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Showing posts with label Magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magazine. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 22

I slept in spring..

..and woke up in summer!

Just a poetic way to say
OMG! It's hot and summers are here!
When did this happen!
What was I doing?
Was I sleeping?

If you still don't believe me, just go through this post, ok? And listen to the playlist I put together for you. I was browsing through El Mueble, and I was drawn, like a bee to a flower, to summer-ish decor. You know, all light and white, and pinks and blues, and flowers and glass, and oh all that grass! Grass of the green-growing-under-your-feet kind. Maybe of the other kind too. Just maybe. Who can say. It's summertime folks! :)

Listen to Summer

An all time favorite this one

From my younger, much younger days...Richard Marx, folks!

And if we are talking of my younger days, how can we forget Bryan Adams?

And finally, Summer Breeze

Now do you feel summer-ish? :)

[All Images: ElMueble]

Wednesday, August 21

On Another Note

I have important things to tell you
Read between the lines pretteh pictures, my good folks
Do read!

I have been working furiously 
(ok, sometimes not as furiously)
(for most of the times sometimes, I just pack my bags and travel)
Behind the scenes
On a spanking new website for An Indian Summer
Yaay and such! :)

Over the next couple of weeks
I'll be migrating content, making changes, trying out fancy pancy css,
Tearing my hair out and sulking in a corner along with my boy cat
(All part of a day's work, I tell you)

What I need from you:

Send me encouraging notes
Say 'There, there, it be ok'
Just send me some songs
To listen to
As I work on getting that spanking new site ready for YOU
YOU, my favorite peeps of all!

Oh, and
Ignore any random changes that you see on this blog
Or anything that you aren't familiar with
It will all be a part of this spanking new site gig happening
Behind the scenes

And, and
Pardon any delay in responding to your lovely emails
(Say 'There, there, it be ok)
Pardon a probable lack of posting
For I will be working furiously 
(Yes, all furiously this time. No travel for next two weeks)
To get that spanking new site ready for you

Don't worry
All the goodness you see here
Will remain!
It will just move to a new site

Now you can scroll back and look at the pretteh pictures again
All from one of my favorite online mag: Anthology

Psst: Don't forget to send those songs. And encouraging notes. If not for me, for my boy cat at least. He is overseeing the work on the spanking new site by sitting on my laptop's keyboard, as and when his busy schedule permits. I have also enlisted the help of a tech oriented friend (ahem, politically correct term for a geek), who has so far been subject to many a hair tearing and sulking sessions. So yes, those songs, and the notes - much needed! 

Tuesday, May 29

Just a little something..

..I put together for you
On this beautiful 29th day of May
A room here and a nook there
Gosh, they are all so pretty

Stop me
From rhyming!

a little something from here, there and elsewhere

How are you doing, my favorite peeps?
How about leaving me a comment
That rhymes
And sweeps me off my feet!

[I'll shut up now. I promise]

Tuesday, May 15

It's that day again..

..when from saying much,
I'll refrain

Nothing apt comes to mind
Words are hard to find

I would rather be in a land far away
Sipping margaritas and watching palm trees sway

It's some time before the next vacation
 I got to focus right now on my vocation

I find solace in pretteh rooms
   So do you,
   I assume?

[Inane rhyme from yours truly. Take me on a vacation soon, or you'll get to hear more such 'poetic' outbursts. You have been warned!]

Here, some handpicked gorgeousness from Home Life Australia, for you and for me :)

[All images: HomeLife]

Tuesday, May 8

Architectural Digest in India

Architectural Digest, the iconic interior design magazine is finally in India! Launched by the Condรจ Nast India group in March this year, this bi-monthly magazine will bring to us beautiful homes, trends, designer and architect profiles and expert tips and opinions. 

I got an email from Lauren, from the AD team, and she sent me a special selection of images from an AD exhibition in Milan, featuring all the AD international issues , exclusively for you - An Indian Summer readers! AD India's latest issue is out on the stands now, and you can also subscribe to the magazine here

From the contemporary Indian home...

...to rich traditional Indian spaces

[All images copyright: AD, India; Photographers: 1:Monolo Yllera, 2:Ricardo Labougle, 3:Tom Parker, 4,5,6: Antonio Martinelli, 7:Henry Wilson]

Saturday, February 11

Some days...

I too like black and white!

Et tu?

Read about this delightful home (all pics but last) here on Lantliv.

[All images: Lantliv]

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