Inspired by
Lisa's French baking and my workmate
Anita's delicious macarons of the pistachio variety - I decided to have a go at the infamous French macaron (with
Tilly's help of course!).
To say I was nervous about making these is an understatement! Googling "French Macarons" reveals a multitude of pages about the intricacies of baking these gorgeous biscuits. So I read and read and read. I found many different recipes and even pages on
troubleshooting. Then I decided to give it a shot - and I was pretty stoked with the result! Their 'feet' were a little splayed, and the inside a little sticky, but otherwise they were great. The troubleshooting guide tells me that my oven was probably a little too warm - file that away for next time.
I used the basic recipe from macaron extraordinaire
Tartlette, with no colouring or flavouring in the biscuit. And I made a chilli chocolate butter cream with which to fill them.
FIngers crossed I can perfect them next time.