Showing posts with label Bow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bow. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2012


I hope everybody survived their Thanksgiving feast and Black Friday!  I played it smart and had absolutely no desserts or dressing, and no way did I attempt fighting the crowds today.  I already have half my Christmas shopping done, and I'm hoping the rest will still be on sale.  I've already saved at least a thousand dollars on gifts, so I'm not going to complain.  I truly love Christmas, but I hate to shop with a passion.

Today I'm showing pictures of what my class will be doing next week.  They will be making five gift boxes -- all different sizes and shapes; and 20 gift cards with Stampin' Up's Kraft Box to store them.  Some wanted to do gift cards and others wanted to make the boxes, so I decided why not give them both!!  I really like how everything turned out.  Everybody gets a package of the Snow Festival Designer Series Paper to make the boxes and cards, and they take home more than half of the leftover paper.  I got this idea from Ronda Wade's Creative Convention (tags) and Creative Retreat (boxes), when she offered these as a make'n take and a class.  I just used different designer paper and designed a little different.  Here are the finished projects (right click and select "open in new tab or window for larger picture):

I used Stampin' Up's direction to make the bow.

This is the largest box, measuring 7" x 7", and 2 1/4" high.
A tall, medium box.

Small jewelry box.

I call this the "milk box." (so cute).

Twenty easy-peasy gift cards and decorated Stampin' Up Kraft Box.

Let me know what you think.  There is still time to schedule a class!

Until next time,

"Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted."  --  Matthew 5:4