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Showing posts with label Just Like That. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Just Like That. Show all posts

Thursday, May 7

Nope, Nothing

Yup, that's right. There's no agenda to today's post. No theme either. No well-put-together story of sorts. Nothing at all. I felt like talking to you. And I am having severe mountain pangs. And I am so neck deep in work,  so much work, that I am this close to saying 'Oh, fish it. I am going to Prague. And Paris'. Which is happening too, but that update is for another time. So going back to the mountain pangs, I go to my favorite tumblr blogs to get me some of those snow clad peaks and then I get distracted by these rooms and spaces. And I look at these spaces and I think to myself that these need to be shared with my kittens over at the blog. If I like them, they might like them too, and then all of us can be happy together, even if sitting in non-mountainous areas. So yeah, this is what the post is about. You and I, thinking of mountains, and looking at some pretteh rooms.  

And here I pause you. Wait. Take a deep breath and look at this image below. This, my munchkins, is what I call a working space. Imagine, you are working, working, working, and then you recline back and look to your left. You take in all that greenery, get visual oxygen and then go back to working, working, working. And then you pause and look again to your left. Maybe this time, pick up your glass of wine cup of tea/coffee, and go and stand by the window. Then you sigh, and go back to the desk and start working, working....yes, this can go on; I am sure you get the idea. Just lookatit!

Drop me a note if you live in the mountains. I am going to stare wistfully at you. Virtually of course. But even my virtual wistful stare can be quite heart melting, or so I have been told, and I am anticipating that you will invite me. To join you, in your mountain abode.

In that hope,

I will be back with a more meaningful, with depth sorta post, soon
You, my kittens, have a happy rest of the week!

[Images: From here and there]

Wednesday, March 11

Checking In

I am sitting beneath a sky lit up by stars, a cool breeze playing with the wind chime and the night sounds from the forest around my cottage adding chorus to the playlist humming in the background. I haven't been wrong about Goa inspiring me; I am typing out this post on the leetle notepad app on my phone with a broken screen, so inspired I am! When do I actually get to post this will depend on when I get decent wifi. As you may gradually notice, while in Goa, I am also embracing patience and becoming more zen (ahem) as the days pass. Well, almost. It's a start to zen-ness, let's just put it this way.

I have so many stories to tell you. To begin with, my brand new rental car to which I was handed the keys very ceremoniously by the obviously proud owner, turned out to be this shiny silver thing with the driver's seat just a few inches above the ground. The people in the know know that low cars and and I just don't see eye to eye. I didn't have the heart to request for another car and with my arm barely reaching the window, I waved goodbye to the proud owner, his prouder flunkey and the beaming staff. What with getting wonderfully lost (sometimes) to terribly lost (every single day) to hurling bad, very bad words at the wayward GPS signal, to smartass google maps taking this cue to reroute such that I cover every possible road in Goa, well, it has been quite an adventure so far when it comes to getting my good self from point A to point Z. But but, I am happy to declare that more & more, I am able to navigate Goa without the help of that stoned (clearly!) google maps app. When I can actually see the road from this darned car, ie. And when I am not getting all nostalgic traversing through familiar roads traversed during journeys past.

And then there are these people I am meeting. Strangers, new friends, friends of friends, breakfast buddies, dinner companions, home owners, cocktail cheerers, direction givers, tech issue solvers, creative visionaries, big-city-corporate-job-deserters  - such an eclectic bunch and all so very nice! I have also been bumping into people who exclaim 'Ah! An Indian Summer!' and I respond, surprised and chuffed, 'Yes! That's me!' and then we laugh and talk about all things creative and I am welcomed with open arms. To add to the merry party, a dear friend joined me for the Holi weekend. The day began with wine for breakfast and six shades of organic colors, leading to driving wherever the road took us with us screaming singing along with Bon Jovi, to chatting incessantly about anything and everything, as only the closest friends can do, to almost drowning in the pool for we were laughing so hysterically! Well, we can satisfactorily say that Holi was celebrated as it should be celebrated!

Now that I have figured out wifi with the help of some good folks, you will see the blog and I get back to regular posts. If you have emailed me and haven't heard back yet, I will get to your email within a day or two. You guys, you do overwhelm me sometimes, you know. All in a good way. I love love the emails you have been sending, sharing tips, wishing me well, joining me vicariously in Goa...you guys are to me what puddles of warm sunshine are to my boy cat! Keep writing and I will see you again before this week is through.

[All images: An Indian Summer]

Monday, January 12

Them Blues

I have got the blues
The many shades of blue
The many moods of blue
From the faintest blue
To the deepest darkest hue

This post was blue
I need the sun
We need the sun
And warmth, that is true

This new year began a month too soon.

The End.

Your truly,
The mega furball

{I conveniently pass on the blame credit for the above inane ditty to my boy cat who is stuck to me like a giant fuzzy magnet these days, for where I go, the heater goes. Yes, I am cold. And blue. So my post will be abrupt and such. Send some warmth my way if you would like me to be my regular articulate & chirpy self. Thank you}

[All images: Pinterest. Extreme Poetry: An Indian Summer]

Wednesday, December 24

'Tis Season

My wish for you
For the coming year
And 'tis season

May you always have the warmth
Of fire
On cold nights and days
And the warmth of love and friendship
Each beautiful day

May you have maps on your mind
Wheels on your feet
May you travel the world
Have a cozy home to come back to

May you have your daily shot of mojo
Along with your cuppa of tea, coffee or chai
Something that wakes you
Something that invigorates you
To step out 
To face the world
To be happy
Each day

May you have pretty spaces to sit in
And lovely friends to sit with
For hours of soul stirring conversations
And innumerable bouts of laughter

May you not have one dull moment
 May your year be filled with
Adventure and spice
A year that's memorable
For many years to come


After many failed attempts at trying to dress up my boy cat as Santa
Here's the next best equivalent
Happy Holiday Folks!

I will see you next year!
May it be awesome
For You and for Me!

[Images: Tumblr. Happy Holidays Illustration: Yoko Tanji]

Monday, February 10

I don't like you, yet.

I am talking about you!


2014 and I haven't started right. We haven't hit it off yet, so to say. 2014 has been poking me, surprising me, pulling the rug from under my feet, messing my hair on good hair days and generally being an ill-mannered brute.

I typically like New Years. And they like me. End of December, we get ourselves a hot cuppa each, and chirp and get happy about fresh beginnings, end of winters, advent of spring, possibilities, hopes, fun plans and more. 2014 and I did the same; or so I thought. I could have been speaking Greek and the nincompoop 2014, French! 


Frustrating it is, I tell you. And no less upsetting. Ask my boy cat. He understands, for from time to time, he licks his front paw, keeps it on my knee and looks up at me wistfully. For what it is worth, behind that wistful look, he must be abusing 2014 on my behalf. He is a good boy cat like that. I can't really say what I want to say to 2014 on this blog, as this blog is safe for work and safe for home. It has pretteh pictures and some moms and I am sure atleast a few dads, are showing these pretteh pictures to their kids. So no, I can't say bad words here, howsoever tempted I might be. I'll let my furball do that for me. Go Jui, go!


So you may ask, why am I sharing my tirade here and now?

Well, for one, who else do I share it with if not you? Aren't you my favorite folks? You ARE. Like it or not.

Secondly, given all this rug pulling business, I need to recoup. reassemble. regenerate. refocus. recycle. [well, not really recycle, but what the heck - let's put an eco-conscious message in there while we are at it]. 


 And while I hit the Refresh button this month, two things shall happen:

One, I'll continue to update my other pretteh blog - An Indian Summer Likes. So if you haven't checked it out yet [Oh my God, how could you have not!], please to do so on a daily basis. It has inspiration and prettiness and niceness and decor and fashion and mountains and witticism and cats and illustrations and sigh, all things that I like. You will like them too. All pics in this post are from there.


Second, a task for you, my dear spread-all-over-the-world friends. Kindly tell 2014 to behave itself for I am losing my patience, and am just about to put on my ninja gear and give one tight slap to the bully and ask it to go stand in a corner. Right after I beat the shi cra [this safe for home and work thing, man!] After I beat it up badly. Ok!


Remember An Indian Summer Likes is where the action will be, for sometime. Bookmark it.


And while we are talking about things that are making me mad, this Mark Zuckerberg chap - what, just what does he want! You lovely people show my little blog such love and like An Indian Summer's facebook page, and then Mark goes and changes things around! And then you can't see what I share on the page in your news feed. Highly disconcerting this.

So if you are connected to An Indian Summer on facebook [if not, Oh my God, why not!], please do the following:
1. Click here and go to the page
2. Like it if not liked yet! Erm ok, pretty please, do so if you may wish? [Before you think that I am getting influenced by the badly behaved 2014]
3. Just hover the mouse cursor over 'Liked' button and click on 'Get Notifications'. You can also check mark the 'Add to Interests Lists' if you wish. That's it. You'll not miss a single dose of goodness from this blog henceforth.
Lookie! Here's how:
Auf wiedersehn for now. See you on the other side, folks. Be good and be happy!
  Catch you on An Indian Summer Likes
Will be back here soonish
Drop me a hello here, here or there anytime!

 [Please find credits and/or source of images used in the post here]


Wednesday, September 4


Hello there!

Nothing dramatic to phew about
But you know how it is sometimes?
You just need to exhale
Take a deep breath in, and exhale

P h e w!
Just felt like doing that

Also,  you know what?
I miss you guys
All this work on tech stuff is making me grumpy
(as if having a grumpuss boy cat wasn't enough for the household)
I need some Pretty
Just some plain simple *insert appropriate adjective* Pretty
You get it.  Right?

And when I talk about YOU
You make me go weak in the knees sometimes
 You, with your comments, your emails, your messages on facebook
You sent me songs and playlists!
You said to me, 'There there, it be ok'
Did I tell you how much I love you?
I really do.

This above
Is where I would like to be
Prop myself on that cute tiger cub pillow
Curl up
And read that book
Or maybe one of the books from the haul I got yesterday
A disadvantage of doing tech stuff
You get mad at freakin css bored,
And then you shop

But my dear folks
Things are moving along
Taking longerrr than anticipated
But moving along
I don't have a live date yet for the new site
We shall continue living
And live *insert appropriate adjective* pretty at that, my lovelies!

So tell me
Isn't this post pretty?
Well worth your time?
Maybe you need to exhale too?
*e x h a l e*
Exhale right here :)


See ya tomorrow
Yes, the new site can go fish
(No, don't go fish. Really Site, you don't have a sense of humour, At All!)
There's a fun giveaway out there
And on Friday,
There's another lovely giveaway coming up

So, I'll see you tomorrow, ie Thursday
And then again on Friday
Do come back!

I better publish this post
Before I ramble any more
Who knows what else I may say?
And then we'll have three grumpus entities at hand
My cat, my site and me

Alright bye
See you tomorrow! :)

[Such pretteh images from here]

Wednesday, August 21

On Another Note

I have important things to tell you
Read between the lines pretteh pictures, my good folks
Do read!

I have been working furiously 
(ok, sometimes not as furiously)
(for most of the times sometimes, I just pack my bags and travel)
Behind the scenes
On a spanking new website for An Indian Summer
Yaay and such! :)

Over the next couple of weeks
I'll be migrating content, making changes, trying out fancy pancy css,
Tearing my hair out and sulking in a corner along with my boy cat
(All part of a day's work, I tell you)

What I need from you:

Send me encouraging notes
Say 'There, there, it be ok'
Just send me some songs
To listen to
As I work on getting that spanking new site ready for YOU
YOU, my favorite peeps of all!

Oh, and
Ignore any random changes that you see on this blog
Or anything that you aren't familiar with
It will all be a part of this spanking new site gig happening
Behind the scenes

And, and
Pardon any delay in responding to your lovely emails
(Say 'There, there, it be ok)
Pardon a probable lack of posting
For I will be working furiously 
(Yes, all furiously this time. No travel for next two weeks)
To get that spanking new site ready for you

Don't worry
All the goodness you see here
Will remain!
It will just move to a new site

Now you can scroll back and look at the pretteh pictures again
All from one of my favorite online mag: Anthology

Psst: Don't forget to send those songs. And encouraging notes. If not for me, for my boy cat at least. He is overseeing the work on the spanking new site by sitting on my laptop's keyboard, as and when his busy schedule permits. I have also enlisted the help of a tech oriented friend (ahem, politically correct term for a geek), who has so far been subject to many a hair tearing and sulking sessions. So yes, those songs, and the notes - much needed! 

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