Had visitors in town, had a fall and hurt some ribs, then more visitors!! Busy busy!! Will try to pictorially catch up here, may take more than one post! view from a restaurant perched high on the escarpment in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, Montville. a peak down a laneway at a little chapel, very popular with weddings I presume! and inside a regular chapel in the main street of this very popular tourist town... some views walking down the main street... the tech expert ...just checking the technology still works. If I remember correctly a major company to which I am connected for most of my devices had a bit of a major outage this day we were tripping around, (while I was trying to connect with family re babysitting, picking up after school duties!!) I don't remember being compensated for the outage either!! there were a lot of interesting art works on tiles along the footpaths... interesting architecture and art galleries of course...