Showing posts with label Retreat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Retreat. Show all posts

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Do you know how hard it is to craft when you are finally seeing and feeling sunshine in months???  Here in Michigan the snow is finally starting to melt and I'm seeing patches of green in the yard -- YIPPIE!!!  But nothing compares to going outside without 4 layers of sweatshirts and coats on (and sometimes I wrap in a blanket).  So I decided to celebrate the coming of spring with finalizing my Build a Bouquet Project Kit from Stampin' Up.  I started this at retreat a couple of weeks ago (did a whopping 4 flowers) and pulled it back out this last weekend to work on it.  Of course I did some of my flowers a little different, just because I wanted it to be "mine."  But all in all, I loved the end result.  However, buyers beware:  this is not a kit that you will sit down and finish in a couple of hours (unless your name is Tamie Ackerson).  But that is okay for me, as I never finish a project in a couple of hours -- did Picasso?  It actually took me longer to decorate my flower pot than it did to assemble the flowers (that's a whole story in itself -- let's just say, on the 4th layer I finally was satisfied).  And now that I am finished, I'm so glad I got the coordinating stamp set and Big Shot Bouquet Bigz L Die so I can make more.  So here is my finished bouquet and flower pot:

Well after doing 3 different layers of designs on this metal can, I finally liked my 4th layer using the Painted Blooms Designer Series Paper; and for the tag, I used the matching Painted Petals Stamp Set with the tag, ribbon, and twine included in the Build a Bouquet Project Kit.  I wanted to use this designer paper right from the get-go, but I was going through one of those, "I love it so much I can't give it up" moods.  In the end, I knew this is what I wanted and nothing else was going to "work" for me so just clinched my teeth (and cried a little) as I glued it on the can -- now I'm happy!!

This was my name tag/card sitting on my table when I went to Retreat.

One of our make'n takes we did at Retreat.

Pillow gift from Ronda Wade and Jenny Peterson at Retreat (filled with a package of the new Itty Bitty Accents Epoxy Stickers).

Another make'n take with a birthday card inside the pocket.
Until next time,

"For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand saying unto thee, Fear not; I will keep thee." 
-- Isaiah 41:13

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


What happens at Creative Escape Retreat?  Whatever happens at Retreat, stays at Retreat!!!  Okay if you really want to know, I will tell you it is always awesome; we are pampered, laugh a lot, make new friends and catch up with old friends, eat a lot, sleep very little, win lots of prizes, receive lots of goodies, and of course we do some crafting when we aren't doing all of the above (LOL). 

Ronda Wade and Tamie Ackerson deserve all the credit and then some, as they hosted a flawless retreat.  Tamie made the most awesome decorations and pillow gifts.  Ronda had so many prizes that I seriously doubt anybody went home without winning something.  All 62 ladies spent their time doing different crafts that they love.  Some sewed or created cards, scrapbooked pages, or 3-D items; or prepped for upcoming classes (as Cofounder and CEO of Stampin' Up, Sheli Gardner, would say:  crafting "your way").

As far as the juicy stuff that went on at Retreat, my lips are sealed!!  You will just have to attend the next one in October to find out.  However, I will show you a "few" of my pictures (click on the pictures to enlarge for better view):

This is our Retreat bag full of free product!!  The name tag and candy vase (with flower) were on our table when we arrived, and the purse and box (with product inside) were pillow gifts sitting on our table each morning.  Make sure you enlarge this picture to really see how cute these are.

My daughter, Tricia, won a new Big Shot!!!  First time I have seen her speechless!!!

We had 5 people in our "group corner."  Ronda did an awesome job pairing up friends/family so they could sit together.  This is one of my "adopted" daughters and customer, Amy Krumm (Tricia's table is right next to hers).

Ronda (holding bag) and Tamie drawing door prizes and a shot of the front room (gosh, looks like a lot of people went to bed already!!).

And our hostesses:  Tamie Ackerson (front-left) and Ronda Wade (back-right). 

The little 6" x 6" square on the left page (bottom-right) was one of our make'n takes that I converted into a 12" x 12", 2-page album spread.  I got the idea to convert the 6" x 6" page into a 12" x 12" spread from  my friend Patti Matejewski.

Close-up picture.

Close-up of other page.
I will post pictures of the other make'n takes and classes I took in my next post. 

Until next time,
"The Lord lifts up all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down."  -- Psalm 145-14
Thank you Heavenly Father for always being my rock!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Good Morning America!!
Actually it is kinda late now, but I have been up for a couple of hours.  No chatting today from this lady -- places to go, things to do.  We will get right to the point -- PICTURES!!!

Here are a few more pictures from Ronda Wade's weekend retreat.

These are our pillow treats made by Ronda and Melissa (and my name tag).  You can't see what is in the one Top Note pocket, but it had SU's beautiful paper flowers, which I used on one of my album pages.  I absolutely loved the cloth Top Note, made by Melissa Roberts, with SU's new material -- looks plain, but beautiful texture IRL.

I took the tag class on Sunday morning just before the event was over.  I'm so glad I did, as we made 40 Christmas tags and a holder to hold all of them!!  These were my two favorites.

Click on the pictures to see the detail in each of these.

We each got a bolt of the new Tinsel to use on our tags -- don't you just love Santa!!

Here is the inside of the holder for the tags.  I couldn't believe I got all 40 in there.

And here is the tag holder closed -- isn't it beautiful (if I do say so myself).
As I sit here typing this post, I'm looking out my window and cannot believe the beautiful sunrise this morning.  Frost and leaves on the ground; the woods are silhouetted in the multi-colored sky; and the pinks, gray, and blue of the sunrise have me mesmerized.  Life is good, God is good, and he has blessed me mightily.  So on that thought, I leave you today (of course there will be another thought for you to ponder in my signature line). 

"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck."  -- Emma Goldman

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Happy Saturday Everyone!

Yes, I'm feeling it: Spring is here! So what if snow is predicted for today -- we know it will at least melt now. We have "something" to look forward to -- it can only get better!

Today I am posting more pictures from Retreat (also see previous post). I have so many pictures that I decided to group them in collages, as I am having a really hard time staying on line to get this post done as it is. Have I ever told you that I HATE MY DIAL-UP ON-LINE SERVICE??? Well I do. For all of you out there who have high-speed cable, or anything other than dial-up -- you are blessed!! I'm about so ready to spend the thousands of dollars to put up my own tower -- it would be so worth it. Anyway, I regress. Here are the pictures. Remember to double-click on them to enlarge -- as they are a little small to see the detail.

This was my VERY favorite class I took -- because it only lasted about 10 minutes, and in real life the jewelry and inserts are so beautiful. I did a few more after class using rub-ons and even an adhesive-backed rhinestone from the Eggcellent Eggs Kit (see my next post for pictures of the class using this kit). The tiny blue jewelry insert in the bottom-right corner uses the Eggcellent Eggs rub-on and rhinestone. You really have to double-click on the picture to blow it up, and even then my picture is not that great. I will be making lots more of these.

This is my favorite design for the jewelry insert. I used a rub-on on top of the Charming flower stamp in White Craft Ink. I love using the rub-ons because I can see to position them better.

Here are some of the prizes I won and gifts from Ronda and Melissa. Some are not in the picture because I accidently put them in my daughter's 12" x 12" Keeper (which was our goodie bag full of free product), and she took it home. Yes, I texted her and told her not to get any ideas of keeping the goodies!!

These are the make'n takes we did during the weekend. The bottom-left is a 6" x 6" album page that I will be making into a 12" x 12" layout. The bottom-middle is a 12" x 12" page layout. I loved all of our designs -- Ronda and Melissa do such a beautiful job creating the projects.

Stay tuned, I still have pictures to show in my next post of the beautiful scrapbooking pages we did, including what I submitted for the contest!!