Showing posts with label striped scarf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label striped scarf. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Stripey goodness

I finished my Noro Striped Scarf last week but hadn't gotten a chance to capture it gracing the neck of its intended warmee until now...

I have to admit that I really get a kick out of playing photographer and setting up photoshoots of sorts with my husband even though getting nice natural looking photos of him is a challenge. It's not that he isn't nice and natural looking, because he totally is! And charming too ;0) It's just that for some reason when there's a camera nearby, he has this weird compulsion to stand/sit up straight as a board with arms straight down by his sides and a facial expression that brings to mind an 8 year old who just got caught doing something naughty and is *trying* to look innocent. We call it his "er" pose.

The only way to defeat the "er" pose is to try to catch my honey off guard with my wittiest repartee ;0) Heehee! And while it is a lot of fun, it's actually not that effective as the result is many many really blurry laughing action shots that do nothing for the Noro. But such fun! It's what we did Saturday afternoon while both the kids were napping!

For the love of knitting, my goony-googoo put on a warm woolen sweater in 30 degree weather, wrapped himself in a seriously warm scarf and paraded around our backyard while I coaxed him to look pretty, not blink, try to make the scarf look nicer and try to look like there is't a tree growing out of his head! When we were all done, we took it inside probably for another 15 minutes looking for 'good' light! And he humoured me as always because that's the kind of loving man he is.

He sooo earned the Noro ;0)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ahhh, meditative knitting!

See this? Nice, eh? I'm still fiddling with my buddy bags but took some time to do some needed meditative knitting. You now, while I sort out my ideas for the buddies.

It's the Noro Striped Scarf from Brookly Tweed. Though I'm knitting it in Kureyon (rather than Silk Garden) which may have been a mistake because it's a little scratchy against the neck. It's a little, whats-the-word, rustic! But it's fun watching the colours play out against one another and it's nice to knit something you don't have to think about whatsoever!

I'm still chugging along on my Buddy Bags though and your positive response so far has been very encouraging! I'd say I'm about 85% done and my new goal is to make the pattern available this weekend. In the meantime though, here's a preview (above) of the Birdie Buddy Bag.

It's my new favourite! Actually, I put the finishing touches on the Buggy Buddy Bag since my last post: embroidering eyes, dots and adding antennae. And it's my favourite, too ;0) Actually that's what's slowing me down a bit. I want to include 4 alternatives with the pattern but want each to be the cutest ever and live up to the other ones and I think I set the bar really high with the Buggy Bag. I can't tell you how often I've ripped appliqué's this week. It's a good thing this yarn can take the abuse ;0)

Happy Knitting!