Monday, February 8, 2010

And the weather breaks.

It's been so sunny and a little warmer here the past couple days. Treyson didn't even know what to think being outside since he's been cooped up for as long as he can remember. Obviously there isn't much to do here, so a trip in the new wagon to get the mail and see the neighbor's cow is as exciting as it gets. We also attempted to swing and go down the slide.
Treyson hated the whole experience. except touching the cows.

Just like his mom. Not the liking the cows part. The Moody part.

Healthy Overhaul

Being pregs and nursing the past year and 9 months has pretty much enabled me to eat ANYTHING and not gain too much weight. Thank you baby maker. Nonetheless, the days of oreos and sugar cereal have clogged my arteries. and my pores. and apparently now, my thighs.

Now, I want to get in great shape and HEALTHY just in time for baby #2 to ruin it all again. haha. (not an announcement)

I'm pretty schooled in the art of healthy eating but I am in desperete need for SNACK ideas. I snack all day long and want to know what you eat for healthy snacks.

And sorry, celery does nothing for me.

And while we're at it. WHAT are u doing for your lovers for Vday? I'm so not romantic.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Party Time

Trey's party was a delight. He almost fell asleep in his cake due to exhaustion and was spoiled rotten by everyone BUT his parents. We are so grateful for the obscene amount of toys our child now has to play with. And I get to clean up.
Wish you ALL could have been there!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Something awful has happened in our family recently.
I expect tons of sympathy from everyone who read this blog.

unless u are male. Then it's just creepy.

Ever since Treyson stopped nursing. My boobs have literally deflated.
Now, I've always struggled in the cup department. My training bras were filled out, but just barely. I'm not a small, petite girl, so really, it was a proportion disaster of which I was always self-concious.

Thank goodness I have strict mormon style morals, which meant NO ONE SAW MY BOOBS. Good thing Trevor is not a boob man (though with nursing he swore he was becoming one).

Then, I nursed. OH how beautiful those balls of fat became. I'm not kidding. I hated nursing (sorry. I did. I never felt it was a "beautiful" bonding experience) but I kept at it because 1. It was best for Trey. 2. formula cost a lot 3. MY BOOBS!

Those 11.5 months of cleavage were the best of my life.
Now, I look like a boy.
(With a flabby butt.)

kill me.

I think for Valentines Day, I will get Trevor a boob job - on me.
I'm not all into "the embracing the natural you".
If you can nip it tuck it lift it grow it (afford it!) you do the dang thing.

the end.
And heck no, there are no pictures.

Are you playing my favorites game? I want to send u a package so leave a comment three posts below!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Family Time

Time with my family is rare since they are in Kansas and I am here in Idaho. Time with Trevor is rare also with a 6.5 day work week. SO, this weekend was so refreshing to spend every minute with my family, and a few minutes with Trevor around.

Lacy JOY

Lacy has been my best friend since I was 14. We met at EFY and lived together every year of college - except for the 18 months she was in Poland on a mission for our church. She defines optomism and happiness. She is often my rock and having her here this weekend was medicine to my soul. She reminds me of who I really am and puts me in check when I need it. Love her.

a year.

Treyson John is now a year old. I can not believe he lived this long. And, I'm not kidding. I thought, for sure, I would screw something up. I am pretty proud of myself. I am one of those people who doubts themselves on everything. EVERYTHING. and, being a mother is no different. Every insecurity I have ever felt about my own weaknesses and struggles have been magnified ten times as I attempt to mold a small, wiggly newborn into a baby, into a toddler, into a child, into a crackley voiced pre-teen, into a teenager and finally, one day, a man.
I am not even remotely close to "up to the challenge"; however, having a child has made me realize how intricately we as women work with our Heavenly Father. I never got that. I never felt important. Now I do. The transition into motherhood hasn't been as easy for ME as it is for some people. I felt guilty for that for many months. It wasn't that I didn't love Treyson to pieces, but rather, I missed finding challenges for myself and growing individually in various ways. I despised staying at home day after day.

Now, I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. I really mean that. I am so grateful I can honestly say I have not missed a day of Treyson's first 366 days of life. That is becoming more and more rare for many mothers.

For memory's sake: I want to remember how happy Treyson is. I do not consider myself an overally optomistic person. Treyson is constantly smiling. It's sort of strange. You wonder if he'll ever stop smiling. He even smiles in his sleep. That is what I love best about HIM. Who HE is. He is happy. He snuggles still. He'll wrap his little hands around your neck, head butt you as hard as he can and then twist your hair around his finger as he falls to sleep. He is passionate about what he wants and doesn't want. He is fiercely independent, yet more loving than I ever pictured a male child being. He makes everyone who comes in contact with him his best friend. I think he'll always be this way. Let's just hope he starts walking before he turns 2.

We love you Treyson.