
Showing posts with the label sweetpeas

Todays Flower's From NYC to Australia

Hi are a selection of flowers for you , from New York City (later) to the flowers I have come across here at home since my touchdown yesterday morning. I am sorry if things are not of a high quality. Operating under difficulties here...jet lag, plus an old desktop computer, since I left the power cord to the laptop in NYC...ha...aren't I clever? I wonder how long it will take in the post. Fortunately I had just enough battery left to transfer most of my photos to my little external hard drive! Whew! First of all a view of the fall leaves, is actually officially winter here, and that is about all the fall colors you will get to occasional Japanese maple or two... the wattle was looking very pretty when I went to church this morning.... some new gum leaves I couldn't resist photographing.... bougainvillea.... and the pretty poinsettias next is winter here now, so they are flowering now, which means they are nowhere to be seen at Chris...