I am starting this blog to put all of my pictures of the different things that go. I am starting with trains because my grandfather was an engineer for the old L&N Railroad. When I was a little kid spending the weekend with the grandparents he would take me to the round house on Saturdays to help him pick up his paycheck. I got to see, smell, hear and feel the big old steam engines being worked on. He also took me to see the last steam engine to leave town. This day is dedicated to him and the path he set me on.

These pictures are taken at the Indiana Train Museum in French Lick Indiana recently. This small diesel engine was used at a large grain mill to move the cars around. It's diesel is actually a truck diesel with a truck transmission and then a
secondary gear reducer to get the speed down.

This is a 4-4-0 engine. I didn't get the makers name, that doesn't interest me as much as the design details. The cab enclosure was added late in life to give the engineer some weather protection.

This is a really nice engine that I hope they can get running. This is a 2-6-0.

I always
appreciate the conditions that the old engineers had to work under. Wide open to the weather and a red hot boiler just feet away.

The full instrument package. Water level on the left and boiler pressure gauges on top. Don't let the pressure get to high or it's too bad!!!

A more conventional 2-6-0 engine.
As this blog goes on you will see a great range of things that go. I am a 36 year member of the Sports Car Club of America with a love of planes, trains, cars and boats.