
Showing posts from June, 2010

Thanks for the last week....

A play in the park... off to school and the weekly highlight for the littlies...childcare for the day. World Cup soccer is on don't forget... fun to "camp out" ...when it is raining rabbit looks kinda cozy there.... flowers for Mummy good to have you home from hospital Mummy... off to church again... an amazing place.... and some precious gum leaves and blossoms for my blog as we walk back to the car.... typical Melbourne winter thanks for the rain.... King Parrots feeding in the to photograph them before they fly away! fun with blocks to end the day....

the skies around here

I went out to take a photo of the sunset (first photo) the other day here...and these cockatoos screeched to a halt literally before my eyes. In fact the one of them that landed before the other nearly got knocked off his perch when the second one landed! Funny to see him swing around underneath! Weird. Funny birds. Two delicate sunrises...very nice... and some lovely blue hills. Except they weren't lovely last February when the fires swept through the state down here in Victoria.

a different perspective...

what's been going on out there? oooh....that's pretty... the wattles are out.... off to the library... walking along the riverbank... and catching up with the littlies.... helping Dad... hanging out.... a special party.... going to church... to worship our creator... "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God".

Sunday lunch

admired the wonderful bunch of flowers after early service in the old Pioneer church and noticing that the wattles are about to burst into bloom already... we were invited to Sunday lunch... a lovely time outside in the sun.... a small breeze blowing, reminding that it is winter here in our sub-tropical paradise... the differently colored zygocactus was amazing.... so were the lavender pots of blooms and these gorgeous leaves... nice to have time to chat over a lovely shared meal.... the remains of the day.... elegant sufficiency.. and at the end of the day... time to go home.... come again another day! This is an entry in the My World series...please click on the My World button over in the sidebar to see more entries from around the world....