Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Treyson's 4th birthday

So, I'm not one of those moms who LOOOOVES throwing bday parties. They're stressful, can get expensive, and most of the time, my kids are JUST as happy with a bday cake and special dinner. However, this year, Treyson began to understand the concept of Birthday parties thanks to a dumb tv show. When he asked to have a pirate party, I COULDNT say no! Cue night before prep and dollar bin at Target. We had a family party and a friend themed party. He was so excited to walk the plank, go ona  treasure hunt and make hooks.

Sometimes, I get so busy keeping the twins alive, I forget how much this kid changed my world. I've been weighted down by the magnitude of my calling as his mother. Am I doing it right? Am I doing enough? Is he going to be scarred for life? I love him so. I love how forgiving and understanding he is. I love that he sleep walks into my room every morning DEMANDING chocolate milk before his eyes are all the way open. He's the best brother. The sweetest son. His stubborness will enable him to be a leader and I'm even grateful for that.

Special thanks to my sweet mom for going above and beyond and my amazing girlfriend Amber for rescuing me when 6 4 year olds didn't seem like THAT big of a deal.... and to our sweet family who bought Treyson swords, bow and arrows and other weapons to use on his sister daily. Most of them are now on top the fridge in forbidden zone ;)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Remember Christmas?

I have finally figured out how to make holidays everything I've dreamed of.
Seriously though, this year, I had no expectations. I didn't set up the "perfect" Christmas scene. It just happened. Naturally. 
 Oakley kept chucking our baby Jesus (nativity scene) across the house, and once I found Him in the toilet.
We're going to have to work on that. 


Friday, February 1, 2013


I am going to revive the blog. I am. I really am. I see so many personal blogs dying out. WHY? For me, it was priorities. It took me awhile to find my groove. I've always been a crazy busy lady, and when I moved to the Boonies, I found myself wasting time and not using my resources effectively. The transition from working 40 hours a week, being a  full time student, doing research, yadda yadda to wife with no real career, babymaker, mom, housekeeper was tough for me. It's taking me awhile to really feel useful. Feel smart. Feel myself while fufilling my new roles. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's other young moms.

I, nor you, can't do it all. You have to differentiate the better from the best. I'm learning that schedules make me tick. From 6 am- 6:45, I do cardio. From 6:45-7:10, I study my scriptures. from 7:10-7:15 I take the quickest shower known to man. Schedules down the second make me tick. For now.

I'm getting better at my priorities. My blogging is my journal. That's what I will look at it as. I don't want my children to think I didn't want to remember these precious days. Plus, I type faster than I write so in reality, it's saving me time.

So the Roche family is reintroduced with a lot less inhibitions and worries.

 I'm okay with our life. I'm not afraid of comparisons. We don't wear all J. Crew (though, we'd look better if we did). My kids don't speak 3 languages. We live on a ranchy type thing with cows. My husband is hot, but usually covered in cow shiz. Sometimes we get along like best friends. Sometimes we have to lock ourselves in seperate rooms. My best meals usually involve a crock pot. My kids repeat naughty words they learn, but they also say some amazing prayers. We love our Savior, Jesus Christ. We love to laugh.  We're just normal.

Things are changing constantly in this house. The latest change? A 4 year old.

Those of you who followed this blog from it's origination have seen Treyson from birth. The kid is my lifeline. 3 was a challenging year for us; but, it's already looking up. He's changing. Testing limits. Becoming a boy. He's stubborn. Just like his parents. (Are personalities genetic??) He's passionate like his mama. He's ALL boy. He'd rather be in a truck/tractor with his dad or with grandpa at the sale than anywhere else. He's uncomfortable with emotion and makes jokes out of everything (uh....TREVOR!?). EVERYTHING is funny to him - including the fact he STILL gets into bed with his parents EVERY night at 4am.

We like him, sort of a LOT. We can't wait to see the man he becomes, but we'll enjoy every minute of little we get.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


 We have a small pumpkin patch and produce stand about 20 minutes from our house. The Kids LOVE it, and we'll go a few times through the season.
 I'll let you guess which one is photogenic.

Treyson created his own exit from the straw maze. Only Treyson....
 Favorite. And, the only time Reagan has been in the lead.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dirt and Tutus

I still haven't figured out how to haul a heavy camera with three toddlers, so must of my photos are just from our normal day events. Today, each one of the kids picked out their own outfits. The girls already have opinions, and Treyson now dresses himself entirely. Most of the time they succeed, and some days, we just stay in our PJs. Feeling so grateful lately for these three healthy, hilarious, entergetic kids andthese amazing wide open spaces for them to romp around.


One of the best things in my life right now is seeing the relationships between my kids grow. I absolutely ADORE my siblings, and I want more than anything for my kids to be friends (at some point....). The twins are really starting to notice, and play with each other. I worried Treyson might feel left out at points, but he has instead, just become the ring leader; leading them all into mischief and destruction.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Coming to a Close

Summer is coming to a close. It hurts my heart because I LOVED this summer. I felt like we REALLY enjoyed every second. The kids are at a fun, busy age. Trevor was home more. One of my best friends got married. My sister had her first baby. My little brother received his mission call.MY other little brother joined the Air Force. We spent time with cousins and cows. My dad got a new job. We worked hard. And played....more than normal.;).  And the best, I WASNT PREGNANT....NOR did I have a newborn!
Love this simple life of mine.