
Showing posts with the label mexico

Etsy Beadweavers July Challenge Sizzling Sunshine and Soothing Waters

I know that it has been a while since I have posted anything to my own blog.  It is not that I haven't been making anything, rather the contrary I have several new pieces and participated in the monthly challenges for Etsy Beadweavers.  I just forget to go to my own blog and post my pieces after I have promoted the team on the various Facebook  pages and the team blog. So I thought that it was high time that I paid some attention to my own blog.  For this months challenge I created Baja Sunlight necklace fashioned after my favourite island in the Sea of Cortez, Isla Sanfransisco.  This beautiful agua blue bay is extrodinarily beautiful and the water is calm and soothing after a hot day of hiking on the small sizzling hot island. The voting started on July 9 and runs until July 15, at Please stop in and vote for your favoirte Sizzling Sunshine and Soothing Water's entry.  There are 32 wonderful entries t...

Recent Sales at Angelque Creations

After a long dry spell with no activity I recently sold 3 of my beadwoven items.  One of the items that sold is my March "Fairy Tales" challenge piece called Tinker Bell's Pixie Dust cuff.  This bracelet is 2" wide and created with 3 mm Japanese lime green square beads, size 6 rainbow cream soda Japanese seed beads, 11/0 pink and gold silver lined Japanese seed beads, white and pink fresh water pearls, and lime green dyed (MOP) mother of pearl donuts.  This so far is my favorite piece that I have created and I am glad that it has gone to a good home where it will be worn with pride. The other two pieces were my Artist Exposed for VickiDiane - Baja Desierto bracelet with 6/0 desert mix Japanese seed beads, fresh water pearls dyed Iris gold and the 3rd bead woven piece is my Cotton Candy bracelet.  Cotton Candy was listed at 50% of in my shop AngelqueCreations and there are still several other beautiful items listed at 50% off.  I am trying to create room in my s...

Sunlight Reflected (Raw) bracelet

Sunlight Reflected (Raw) Bracelet $45 US On these rainy days in Vancouver, I need to be reminded of the warmth and endless sunshine in Sea of Cortez and LaPaz where I spend 6 months last winter. Sunlight Reflected bracelet reminds me of the aqua blue sea with the sunshine flashing off the ocean ripples. The bracelet is made with 6 mm Cech glass aqua blue bicone beads and Cech gold silverlined seed beads. The clasp is a 4 hole gold plated slide clasp. Length: Approx 6-1/2", width 1-1/4" First time purchasers from my shop will receive a Free pair of Fresh Water Pearl earrings, valued $10.00 Free shipping to all Canadian Locations.