
Showing posts with the label roses

Wordless Wednesday, almost

I couldn't decide between the delicate pink double hibiscus, or the trips I had to the beach, or the walk I had home from the top of the hill after dropping my car at the garage this morning, so you have some of extras! Hope you are having a great week. It is supposed to be late winter here but after a cool-ish week last week, it looks like it is wanting to be spring here...and soon summer I think!

Out and About

 rainforest walks..  trips to the ocean...  watching the leaves fall enjoying the flora..  more beach trips...  sleepovers...  vivid colors beautiful roses.. anyone for a cup of tea?

Todays Flower's From NYC to Australia

Hi are a selection of flowers for you , from New York City (later) to the flowers I have come across here at home since my touchdown yesterday morning. I am sorry if things are not of a high quality. Operating under difficulties here...jet lag, plus an old desktop computer, since I left the power cord to the laptop in NYC...ha...aren't I clever? I wonder how long it will take in the post. Fortunately I had just enough battery left to transfer most of my photos to my little external hard drive! Whew! First of all a view of the fall leaves, is actually officially winter here, and that is about all the fall colors you will get to occasional Japanese maple or two... the wattle was looking very pretty when I went to church this morning.... some new gum leaves I couldn't resist photographing.... bougainvillea.... and the pretty poinsettias next is winter here now, so they are flowering now, which means they are nowhere to be seen at Chris...

My world...Maymont Park, part two, Japanese gardens

This is a continuation of last Tuesday's My World post....from Maymont Park in Richmond Virginia... these photos are from my daughter's camera...(as my batteries died)...have you ever had that happen to you in such a lovely place...and I couldn't believe I didn't have my spare batteries...! Many thanks to my daughter for allowing me to take so many photos on her camera...and for taking me with them to Richmond as babysitter! That was fun! Especially Maymont Park, well, and the baby sitting of course. This was one of the prettiest (Japanese) Gardens I have been in...and yet I find these photos don't do it justice. Sometimes the best memories are in the mind and not in the camera where you thought they would be! Well, in mine, or a borrowed one at least! I was quite captivated by a bright red bird that flew down so close, and my son in law was very clever and managed to capture it mid flight...!! The lake was quite Monet-esque...or is that Manet I am thinking of... Ti...