Lest you think we are living in a Hallmark Card over here, I'll give you the run-down of our Valentine Box Love Notes as viewed at breakfast this morning:
Notes from Anna to others: 29.
Notes from Tom to others: 13.
Notes from Molly to HERSELF and OTHERS: 13
Notes from Jake: 0, zilch, nada
R-rated Notes from Tom to Anna: 1, fortunately slipped into her pocket.
Some Classics:
Dear Molly, I LOVE U and so does Everyone. Love, Molly.
Jake, I luv yur beard.- M
Jake, I like yur SASS!-M
Shadow, I H8T yur breath.- M
Shadow, Sorry I said that 'bout your breath.- M
Shadow, You smell like an angel.-M
Dad- I like how U make $$ :)-M
Dear Molly, You are AMAZING! Love, Jake (in Molly's handwriting)
Dear Molly, I will buy u anything u want.- Jake (in Molly's handwriting)
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Tom and I got to go to a play this weekend, sans kids, so I'm feeling well-celebrated.
If you want to read one of my earliest posts, about an epically crappy V-Day, check this out.
Haha. These made me snort Diet Coke through my nose.
I'm weeping here...
Molly should take this show on the road. She's a riot! Haha!
Love these. I think "I like your SASS!" best. And "I LOVE U and so does everyone." Not lacking in confidence, that one. Molly is awesome.
Those a so great! Be sure to keep up the tradition and you'll have a books worth of memorable notes!
I think I might have fallen a little bit in love with Molly with this! She's awesome!
I'd also like to say that my husband loves Molly (but NOT in a creepy way!!!)
Who wouldNT want a daughter like that?! Not sure which he liked better the one about the $$ or the conversation with Shadow.
I think the apple (Molly) didn't fall too far from the tree. ;) This post should be used as evidence that you are her REAL mother!
seriously molly is a little mini-you.
love these. especially the $$.
Ha! How funny!
So glad you got a weekend away! Looks like you're raising a little (lovable) comedian. Love the comments about how she's like you. I feel like we're getting some unexpected insight here....
I've said it before and I'll say it again: you can't make this stuff up. Your kids are TOO funny!!!
So so funny! :)
this is so sweet!!! margaret is pretty funny and this memory is awesome. t hanks for sharing.
Love ALL of these! This is a wonderful idea. I'm stealing. XO
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