Friday, September 30, 2011


So remember how we bought, redid (Thanks Dad!), and moved into a house in the period of a month? The same month I was measuring 54 weeks pregnant and birthed twins? Remember how I lost a little bit of my mind that month?
Well, we're STILL settling in and although I REALLY do love it.... I feel like so much is left undone. I literally want to throw all my stuff away and start new.

I'm the type who refuses to buy anything if what we have "works". I just can't spend the money. Like, right now, our $20 Craigs list kitchen table is down to TWO chairs. One for Treyson's booster. One for the STARVING, nursing mother. Trevor? SOL.
Do I want a new table? Yes.
Will I bite the bullet and buy one? Not till we're down to ONE chair.

My point?
My house is sort of ghetto. I'm TRYING to slowly aquire maybe a few nice, not from a yard sale items a year. Then, maybe, I will start to feel like my house is "finished" and not resembling a thrown up flea market (and not that cute flea market look that design blogs are dedicated to..).

Take for example this wall.

UGLY. The TV will be mounted when my husband has time - aka when he's done designing his BARN (that's a whole other can of worms...) hence the cord in the middle of the wall.

So for now, there hangs an old family photo, entirely too small for the space. And me, with NO idea what to put up.
Or THIS wall....(I cringe posting this..)

Oh Treyson. Your cheap WalMart book shelf (that clashes with your white bed and dresser), plethora of unorganized toys, and small picture on a large wall with TINY vinyl (don't love the vinyl). Ew Ew Ew.
I really do have some ideas.
But need time, a babysitter, and more money.

I guess kids don't care what their house looks like. They really don't.
But, Pinterest is making me feel like a complete invalid when it comes to home decor.
(This post is dedicated to those of us whose homes are less than perfect)

(PS. Sometimes when I write blog posts, I fear "new" readers think I'm just complaining...I'm really not. I just choose to make fun of our lives. It gets me through things. Helps me see things a little less light hearted.....I hope you get that about me by now....)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I entered Treyson into a tumbling (Note. Trevor says we have to call it tumbling. NOT gymnastics.) class at a "local" gym, in hopes to channel his energy into something other than hitting all his plastic farm animals with a bat across the room. He LOVED it and it went swimmingly well....till this week..... aka the week I decide to go with no help. This day involved him running amuck while all the other well behaved children (mind you, they were all 4/5), sat nicely on their dots. HE, decided the dot was better used as a discus and then jumped on the horse "flying" from it to the mats screaming "TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!"

All the while, I'm nursing hysterical baby girls.

Have you ever tried to carry two baby carriers and a screaming, fit throwing toddler who responds to no discipline?
Guarantee I got a better work out then all those skinny biz's with their Lulu Lemon.

Of course, the stress drove me to have a Wendy's frosty for breakfast....

completely counteractive.

At least Treyson learned to do a mean somersault.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Gohr Cattle Sale

This weekend we went along with Trevor to a cattle sale. (Think big party + food + cows + auction of fancy cattle) After six hours in the car, we arrived in the beautiful town of Madras, Oregon. It was a little wild with the WHOLE family, but somehow we survived. Our suitcase; however, did not. Trevor left it in the hotel parking lot and when we came back to get it, it was already stolen.

I cried. and yelled. and gave him the silent treatment for half the ride home. Great wife I am. Not like he MEANT to do it. What frustrates me the most isn't the money we're out but more the fact I now have to go SHOPPING for new stuff. (New Chi. New John Deere tractor shirts for Trey. New makeup (Have you ever thought about how much money is in that stupid makeup bag?!). New diapers. New clothes). I HATE shopping.
Treyson loved the sale. I wish I had more pictures. They had a barn party the night before and Treyson spent the whole night running wild, eating WAY too much junk, sneaking pop and dancing with drunk cow girls. Or, maybe that was Trevor? He was the star of the show and soaked up every minute of attention. At about 9pm, and 4 cookies later, little man starts crying in the middle of the dance floor, runs to me and says "Mommy, I tired. My babies (aka his tummy. Mommy was very pregnant during key language acquisition periods apparently) hurt and I want to go to bed."
The girls did pretty well. Everyone, even strangers, are so willing to help and hold and even change diapers. I have really recognized the kindness in people through these girls. I could NOT do it alone. (esp. when Treyson feels the need to open gates and run in with the bulls.) But, another mom confession. I HATE not being able to do it alone. I had a friend holding R for awhile and she fed R a cupcake. My little, sweet baby was so sick the whole way home. I know no harm was meant and I am not mad, I just hate not being able to supervise all 3 of them 100%, 100% of the time. It makes me sad.

Friday, September 23, 2011

All Over

The girls have really begun to move. Oakley is ten times more active than Reagan. I will leave her on her play mat, run to put a load of laundry in, and come back to find her on the other side of the room. She's already into EVERYTHING - which frightens me. She rolls, army crawls, kicks and tries to sit up on her own from a laying position. She's tiny and mighty. Then there's Reagan, who can roll too and is starting to scoot, but prefers remaining in one position. She's so content...and lazy.
The girls have also started to really take notice of each other. A few times, I have caught them staring at each other and they often beat each other up. I'll find them in wrestling positions all the time. Reagan is always crying - she's very senstive...This morning, Oakley was the one getting beat on and Reagan was loving it!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

About a Boy...

To say Treyson has been challenging lately is putting it lightly. I have never felt so much love for a human being yet SO much frustration. He is ten times more difficult than the girls put together. He is not only tow headed, but pig headed, and hot headed as well. I am trying my best to learn the methods of discipline and teaching despite the fits. I've even tried spanking him recently (gasp.) - only to have him turn around, look me square in the eye and say, "Mommy, I not listening. I'm too busy." Nothing seems to work to tame his little, feisty, independent spirit.

On the other hand, my whole day is usually "made" by something Treyson does or says. My favorite aspect of his personality is his sense of humor. He LOVES to make people laugh, and he loves to laugh. Everything is a joke (even when mom says "Not okay Treyson..."). The other day, I told him I wanted to take his picture. He said, "Mommy, you can take a picture of my butt. Otay mommy?" And then he posed....and posed again.... And then we made fruit loop necklaces.
And then we showed off our karate moves (again).
And then, finally, we crashed in our tent.
phew. love my days with the sweet, spicy boy.

Monday, September 19, 2011


My sister in law, (Kali, my brother's wife) is an amazing, self taught, photographer. She's one of those people who can do about anything and do it well (and, I couldn't have hand picked a better wife for my brother or SIL for myself). She took formal family photos of us over my sister's wedding weekend, and some candids. I've only seen a few, but they seriously brought me to tears. We don't get to take many photos anymore, simply because we never have enough hands to hold one more thing, so I feel like the twins life isn't as well documented as Treyson's. So grateful for these memories she captured and can't wait to see more! Thanks again Kali!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cuter Than Brad and Angie's Kids

Treyson John: 2 1/2. Loves: Woody. Buzz. Cows. Tractors. Dancing. Looking at his poop every time he goes. Hiding from mom EVERY time she calls for him. His sisters. Praying. Making sure his "manhood" is still there. Doing flips. Jumping off EVERYTHING. Playing with moms hair when he's tired. Pinching his sister's cheeks. Playdough. Writing letters. Lining up his farm animals. Eating "happy cow" aka ice cream. Asking to go on an airplane. Being the Center of attention. Telling stories. Being Skinny. Running. Fast. Away from you. While pumping his arms.

Talking a lot.
Hates: Food. Sleeping. Tractors going by our house while he's napping. Just the essentials. Go figure.

Oakley June: 6 months. Loves: The bouncer. The Jumper. Being tickled under her chin. Being CRAZY/hyper/active, yet def. my "serious" child. To study EVERYTHING going on around her. Baby food. Rolling, Rolling, Rolling. To Try to scoot. Her dad. Being independent.
Hates: Sleeping. Nursing. Missing out on the action. Pictures. Carrots. Being held/manipulated too much.

Reagan Anna: 6 months.

Loves: ANY food of any kind put in her mouth. Sleeping - except when its' time to eat.To be held. Soft Blankets. Cuddling. Watching Treyson be wild. Her mom. Books. Taking pictures. Sleeping on her side. Snuggling. Being held. Being tickled on her fat thighs. Drooling. Being happy.
Hates: Being alone. The Exersaucer. Teething.

(Lots of new posts below!)

It Can't Get Better.....


We're a simple family. Not a lot of stuff. Not a lot of trips. Not a lot of nights out. Really, the only thing we have a lot of is kids and cows. I'm really okay with that. I'm learning in my 27 years of wisdom (sarcasm.), sometimes, simple provides the greatest memories.

Reading stories. Child Hazards in the background (anyone have any ideas of how to cover those stupid cords?). I hate pictures of myself. It's a reminder of how much things have changed. It's hard for me, but I'll look back some day (when I'm "me" again) and be grateful for these pictures. I'll remember how exhausted. how out of shape. how white. But more importantly, how happy.
Treyson wanted in on the fun.

Oakley. LOVES her bouncer and tries to bounce as high as she can.

Sisters playing footsies.

Treyson reading to Reagan.

Activities for Winter

Show off Karate moves.

So, I am terrified. TERRIFIED, of winter. Treyson is just such a happier kid when we can at least spend an hour or so outside. I can't imagine what his behavior will be like during the cold days of winter as we rot away inside (negative nancy here).
I've begun compiling tons of activities which require A) No trips to the store beyond the "norm" (Hate projects that require a thousand supplies, an hour drive etc) B) brain power on Trey's part C) NO Buzz Lightyear (so burnt out). I WILL be prepared. Often the best ideas are the simplest and most obvious yet, most forgotten.

Today, I was DRAGGING thanks to two little darlings who refuse to sleep all of a sudden so I decided to throw a few activities at Treyson in hopes to feel a little less of a bad mom who relies too heavily on Calliou (stupid show ever.) Time to enlist a bottle of shaving cream (free from couponing) and a naked, skinny, 2 year old.

Results were positive. Well, untill I put some on his nose.
I'm contemplating starting a blog JUST of ideas to do with your kids in the winter. Is anyone interested in compiling ideas and contributing? I know theres a TON of ideas out there. Would be nice to see things that are tried, easy and all in one place so we can all be prepared for the doom coming. (Can you tell how I feel about winter)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Desperate Times

I think the biggest thing I have learned the past 6 months- besides patience and how to properly wear Spanx- is being resourceful.
Sometimes you CAN'T do it all, but HAVE to do it all.

This idea has led me to some rather awkward situations - like nursing two babies at once, in a seemingly empty parking lot, only to have a car full of high school boys park RIGHT in front of me in a lifted truck giving them a full frontal view of all my assets.
Lesson learned. Lift my van or use a LARGE hooter hider.
Resourceful mothers feed dinner in the bathroom. Two year old's dinner in the bathtub killed two birds with one stone and NO mess to clean up. Twins on the counter in the Bumbo. All safe, contained, and full bellies. Trey even smelled like soap for once instead of cow poop. Progression in tiny steps.

When in doubt, eat your sister.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Bath Babies

The only thing cuter than a baby in the bath is TWO babies in the bath.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Busy Fall

A random update from the Roches. I know I'm going to forget so much if I don't write it down....

From now, till about Thanksgiving, is our "busy" time. Long hours for Trevor mean long hours for mom. I'm trying to mentally prepare myself! I realize when he's gone so early/late just how much he does to really help me.
A few people have asked what Trevor exactly DOES that takes up so much time this time of year (PS Weird that I have no idea what many of your husbands do for work!). He buys cattle out East (He was in Texas two weeks ago, and Iowa/Nebraska last week.). Then, he drives a semi out there to pick UP all the cattle. Sometimes, this means a few trips. After that, we have a few cattle sales in which many are sold - these sales are a lot of prep work. It's also the time of year all the cattle are moved to new areas. The summer grass dies and they move to corn stalks so they have food. He also gets to make sure all the cattle are pregnant and in sync for Spring calving. AND, with the weather changing, many cattle get sick (extreme temperature variation is hard on them) so he gets to doctor all of them. Yes, Trevor works for his dad. No, he does not get anything handed to him. He gets to work for his dad full time to survive and then, start his own cattle operation in his "spare" time. It's a TON for him on top of a busy calling, a tired wife and a bunch of kiddos. I sometimes feel sorry for myself, but then, when I think about him, I feel worse for him. He never takes time for himself. He never plays video games. He rarely golfs. I, as I'm sure you are, am so grateful for all the work our men do. At least I can watch trash TV while playing with the girls on the floor, RIGHT!? ;) SO THREE CHEERS FOR OUR MEN.

My little sister got married last week. I didn't take one picture. horrible. It's just too difficult to lug a camera around on top of all else. We had a great time and it was so fun to see the whole family. We missed Logan a ton though.

She seemed really happy and I'm glad for that! Her wedding could NOT have been more different in style than mine which was funny to my mom and I. Just proves how different we are in many ways! Treyson started a tumbling class in hopes to get some of his energy out. That child. Oh that child. PLEASE tell me your two and a half year old is naughty too. I'll admit it, sometimes he makes me cry. Like the other day, when I had to run to the store really quick. I was carrying the girls in their car seats and telling him to stay close. Of course, we have to do the exact opposite and take off across the parking lot top speed. Thank Goodness there were no cars (I'm convinced Heavenly Father is protecting that child for my sake.). Or Sunday, when he somehow managed to poop and get it ALL over his pants. I changed his diaper, but couldn't put his pants back on and had to find Trevor to take us all home. Naturally, Treyson sees it as a prime opportunity to take off, pantsless, SPRINTING down the hall so he can "go back to nursery". Never thought I would be chasing my half naked kid down the hall at church with poopy pants and underwear in my hand. I wanted to DIE. He's challenging me. Making me realize I know nothing about parenting and worry I will forever ruin him. But, he is wonderful and happy and all boy and loves his mom. What else could I want?

The girls are changing so much. SIX MONTHS. We're finally out of newborn stage and I'm amazed how much quickly time has gone than even with Treyson.

Reagan has become a full fledged mama's girl. She is happy almost all the time, with a goofy grin on her face. When she gets upset, she gets really whiny. R LOVES her older brother T. Although T told me the other day " I only like Oakie" which made me break down in hormonal tears.
Oakley would rather be on the floor rolling and getting into EVERYTHING than be held. She's an attention whore when she's fussy and VERY dramatic when she is upset. She has this open mouthed smile that is so funny. Very serious and studious. Both have two teeth. Both eat like crazy. Oakley weighs 15lbs 1oz. Reagan weighs 16lbs 1oz. Neither sleeps through the night. Both LOVE to play with toys which is new to me (trey never did). The girls are very scheduled during the day and it helps me so much. They don't sit up yet, but we're working on it. They are just beginning to really "find" and interact one another and sometimes I catch them just staring at each other. They are such dolls faces and, as exhausting as it is, we love having BOTH of them here at this time.

I'm still here. I'm REALLY happy. I have little to no time like I used to, but I'm learning how to juggle it all as we enter different stages of development...of life. I'm learning to not be so hard on myself - 8 lbs still to lose? It's okay. No time to shower? THat's what body spray is for! Bed not made? Hello, someone will just puke on your sheets in an hour anyway! ;)