Thursday, August 9, 2012

My yearly update

Someone told me life would get easier post-1 year twins. They lied. Not that it's difficult. It's really NOT. It's just work. hard work. I'm learning to pick and choose the better from the best and know I CANT do it all. I don't think things would be quite so busy if I didn't have Miss Oakley.

Oh, Oakley. Those who know Treyson realize he has quite the personality. Oakley totally FIGHTS for the spotlight. She will either be famous or she will be dead by age 18. That child kicked me to death in the womb and makes life flash before my eyes on a  daily basis now. Wild. Courageous. Hilarious. She asks for bows everywhere we go, but pulls them out after about 10minutes. She dances, she sings "EIEIEIEIOOOOOOOOOO", and she RUNS everywhere. But, at times, the world will slow down and she'll run to you, JUMP in your arms and snuggle.

Then, she'll fish hook your mouth, stick two fingers up your nose, and kick you in the gut. I'm not kidding.

Then there's Reagan. R has always been the more laid-back, chubby, and passive child. She still is...sort of; however, she's learning to hold her own. She's my closet biter and slowly figuring out, she's a little burlier than her siblings. She thinks she's hilarious and is always pulling faces. She's super linguistic and blows my mind how many words she knows/picks up on (Remember, Treyson didn't talk till after 2). She's still a drama queen, and still a mama's girl. She looks just like me as a baby and I love that (altho, she might not one day!). Girl can eat. Her favorite thing to do currently, is jump; but, its more like slowly lift one foot and try to lift your 100lb body weight off the ground. She's solid and delicious and has perfect winged hair. She loves to put on shoes and jewelry and bows.

Mr. Trey. Trey's becoming quite the handful. He's always been SO easy, but now, he's determined he's ONLY happy when he's with the cows. He BEGS to go to work with dad daily and most days we're fortunate enough to be ableto let him; HOWEVER, I hate it. I want him home with me. I want him coloring and playing with play dough and trains and all those things "normal" 3 year olds do. He'd rather be driving tractor, riding four wheelers, and changing water. I can't imagine why. His dad is his best friend. That's hard for me too. I'm selfish with my offspring. I have to remind myself that a father/son relationship is the most important. I know he will learn what he needs to learn from Trevor. GRateful for that. Treyson plays with my hair constantly and HATES to sleep alone. In fact, he recently decided to crawl in bed with an unsuspecting male houseguest. He now tells everyone he sleeps with "daddy and sean" Rest assured, my husband is not a homosexual. It's jsut Treyson, elaborating on awkward stories.
     He has an impeccable memory and repeats everything (He did NOT learn "THAT DAMN DOG IZZY" from me...). He knows his numbers and letters and how to write his name. We should probably focus on that more, but I'm all for kids being kids and not being thrown into full schooling at age 3. NO he will not be going to preschool. In fact, I want to homeschool him till he's 21 and I don't care if he's a wierdo.......(I once stopped dating a guy bc he was homeschooled.......). He hates to eat. Hates to sleep. LOVES to watch movies. Breakdances like nobodies business and wants to marry his aunt. He also still swears he saw Jesus in our house. I like that. He's going places people.

Trevor works. He's doing amazing, in my opinion. We grew up so differently and I am not easy to be married to. I'm sure he's just as tired as I am, but I don't allow him to be tired. TOO MUCH TO GET DONE. I think he's hot and I think he's the best dad around.

I'm going through daily midlife crisies and loving life. We recently went on our first overnight away from the kids (Thanks to my saintly 34 week pregnant sister) to Vegas. It was fabulous to spend time with Trevor and meet up with my best friend and her husband; however, it was so odd to see how our lifes are as 27/28 year olds are in comparison to most of the world. I'm a little more tired, a little fatter, wear a little more clothing and am so much more fufilled.

I RARELY take pictures anymore. It's just too difficult to lug a camera around since I need both armsand legs to ensure the safety of my children. Instagram helps me to take SOME photographic memory so follow me and you will be bored to tears of all my kids pictures since I have no life outside of them (Yes, I'm okay with this.) Here are a few:

I never get in the pictures it seems. Probably because I livein workout clothes, and never, ever, get ready. It's okay, Trevor likes it. And he comes home covered in cow poop daily, so really, I'm still one up on him.

I'll update again sometime.