
Showing posts from 2018

Seasons Greetings from the Southern Hemisphere

God Bless You this Christmas and New Year!

Catching Up...again...

School holidays are always fun...little people making things and playing games!! a four legged friend the hospital! Loving this new rug  FUN to slow down and ponder the waterlilies down at the pond  and to enjoy the beach too!! May God bless you this Christmas season!!
Despite the lack of updating on this blog Life has been going on and being lived! Have had a few trips over to the beach..mainly for fish and chips.. as well as a few grandparents days very recently!

The Glasshouse Mountains lookout trip

 I don't think I showed you the view of the Glasshouse mountains in the last post?  please excuse the hazy view. One does need to be there at the right time on the right day to avoid the haze spoiling the breathtaking views.  A short walk through the rainforest there  info about one of my favorite rainforest trees and some lovely fungi...  a parasite living up high in the tree  ah, somewhere to sit!  I love the patterns the shadows make in the forest  some tangled roots and more shadow patterns too Oh, and here's the blue crochet rug that occupied me during most of the! Hope you have enjoyed catching up here. Hope you have something to enjoy doing too!! Be well...enjoy the rest of the week!!

updating here at last after a busy couple of months

Had visitors in town, had a fall and hurt some ribs, then more visitors!! Busy busy!! Will try to pictorially catch up here, may take more than one post! view from a restaurant perched high on the escarpment in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, Montville. a peak down a laneway at a little chapel, very popular with weddings I presume! and inside a regular chapel in the main street of this very popular tourist town...  some views walking down the main street... the tech expert ...just checking the technology still works. If I remember correctly a major company to which I am connected for most of my devices had a bit of a major outage this day we were tripping around, (while I was trying to connect with family re babysitting, picking up after school duties!!) I don't remember being compensated for the outage either!!  there were a lot of interesting art works on tiles along the footpaths...  interesting architecture and art galleries of course...
the home grown passionfruit have been very delicious, even if they don't look really great!! but I just photograph the mushrooms //fungi that pop up after our prolonged wet spells...  visited a cafe at the beach while waiting for someone at the hospital...  found a brewery at the back of the cafe...hmm...thought I had gone to the wrong place... please forgive me if I am repeating these photos from a previous post ...  some of the local flora  that I cant resist taking photos of...  an african violet that decided to flower after being shifted to an obviously much better position!! and boats on the river where I often go for fish and chips... more photos later...hopefully sooner rather than later since I am a little incapacitated with bruised ribs from a silly fall (my great new walking shoes for my poor feet don't take kindly to the indoors ...they are pretty lethal when they get tangled in overhanging bedclothes beside the b...

another fine day

 After some choppy cyclonic conditions for what seems like a long time...  and a trip to a different (Moffatt) beach  where I went for a coffee at a cafe (and discovered a brewery in the back...)  after dropping someone for a meeting at the new Sunshine Coast University Hospital and admiring the local Banksia flower (more stormy scenes)  And after getting a very close up shot of the inner workings of the ancient cycad plant at Moffatt Beach  finally the sun came out and the flowers started to bloom in the ...autumn..(a Golden Penda above  dropped Mummy at another  different meeting at a different (Mudjimba) Beach (what a tough life we all have)  looking at Old Woman Island off Maroochydore from Mudjimba beach  we dallied to look at some more of the local plants in the dunes...  and were nearly home late for Daddy to take someone to soccer!!  my passionfruit vines have been floweri...