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Showing posts with label Outdoor living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outdoor living. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20

It's Awful

It is

It is awful to be sick. To be sick when you had a packed week and you have more packed weeks coming up. When you were planning a surprise birthday party, for you love surprises and you adore birthdays and together they are the most awesome thing ever, turning over the hill be damned. When you were jumping around in high heels at the party, but with an existing hangover from the previous night and with a crushing backache that had merrily invited it's friends to the party as well. Friends that stayed over for the weekend and don't show any signs of leaving yet. You might know of these friends - neck ache, headache, eye ache and yes, even ear lobe ache showed up! Sigh. I am as grumpuss as you can imagine a cat denied to go outdoors can be. If not for the brilliant storm that brought some soul relief to me yesterday, I would have been silently [ok, not so silently most likely] sulking away in a corner. And oh the anticipation of upcoming travel! I have weeks & weeks of back to back travel coming up, and I am behaving myself as well as I can this week, so that I am fit as a fiddle and free as a fancy next week. [I am sick and I am allowed random word play, for all the grammar nazis out there who just flipped at the last sentence]

So, since I am squinting my eyes while typing this out and can't type no more [Ha ha, I like poking them grammar-oos, when I am not on their side being a nazi myself], I will hand over the post to you. Remember the cat not being allowed to go out? I am that cat, staring wistfully at all these vistas to be viewed from these rooms. Give me a room with a view any day. Like ANY DAY. I will take it and say Thank You.

I am off to Bangalore for the week, next week, my lovelies
Holler if you are around
And tell me if there are things & places JUST NOT TO BE MISSED in Bangalore.

I will see ya once again, before this week is through
Hale & Hearty
Mercury Retrograde be damned.

[Images: Here]

Friday, July 11

Look Out

To Look Within

Yeah. That kind of mood today.

My favorite people
You have a happy and zen weekend

[Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4 and tumblr]

Monday, May 11

Flights of Fancy

"What's tickling your decor bone these days?"

You may ask me.

Even if you don't ask,

I have to tell you!

Here is what has caught my fancy these days...

Am on the look out for unusual headboards..

Distressed furniture...

Use of (empty) bird cages in decor...

And summery inspiration for outdoor living...

How about you? What are you fancying these days?

[Image source from top> weheartit.com/mebhavs<: sfgirlbybay.blogspot.com, tumblr, decor8blog.blogspot.com, flickr.comphotos27350418@N072786654219, londonsouthernbelle.typepad.com, tinypic.comview.phppic=wk4t2x, tinypic.comview.phppic=2ngzi8p, shoptalkbuzz.blogspot.com]

Monday, September 22

Out you go!

Why sit inside when I can as well sit outside?

I know I know

Not the most logical statement

But you will also say this

if you had outdoor sitting options like


Lookie! A ready chess game! Imagine the two chess players sitting on the chairs and then running back to the table to make their move on the chess board, then going back and sitting again on the chairs, and then running back to make their next move...and so on and so forth. How entertaining! ;)

Moodha and chiks. The quintessential Indian chair and blinds.

I have been on lookout for lime colored cushions. And a personal sea while I am at it

This reminds me of childhood summer vacations and Enid Blyton!

Aren't the simplest of things sometimes the most elegant?

I ask you to guard the fort, and here you are having a cuppa chai (tea)!

Green Blue Orange. Incase you couldn't identify the colors above. I am the ever helpful blogger!

Gujrati Jhoola (swing). Imagine sitting here during rains!

And finally a quiet corner to repose at dusk..

[Image courtesy: Pro Corbis, All Posters]

Wednesday, April 9

Who needs walls...

...when you can have a tent!

Specially tents as luxurious as these!

Be the queen (or a king) on a summer evening

Relaxing, wining and dining in exotic tents

That are inspired by the grandeur and opulence of Indian royalty

[And don't forget to invite me!]

Available at RajTentClub and WhiteCanvasTents

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