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Showing posts with label Media Feature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media Feature. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 7

Oh, Happy September!

I know it's cliched, but please, do allow me to exclaim at least once. It's September! Already! There, I had to get it out of my system. It is indeed the ninth month of the year and so far, it has been a super month. There has been incoming goodness in form of people, places, work and of course, the sea and the rain. And to add to the general happiness, GoodHomes magazine recently announced 'The Design Power List' and I am on it! This inspirational list of luminaries from the design industry has inspired my post today. A selection of powerfully evocative rooms. Rooms that exude character and depth. Rooms that aren't afraid to be bold. Also, rooms with a September-October sort of a vibe, getting ready for autumn. Such, is the collection today.   

Do take a look at the Collector's Edition, September Issue of GoodHomes magazine!
You can buy a digital copy here.

Friday, July 1

An Experience Called IKEA

  The bridge connecting Denmark and Sweden. And from the road trip to Älmhult

 In the second week of June, I flew to Sweden, the home of IKEA, to attend IKEA's Democratic Design Days in Älmhult. Along with journalists, influencers, editors & bloggers from different countries, I got an opportunity to experience IKEA as an insider. While the days were packed with sessions, interactions, showcases and visits to various IKEA units, the evenings were spent wining and dining with fellow media folks in the picturesque town of Malmö. In these two days, I fell in love with IKEA, all over again. And this time, not just for its superbly designed products, but also for what IKEA and its people believe in and that what drives them. Getting a really good insight into the heart and brain of IKEA was my biggest takeaway from the event.
Quaint Swedish town of Malmö 

I K E A   ~   P E O P L E   A N D   D E S I G N

A warm welcome at the Ikea campus on Day 1! 

You know it's going to be a good show when you are welcomed in the morning with peppy and energetic live music! As we moved to the beats and mingled, the super efficient IKEA team led us to the very first session for the day. The day started with interesting presentations and engaging discussions with IKEA's CEO Peter Agnefjäll and other key team members and collaborators.

Five elements of Democratic Design: Form, Function, Quality, Sustainability & Price

It was exciting to hear about IKEA's upcoming collaborations with Hays and Tom Dixon. The friendly banter between industry icons, IKEA's Design Head Marcus Engman and UK's Tom Dixon,  set the tone for the many open conversations we had with various people at IKEA. I spent some time with Marcus and we discussed an array of topics - from the design process at IKEA to fun IKEA hacks to India's influence on IKEA, and of course, IKEA's launch in India next year! It was so good to feel the passion for the work they do and to see the belief in the power of good design, not just in my chat with Marcus but in every interaction I had at IKEA. It was also fun to get a sneak peek at the upcoming products and collections, and exchange ideas and design insights with their respective designers.  

L i f e   a t   H o m e   R e p o r t   2 0 1 6

Pretty vignettes in the Ikea campus

One of the highlights of the event was the launch of IKEA's Life at Home Report 2016. The results of this report directly feed into the design thought process for new products. For the third consecutive year, IKEA has interviewed people across cities and countries to understand the evolving needs and dreams of its customers. This year, IKEA has focused on what actually makes a home for people. The findings, are enlightening to say the least! This extensive research and analysis each year is a critical input for trend forecasting and predicting consumer requirements at IKEA.  

Experiential olfactory exhibit derived from findings of the Life at Home Report

S o c i a l   E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p   A n d   T h e   I K E A   F o u n d a t i o n  

IKEA in India

What good is an organization if it doesn't have a heart? And IKEA is one organization that does have a large heart. IKEA passionately believes in sustainability, conservation and improving life for people and communities. From the many humanitarian projects, the one that really touched my heart was the work being done by IKEA for Refugee rehabilitation. Using intelligent design and its reach across the globe, IKEA has been helping in myriad ways to make life better for refugees in different parts of the world.

Another interesting facet of supporting people and communities is the partnership IKEA has with Social Entrepreneurs. In India, IKEA is collaborating with Rangsutra and Industree who engage about 1100 women artisans to produce special product collections. Representatives from Rangsutra and Industree, including a woman artisan, were present at the event and it was a pleasure to talk to them and hear their experiences and stories.

The latest collection KRYDDGLAD made by women artisans in India

B e h i n d   T h e   S c e n e s  -  T h e   I k e a   C om m u n i c a t i o n    S t u d i o

Catalogue 2017 in the making!

Oh, the love for IKEA catalogues! I have collected them since donkeys years and I jumped at the chance to visit the impressive studio where the catalogues are produced. Each year, there are many versions of the catalogues that are produced in around 30 languages to be made available in 48 countries! A substantial percentage of the visuals in the catalogue is now created using computer generated imagery. I got to observe some live shoots and interact with the team of photographers, art directors stylists and production managers running the shoots. I came back thoroughly impressed by the effort, creativity and team work that goes in for every single perfect shot that we see on IKEA's website and it's catalogues. 

Bohemian IKEA in 2017? Maybe!

I K E A   M u s e u m

IKEA's very first store, that opened in 1958 in Älmhult, is now a museum! We got a pre-opening tour of the museum and I loved browsing through their collections over the years. Apart from IKEA's history, it's a great place to see the change in home furnishing and decor trends over the years.  

I K E A   i n   I n d i a !

And finally, for my readers in India, the big question on everyone's minds - when and where will IKEA's first store open in India? Well, the first store will open in the second half of 2017 and will be in Hyderabad where IKEA has already acquired a large tract of land required to operate it's store. IKEA has also picked up land near Bombay and is scouting for locations in/near Delhi and Bangalore. I CAN NOT wait for IKEA to come to India! Can you? :)

Watch this space for more updates and events as IKEA unfolds in India!

[Images and Story: An Indian Summer. Except: Image for Social Entrepreneurship - video grab from IKEA]

Friday, June 3

When Ikea Calls

You pack your bags
And say
Hold the plane,
I am coming.

An Indian Summer has been invited by Ikea to attend the two day fun and collaborative event - Democratic Design Days, in Almhult, Sweden next week. Ikea has been an intrinsic part of my early design appreciation and education and I am chuffed to be a part of the first ever select group of media editors from India to be invited for the event. The interactive event will give us a ringside view of Ikea's new product range, collaborations and an insight into the design and product development process at Ikea. I am also looking forward to talk to Ikea insiders and get the scoop on Ikea's grand launch in India next year! And if you are at #IkeaDDD too - do come and say hello!

I will be sharing all (mostly live) on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Make sure you follow @AnIndianSummer to tune in! 

~ An Indian Summer Travels ~ 

Once I am done with the event, for the rest of the month, I will be solo-tripping through some of my yet-unexplored cities in Europe. Readers in and from Sweden {Stockholm}, Denmark {Copenhagen} and Czech Republic {Prague} - holler and let me know if you are there and what would you recommend I do, I see, folks to meet, what are the must buys, the little known secrets of these cities, the experiences that I must not miss (oh, and also what I should definitely avoid), the day trips around - tell me all! I would love to hear from YOU!  

And needless to say, my wanderings and finds shall be duly captured and shared on Instagram. Do travel with me there!

Before I fly out, I will pop in here again on Monday, with the latest from one of my favorite brands and set of people. 
And then I will see you from the other side!

[Image Credits: Ikea Today and Ikea Ideas. Travel: Stockholm, Copenhagen, Prague

Wednesday, March 19

Singapore Design Week

And we are back! 
After a whirlwind trip to Singapore
To experience the Singapore Design Week
At the invitation of Singapore Tourism Board

When so much, and so much good happens, you don't know where to start. In this case, I am overflowing with my experience with and immersion in good design, creative conversations, brilliant ideas and forms, immense talent, and some plain pure good aesthetics and the resultant products. It's a sheer pleasure to be surrounded by kindred creative folks and to talk to them about their inspiration and passion. Not to mention, truly beautiful products - I had to remind myself again and again that it's a B2B exhibition and that as much as I would like to, I can not shop and bring the oh-so-pretteh things home! I though did get a lot (A LOT) of photographs, insight into emerging design trends and memories of a week well spent.  

Singapore Design Week, organized by the DesignSingapore Council, is an annual conclave and exhibition of all that is good and promising in the world of design, and was held last week across different venues in Singapore. There were talks, discussions, exhibits, competitions, installations, awards, interactive forums for media and creatively inclined peeps, art works and fairs like the Maison & Objet Asia, International Furniture Fair and the multi-dimensional Singular Plural. It was heartening to see the support the entire event got from the local government and public agencies - goes to show how and why the design mindset permeates both public and private spaces at Singapore. The Design Week not only invited local designers, exhibitors and industry experts, but it also had a very good representation from South East Asian countries, along with other international designers.

As I walked and walked through miles of stalls and exhibits, I couldn't help but get drawn to the kind of design and style I prefer. But obvious that a large percentage of what I shot through the camera is something that you and I can together exclaim and sigh at. I could see the subtle influence of  the orient in some of the products designed by western designers and brands, as well as a contemporary bent in the products displayed by the South East Asian designers. A cause of joy was the omnipresent buzz of, and the visible conscious effort at sustainability. Reclaimed wood, recycled and upcycled products, organic fabric and materials ruled the roost. I also loved interacting with students and young designers - their designs had a sense of quirky, an element of humor, practicality without compromising the aesthetics and a feel good vibe. I could already envision many of them becoming well known in the industry in a matter of couple of years. It's good to know that the design future is in safe hands. 
[And right here is the place where I keep my walking cane by the side, and with trembling fingers type the last few sentences of this post. After placing 'the design future in safe hands', ofcourse! ;-)]

I can go on and on about the Design Week. From not knowing where to start the post to not knowing how to end the post! I think a good time for me to pull out the pictures and wave them in front of your face and say 'See see, my pictures from the Singapore Design Week'! Take a look at larger shots of images used in this post and some more right here. I had lofty plans of updating this album each day while I was there, but my loftiness would be so exhausted by the end of the very long day, that all we could do was cuddle in and sleep.  

And my favorite people, this is just Part Uno from Singapore! Tomorrow, I'll be back with tales of my sauntering through some lovely neighborhoods and cafes of Singapore. Stay tuned!

View all images and more here

[Images: All mine/An Indian Summer. Please credit and link back to this post if you use/share]

Other Links:

Monday, June 24


A Shoot and a Give Away

LimeRoad.com, an exclusive online store has been a favorite of mine for it's curated collections and product stories. From handpicked home decor and furnishings to carefully selected women apparel and accessories, shopping at LimeRoad.com is almost like shopping with a stylist as your personal shopper. Inspired by the 16th century Grand Trunk Road, the famed highway that changed the face of the trade in the Indian subcontinent, the team at LimeRoad.com is always on a journey to find some of the best products out there. I also love how the team has focused on creating a highly engaging experience for shoppers on the site and it's facebook page

So, I was delighted when Diya Sahgal from LimeRoad.com reached out to me for their June campaign, called "Just Like You". Thirteen women from different fields, each unique in her own right, were styled and shot in LimeRoad.com's summer collection. With my recent obsession with six yards of gorgeousness, I chose to be styled in a beautiful raw silk saree from Desi Weaves. The shoot was a lovely experience, and kudos to Diya and her team, and the photographer Rishabh Anupam Sahay, for doing a great job! You can take a look at the campaign in LimeRoad's inhouse online magazine.  

Give Away!

And now for the giveaway! LimeRoad.com would love to give away a credit voucher of INR 2,500 to one lucky lucky reader [anyone who resides in India or who has an address for shipping in India]. You can use the voucher to shop for anything that you desire from LimeRoad.com!

All you need to do to enter the give away:

1. Leave a comment that has one or all of these three words: Lime, Road, June! As always, leave a comment right here on An Indian Summer's facebook page. Leave a comment on this post too to increase your chances.

2. The most creative comment wins!

3. We will announce the winner after a week - on July 1st 

That's it! :)

Thank you to the team at LimeRoad.com for hosting this generous giveaway! 

[Images: LimeRoad. Creative Storyboarding: An Indian Summer]


Monday, June 17

DIY's For A Rainy Day

An Indian Summer's DIYs are in Grazia

The Makeover: Reclaimed Bottles

The Senior Features Writer at Grazia, Spardha Malik, reached out to me last month, to put together three easy and quick DIYs for Grazia readers. It was after a really really long time that I got my craft supplies out, and then scouted the home for things that could be reclaimed or up-cycled or re-purposed or generally beautified. Not only did I have to Do the It-Yourself's, but also style and photograph each step of the process. And what fun it was to do it all;  industrial strength glue sticking my fingers together notwithstanding! All the three DIYs can be easily done within ten to twenty minutes, and you don't really need any special supplies to make them.

The 2 Minute Cake Stand 

 I upcycled old glass bottles, made cake stands and prettied up a lamp :)

Baubles On A Wire: The Lamp Updo

Grab the June 2013 issue of Grazia India, for step by step instructions on all three DIYs. You can buy the online copy of the mag on zinio or magzter.

Click to Enlarge

Do tell me if you try any of these on a rainy day, or a non-rainy day :)

[All images: An Indian Summer]

Thursday, April 4



I am thrilled to be a part of the special Made By You issue of Femina this month! I was asked to contribute a feature on Interiors and Homes and, there I am, with the story on how the husband and I did up our home over the years. I shared with you the pics I had taken when the photoshoot happened; take a look now at a full visual tour of my home in the feature. :)

A big thanks to Anuradha, the Chief Copy Editor at Femina and Manpreet, the excellent photographer who did the photoshoot!

You can get a copy of this issue right here, and/or get it online on Zinio.

Hindustan Times Live Mint

And, my ideas on how to design and style transitional spaces were featured in HT Live Mint, last Saturday. I had superb company - Chandan and Rajee's design advice and examples from their homes were part of the article as well.

Thanks Komal for getting the three of us together on Live Mint :)

Take a look at the article online right here!

[All pics: Me]

Thursday, February 28

The Good Peeps..

..at GoodHomes Magazine

Set up a pretty pretty lunch 
The gorgeous editor and her super team
Graciously invited me and some fabulous fellow bloggers
 We met, we ate, we drank, we laughed
We ooh-aahed
We got inspired by each others' amazing blogs
And left after those few charmed hours
With happy memories and new friends
And a heartfelt Thanks on our lips
For the Good Homes team!

Ronitaa, Simrat, Dipti, Vanita and Rajavi: Thank you for organizing a lovely get together and inviting us

Rajee and Prachi: So good to meet again :)
Shalini, Lakshmi, Priti, Misha, Aarti: It was such a pleasure meeting you and hope we meet again soon!
Shiro and Parul: Thank you for hosting all of us!

 [Pics courtesy: Priti and GoodHomes]


And while I am talking about good peeps
I do need to mention the ones at

Mrudul and Karishma: Thank you so much for featuring An Indian Summer as part of your feature on Indian design blogs! Much appreciated!

Take a look at the brilliantly put together anniversary issue of Elle Decor, if not done so already. You will find An Indian Summer, and three of my favorite blogs and their authors, on Page 138 :)

[Image: Clicked by me. Additional accessory: The Owl]

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