
November arrives

 Gosh. Now it is NOVEMBER! How time flies while having fun.  Or perhaps bring otherwise engaged ...mainly in (thankfully) minor medical procedures. Most notable being cataract surgery ..all done but waiting on new glasses!  Went to the beach the other day ..thinking I'd beat the schoolies! Almost. There were a lot of people swimming at midday on a warm day....and kids running around in school uniforms etc Nn3JuFyyf5T5Ag9g9 This is a bit of a boring way to show photos! (I'll leave it here for the moment  to see if it worked ok) I will have to try to show at least one here differently! ( whew, I did it ...not sure how!! ) It has been very warm lately and as I write this we have had a very wet morning, with a little low sitting over us here on the Sunny Coast! Looking forward to some family gatherings to come in the next months!! That is me with my sunnies after surgery! Haha. Been doing some reading, a fair bit before the cataract surge...

And soon July!

  There has been an Anzac Day parade since I talked last also some birthday celebrations A quick visit at the Craft Cottage while popping into the church as well the zygocactus tries valiantly to flower each year! plus the usual popovers to the beach occasionally Altogether a fairly unremarkable few months, with the French Open tennis along the way!

After December comes...February!

 It's now February 2024! Christmas has gone, The Australian Open is over, and the kids have all gone back to school! I finally got to visit the beach again after letting the visitors have it to themselves over the holidays! Always a nice little trip for me, especially on a reasonable day, although today was verging on a little too warm! I didn't stop for fish and chips today, did that a week or so ago, on a rainy day with a friend! So I scurried back to get petrol and groceries, had a quick look at the craft gallery on the way home! There is not a lot of news, apart from it has been a frightful summer with too many warm days, requiring a retreat into the air-conditioning! At least we have had more rain than we were expecting, verging on flooding at times, with a cyclone or two around, mainly they stayed in the north, though rainfall effects were felt throughout the state here! Last week a trip to the beach was included in a trip to the dentist for a lovely friend! I was able to...

and now DECEMBER !!

  Gosh, I don't get here very I'd better wish y'all a Blessed Christmas in advance!! Hope all well with whomever is reading this. The news in the World is not always very good, but I do hope there are rays of sunshine for you as you walk through this season of Advent. Have enjoyed seeing some family lately, and a nice couple of unexpected covid safe dinner and  swimming invites. Very enjoyable, even though I do feel a little like a whale when trying to get in and out of the pools!  Our Queensland premier resigned/retired today, somewhat a surprise but I guess she has been here a while, and it can't have been an easy job especially during the last four years! Have been enjoying some television shows like All Creatures Great and Small, as well as some quiz shows, and puzzles on the internet, namely Worldle, Wordle Quordle etc etc, all good fun! Not to mention a few good books from various libraries. A young grandson did well at an invitation only chess competiti...

Almost September!

 Gosh, here it is the end of August and I have missed three months of posting here! My face has cleared up nicely after the skin cancer treatment/ Watched the French Open and Wimbledon And now it is the US Open, so that will be fun! As you can see there is no real news to report. An occasional trip over to look at the ocean, a trip to the doctor to find I have a fatty liver and sludge in my gall bladder, argh. Have enjoyed crocheting my rugs thru the cooler months! There have been road works at the entrance which ahs necessitated putting my car outside early mornings, a bit annoying, but should be finished tomorrow hopefully! Not sun watching the traffic trying to navigate in and out only one entrance or exit open! I'll have to see if I can find a photo for you! In the meantime, have a good week, or month, or 3 months! girafffes at the waterhole in the Namib Desert!

Dodging Covid, again!

 May 2023 Lucky to have escaped catching the dreaded Covid after minding a grandchild who came down sick with it the next day! Unfortunately most of the rest of the little family, mainly all the males, tested positive for Covid19 and had some time off work and school. Mum was not well, but it wasnt the same virus according to her RATS. The boys went to a chess tournament soon after going back to school, one winning his section and the other with a Merit ribbon for winning most of his games! Well done boys! Pleased I escaped the virus and it's possible complications as I was dealing with a very scratchy itchy  angry face after a rather aggressive 4 week skin cancer treatment on it. Thank goodness that has come to an end! Starting to settle a little now. whew. Not much fun, but glad it is over now! The coronation of King Charles happened also, photos of that would have been a little more exciting. I'll try to find one! There we go...managed to find the photos! Have a great week....

April 2023

 Well, Easter and a birthday and Anzac Day have all gone past,  and now it is May Day here in Queensland. Labor Day. So much for my posting each month, hmm. Anyway, here is a photo of an interesting fungus I saw on my walk yesterday! I'll have to check whether there is anything else worthy of note to post. Just a tick, be back in a minute.. Ok,,,found one from Anzac Day last week... here we go.. And there's a photo of three mad ladies having a grand time out in March. Unfortunately after celebrating a special birthday, or several special birthdays, quite a number of people came down with Covid19. A hit rate of  about 10 out of 16 people at the party got it. I was lucky and didn't catch it as I didn't spend as much time with the others and wore my mask more often, whew, close shave for me! So be careful indoors with people at gatherings from now through winter. Have your vaccinations, wear masks, avoid spreading Covid (and flu) everyone!! Stay safe, but have fun. And don...