I have important things to tell you
Read between the lines pretteh pictures, my good folks
Do read!
I have been working furiously
(ok, sometimes not as furiously)
(for most of the times sometimes, I just pack my bags and travel)
Behind the scenes
On a spanking new website for An Indian Summer
Yaay and such! :)
Over the next couple of weeks
I'll be migrating content, making changes, trying out fancy pancy css,
Tearing my hair out and sulking in a corner along with my boy cat
(All part of a day's work, I tell you)
What I need from you:
Send me encouraging notes
Say 'There, there, it be ok'
Just send me some songs
To listen to
As I work on getting that spanking new site ready for YOU
YOU, my favorite peeps of all!
Oh, and
Ignore any random changes that you see on this blog
Or anything that you aren't familiar with
It will all be a part of this spanking new site gig happening
Behind the scenes
And, and
Pardon any delay in responding to your lovely emails
(Say 'There, there, it be ok)
Pardon a probable lack of posting
For I will be working furiously
(Yes, all furiously this time. No travel for next two weeks)
To get that spanking new site ready for you
Don't worry
All the goodness you see here
Will remain!
It will just move to a new site
Now you can scroll back and look at the pretteh pictures again
All from one of my favorite online mag: Anthology
Psst: Don't forget to send those songs. And encouraging notes. If not for me, for my boy cat at least. He is overseeing the work on the spanking new site by sitting on my laptop's keyboard, as and when his busy schedule permits. I have also enlisted the help of a tech oriented friend (ahem, politically correct term for a geek), who has so far been subject to many a hair tearing and sulking sessions. So yes, those songs, and the notes - much needed!