the skies around here

I went out to take a photo of the sunset (first photo) the other day here...and these cockatoos screeched to a halt literally before my eyes. In fact the one of them that landed before the other nearly got knocked off his perch when the second one landed! Funny to see him swing around underneath! Weird. Funny birds.
Two delicate sunrises...very nice...

and some lovely blue hills. Except they weren't lovely last February when the fires swept through the state down here in Victoria.


Irene said…
Beautiful pictures, love your birds. We don't hear much about the aftermath of the fires here, what is life like for those affected?
Donna said…
Lovely skies! And how funny to see to birds in the wild! People keep them as pets here in the states.
Annie said…
Irene and Donna. Thanks for visiting.

Yes, Irene, the news from the fire affected areas doesn''t really reach Queensland very much either Irene. Although from what I hear now and then there are the usual things going on...a slow recovery...building back the communities. Lots of discussion on town planning etc. Can they or can't they, chop down trees , clear scrub. My niece is a (very new) town planner in one of the areas, and said that there was new lissilation that meant people could now clear trees within a certain distance, and understory for a bit more. Unfortunately the people in the suburbs, as distinct from the fire affected bushland were taking advantage of the ruling to cut down any old trees, even heritage listed trees...and there wasn't anything they could do. So you can see there are lots of issues.

On the other hand, coming out of the Royal Commission being held, the police commissioner has been stood down from her job for being not on the job on the day...went to the hairdresser, and out to dinner that night, it transpires!

On such a horrible day of just way above all the normal everything in terms of temps and wind etc, it is hard to point out what to change and who to blame really! There have been a couple of people charged with lighting fires that day. You can't believe how people's minds work , can you?

But as far as the rebuilding, I haven't heard a great deal...think it is all a very slow progress, with legislation holding some things up, I think. For example, designated fire shelters, and what they should be made of etc.
What beautiful skies!! Over and over again, you capture the most gorgeous settings! It is always a pleasure to visit...I know I'll find a treat! Love, Janine Xo

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