
Showing posts with the label free form stitch

My entry for the April Challenge "Light as a Breeze"

Once again the theme for the monthy challenge of the Etsy Beadweavers "Light as a Breeze" has inspired me to create a new entry.  My entry is "Ocean Breeze" and while I was creating the bracelet I wished that I was once again traveling down the coast of Mexico and experiencing those soft Ocean breezes.  I especially wanted to be south again as our friends on R. Genesis transversed the Panama Canel last week and are now heading up the east coast of Panama and I think why are we not with them.  Oh well someday Mike and I will go again.  In the meatime I sit here and dream of days gone by.  The voting will start on April 9 and run to the 15th at so be sure that you stop in and vote for your favorite entry.  Once again I think that there will be some amazing work come out of our group.

March Challenge - Fairy Tales - Voting March 9 -15

The voting has started for Etsy Beadweavers March challenge .  You can vote for your favorite "Fairy Tales" by using the link above, voting runs from March 9 until March 15 so be sure not to miss out.  Once again the voting will be difficult as there are many beautiful renditions on this Fairy Tale theme. Angelque Creations's Tinker Bell Pixie Dust's cuff is number #15 and although I would love it if you voted for my entry there are so many other wonderful entries I encourage you to vote for your favorite.  I love to enter these challenges because the themes are great and it challenges me to better my art form  To be included amounst such talent is a boon for Angelque Creations and a boost for my ego. (We all need a boost once in a while)

EBW March Challenge - Fairy Tales

Well it is that time again for the Monthly challenge for my beadweaving group Etsy Beadweavers Street Team .  This months challenge theme is "Fairy Tales - The challenge piece should be inspired by a known Fairytale. Every participant needs to describe in their listing what the inspiration and name of the Fairy Tale. The piece could represent absolutely anything: good or evil characters, flowers, objects, animals or places and castles, but in needs to be tied to a story."  My challenge piece was inspired by the modern "Fairy Tale" Peter Pan and the Lost Boys so I created for Tinker Bell a Cuff of pixie dust.  Here is the link to my shop so that you can read the full description of the cuff and its inspiration. Tinker Bell Pixie Dust Cuff .  The voting starts on March 9 and runs until the 15th so be sure that you visit and cast your vote for your favorite "Fairy Tale".  There are as usual many wondeful and talent...

What do I do all Day?

What do I do all day is a question that my husband asks me when he gets home from a long day at work.  I retired in the spring of 2008, the year we sailed our boat from Vancouver to the Sea of Cortez, and I spend my day beading and weaving.  Beading and weaving what does she mean by that one asks.  While I was in Mexico I learned to weave tiny little seed beads with a needle and thread into wonderful patterns that create beadwoven jewelry.  Since I have retired I spend most of my day working with these tiny little beads.  Some days I sit at SFU (Simon Fraser University) with my works on display hoping that something will sell, but mostly using the time to create something new.  I figure I am going to bead/weave anyway might as well be out where someone can see it and maybe purchase my labour of love.  Also I need to get out and meet people because I would go crazy not talking to someone sometime. Everyone told me that when you retire you will need...