Showing posts with label 5 second project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 second project. Show all posts

Monday, February 7, 2011

This Post May Rock Your World a good way, I hope!

At the risk of sounding a tad melodramatic, I must share with you a 5 second project that could make the world a much better place.

I wear long sleeved tees and jeans pretty much all the time, even to work. It drives me crazy when my tee rides up and my jeans ride down. No matter how long my tee is to start with, through my meticulous laundry habits, the shirts get shorter and shorter.

I don't want to wear "Mom Jeans," but I don't want the whole world seeing my business either. While I've started to wear tank tops a lot, it has been hard to find ones I like that are long enough to prevent plumber's butt every time I bend over.

I saw an ad in the back of a magazine for the Hip-T, a band of fabric used to-- shall we say-- "close the gap," but I was not excited about paying $19.95 + shipping.

Sooooo, enter my 9 year old daughter's tank tops from the yard sale pile.

I grabbed some scissors and cut off the shirts right below the pits. The reason I picked my daughter's tanks rather than my own is that I wanted the band to be snug, and the tank-top material seemed to double or even triple in size as soon as I cut it off the shirt part. Trust me on this-- that's some stretchy stuff.

I was already dressed, so I just pulled the band on over my boots and jeans (stretching it further) and went to work. All day I felt covered and comfortable.

I made sure the band was a good length for maximum movement. Seriously, I could reach things on a high shelf or do jumping jacks or yoga (as if!) and still have prime real estate covered.

So, how did it work?

No sudden gusts of air as I sat at my desk! I was able to bend over to pick up boxes without feeling like I was offending people! And on the way home, the cold leather seats in the car did not give me a chilly surprise. This little band never once rode up the way a tank top would have.

All of that cozy comfort made me realize just how uncomfortable I usually am tugging and adjusting my jeans and shirt all day.

Here's a pic at the end of the day.

It appears that contents may have shifted during the course of the day, or it could have been all of those cookies. A quick trip through the wash tightened it right up again. Too bad that doesn't work for thighs.

If this starts a revolution, I'd like to ship these tank top bands to any woman my age or older who insists on wearing low jeans with a thong. Eeek. Now wouldn't that make the world a better place?

The End.

Linking up to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch!