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Must Watch this Fall : Nobody wants this

 Hi ! "Nobody Wants this"  - new TV show on Netflix .  This is my absolute  Must Watch this Fall. You have to see this !  It's a romantic story, but so funny .  I love all show characters not only the main couple played by Kristen Bell and Adam Brody. I binged it all last night and it was so good ! Their first kiss is really" WOW " When the show was over I was like : Why ? I want more ! So I can't wait for the second season !   To create this layout I used my Freebie Tags   The background paper comes from my kit at MyMemories store . It is called Junk Journal    Have a great day !  Anna

The Horse Whisperer , Freebie, RAK !

Hello !

 A horse doesn't care how much you know, until he knows how much you care. ~Pat Parelli

Here is my new kit : " The horse Whisperer"

NOW on SALE !!!

The Horse Whisperer contains 50 elements and 10 papers. Beautiful kit to scrap your special memories. S4H friendly.

And here are my layouts: 

and here is my today's freebie for you:
Cluster Frame Freebie  

and here is new freebie at Scrapbird store by Nanly Designe


RAK !   
If you would like to win my new kit
leave me here a comment ,just say Hello :-)


and here is the winner from the last kit 
The winner is :

Congratulations !

 and here is something if you need letter A
to your projects: 

Altered Art - Letter "A"
Product contains 20 png files with the letter "A", 3 ATC size png backgrounds (2.5"x3.5") and 1 printable collage sheet with these backgrounds and 9 elements.

Altered Art -Horses 
If you need " a horse" in your digital,hybrid or altered projects this is something for you ! Product contains 17 png files with the horses, 3 ATC size png backgrounds (2.5"x3.5") and 1 printable collage sheet with these backgrounds and 5 elements

Borders bundle BIG SALE ! 62 BORDERS ! 50 % off SALE !



CBH said…
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 3 post on Mar. 27, 2012. Thanks again.
Lana said…
Love the new Horse kit, would love to win it. great job.
Stacey said…
thank you so much for the wonderful freebie! Beautiful kit! thanks so much for the chance!
Cosmictadpole said…
What a beautiful kit!! I just love the colors and how you put it all together into the perfect package :) Thank you for the chance to win!
Strawbearyred said…
A fabulous kit. One of the most gorgeous I've seen. I love the colors and the Victorian accents. Thanks you for the freebie.
Mummukka said…
Beautiful pictures and blog.
caramelle said…
hello : your horse kit is wonderful:) thank you for your comming on my blog
Gorgeous. Thanks for the terrific cluster.

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