
Showing posts with the label Marburg

Skywatch Friday

There are floods to the north of Australia, and going to be a repeat of the high temperatures to the and dry! If only we could tilt this old island of Australia and let a bit of the excess water run down to where it is so badly needed! Here in the middle between the two we are not too badly off...clouds around , and quite humid! I had occasion to pull off the highway this week on my way down from the mountain visiting take some photos. Found a winery and a cemetery in close proximity! It had been raining for the last week or so....but it is now fine again! Ah, the moon, the moon...always lovely to see you! the view across the Brisbane River Valley from the Marburg/Minden Ranges on the Warrego Highway from Toowoomba to Brisbane. These other photos aren't anything to write home about unfortunately, but I seem to be unable to delete them anymore, so I am stuck with them !! A little silver lining to end on! For more SKYWATCH photos of skies around the world, cli...


I called in at a winery on my way home from up the mountain (Toowoomba) take some photos of the surrounding scenery, it being located on top of a rise, between Marburg and Minden on the Warrego Highway. The Australian flag was flying! a lovely red frangipani was flowering in the tiny little cemetery...(The "Anglican" cemetery)! this dear angel was on the tombstone of an 18 year old girl. sorry, not lunchtime yet! When I got home it had been drizzling with rain...and the lorikeets were going crazy in the trees....and I was pleased with the photos I managed to get of them...this triplet were sitting there, and I had to get that photo through a glass door... these are of just a couple of lorikeets who hung around for a bit! they looked like they were having a bit of a chat together! They were just so colorful!