back, all nice a neat with a bit of felt covering all the mess! I really enjoyed doing some handsewing again.

To give it to her, I am planning on putting it in this little bag. I think she'll love it! I hope so!!

And now to the Rememberence Day part of the post...

Several men from my family have been in the army, including my father in Vietnam, my maternal grandfather in WWII (I think - he was stationed in Darwin), and my great uncles in WW1, one of whom died. The other was literally saved by the Bible in his breast pocket, which prevented shrapnel from wounding him. 

I have seen the damage war does, even decades later, to those who give their time in service. I love my father, and I recognise that his service in Vietnam took it's toll emotionally, physically and mentally. It's is all due to God that my father and our family is as whole and healed as we are. I count myself blessed when I see how other veterans and their families are still suffering in a very real way.

I honour these men, and I pray that my brothers, my husband, and my future children will not to bear the burden they did. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Advent Day 14 (But really only day 3)

Well, I have done an awful job posting everyday leading up until Christmas. I'm sure I'm no busier than most other people, yet somehow they find time to post!

Christmas knitting is still happening (extremely slowly - I need to speed up if I'm going to finish in time!), some presents have been bought, and the house has been decorated. No photos to share, however, as since then a hurricane has adversely affected the state of my house :(

I've come across a couple of sweet Christmassy idea, which I've been wanting to share with you, my lovely and deeeply appreciated readers :D

Kootoyoo shared a tutorial for these cute no-sew flower ornaments:

I think this felt ornament is simply adorable, and the tutorial is free over on zakka life. Yay! I might even have time to make some... for next Christmas...

Image belongs to zakka life
And lastly, something to munch on. My friend directed me to this cake recipe: Boiled Chocolate Cake. Apparently it doesn't look like much, but the taste and the moistness are incredible. As soon as the damage from the hurricane is taken care of I plan on making it.

Hope all your Christmas planning is going well!

P.S. Don't worry, there wasn't really a hurricane... my house is just superduper messy.