So, I'm not one of those moms who LOOOOVES throwing bday parties. They're stressful, can get expensive, and most of the time, my kids are JUST as happy with a bday cake and special dinner. However, this year, Treyson began to understand the concept of Birthday parties thanks to a dumb tv show. When he asked to have a pirate party, I COULDNT say no! Cue night before prep and dollar bin at Target. We had a family party and a friend themed party. He was so excited to walk the plank, go ona treasure hunt and make hooks.
Sometimes, I get so busy keeping the twins alive, I forget how much this kid changed my world. I've been weighted down by the magnitude of my calling as his mother. Am I doing it right? Am I doing enough? Is he going to be scarred for life? I love him so. I love how forgiving and understanding he is. I love that he sleep walks into my room every morning DEMANDING chocolate milk before his eyes are all the way open. He's the best brother. The sweetest son. His stubborness will enable him to be a leader and I'm even grateful for that.
Special thanks to my sweet mom for going above and beyond and my amazing girlfriend Amber for rescuing me when 6 4 year olds didn't seem like THAT big of a deal.... and to our sweet family who bought Treyson swords, bow and arrows and other weapons to use on his sister daily. Most of them are now on top the fridge in forbidden zone ;)