Showing posts with label Baby Shower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Shower. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Pretty In Pink Baby Shower

This past weekend I helped host a baby shower for one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world, Merey.  She is the sweetest, funniest buddy a girl could have and I love her to death.  This will be Merey's 2nd child, but her FIRST girl and THAT is something to celebrate!
We didn't choose a theme other than pink and girly, sweet and frilly. 
 I wanted it to be perfect JUST LIKE MY MEREY!!
So here you are, a shower to celebrate little Miss Sadie, coming in October.  Hopefully you enjoy the pictures and maybe gather an idea or two for your next shower or celebration!

These smore cups were SOOOOO yummy.  I love the way the chocolate piping "baby" and "girl" came out.  


We had a little spot set up with diapers and sharpie markers.  Guests were encouraged to write little notes on the booty of the diapers, words of encouragement for the tired/stressed parents as they change diaper after diaper after diaper on into the wee hours of the night...

We set up a baby clip making station.  I did this at another shower I helped throw and it was such a hit that we decided to include it at this one.  I LOVE the concept of a clip making station because it keeps guests entertained (everyone loves arts and crafts) and it also serves as a useful little gift for the baby from each guest!

Step one: Grab a clip and choose a ribbon.
Step two: Carefully remove backing from ribbon.  Open your clip.  Starting on the inside attach the ribbon all all the way around the clip.

Step Three: Choose an embellishment to decorate your clip and hot glue it on.
 Step Four: Make sure it looks pretty and sign your name to it!

A few of the clippies.  Everyone did a great job.  They were all SO CUTE!!!
The hostesses with the Mama-To-Be

Isn't it so annoying when you see pregnant girls that look FABULOUS...all that has changed is a teeny tiny CUTE perfectly round bump!  Yeah, that's Merey.  For the record, I looked nothing like this when I was preggo.  Think swollen, fat, puffy and for some reason, my face broke out like a teenager.  My body went into freak out mode when I carried babies.  lol

 Foooood!  Yummy.  (and pretty too!) 
 But where r the french fries y'all??

Adorable diaper cake made by one of the mamas.  So sweet.
You can't have a baby shower without a diaper cake...that's like a rule now right?? :-/
We played the memory/candy game (same one from the bird shower I did).  This is the only picture that I have from the game and I actually love it. lol  Merey and I both look crazy...she is shoveling a smore pop into her mouth and I am making some weird face.  Its perfect because we're both kinda goofy girls (only kinda??) so it suits us.  ;)

Guests were asked to sign in at the front door. 
One of Merey's favorite children's stories served as the guest book. 

Okey doke.  That's all folks.  I'm gonna sign off at the sign in sheet. 
Hope y'all enjoyed the pics.  Say a little prayer for my sweet friend that she has a safe and easy delivery.
Can't wait to meet you little Sadie!!!!!!!!!!!!!