Showing posts with label me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label me. Show all posts

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Anyone still out there?

I just wanted to pop back in and thankyou all for your lovely messages over the past 4 and a half months and apologise for not getting back to anyone. We have settled back in Melbourne now and I am loving my time with Eloise. She has such a lovely nature and is almost always smiling which makes her a real joy to be around.

I cannot quite believe how fast time has gone and how big my littl girl is getting. At 4 months she weighed in at 6.77kg and measured 61cm (she was born at 3.1kg and 51cm) and seems to get bigger every day. She is currently learning how to use her voice and loves to scream with joy.

I'm still doing my uni degree this year so things are incredibly hectic - as if having a new baby wasn't enough! As a result, the only sewing I've done since the night before Eloise arrived was a quilt label for a friends baby quilt. However I am seriously hoping to remedy this during my mid-year break as 2 more friends are expecting little ones (including a cousin for Eloise!). Otherwise I am trying to enjoy each stage with Eloise - I'm sure there will be loads of time for sewing in the future.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Simple things... my colourful pincushion, make me happy.

I'm spending my days at the moment cooking, reading and sewing. Yesterday I made banana bread, today I finished my Christmas cake and I'm hoping to make some shortbread by the end of the week. December is a really nice time to be off work - I love Christmas and I love making Christmas goodies. We won't be cutting into the Christmas cake until Christmas eve, so I suspect it might become the perfect midnight snack in the new year when I am up every 4 hours or so.

I've also been sewing the bindings on my 4 quilts - 2 presents, 1 for me and 1 for the bub. And seeing as though it's been a while since I posted my 'bump' photo, I thought I'd show you my bump from last week at 36 weeks. Although I swear I have doubled in size since then!

I've really enjoyed my pregnancy, so much so that I am a little sad that it will be over soon. It is such a special feeling to have this little one growing inside of me - but that said, I can't wait to meet her. I spend my days wondering whether she will be easy going like my husband or a little more anxious like me (!), whether she will have my blond hair or his dark hair and other little things. But it won't be too long now until I find all these things out. I still have a few more things to do, so hopefully she will wait for me to cross everything off my "to do" list before she makes her entrance!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


12 days left at work
6 weeks and 5 days until my due date
2 rows and outer borders left to sew

everything is coming along very quickly at the moment!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

25 weeks tomorrow

I love my new iphone! I can even take a picture of myself easily. 25 weeks tomorrow - I can barely believe it.

PS - this is my most flattering top, I am bigger than I appear here - trust me!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I have had a lovely, relaxing time at home this weekend. I cut out all the fabric for the blocks of my mod sampler baby quilt; I picked up some backing material for my pinwheel sampler quilt as well as for 2 of my baby quilts; I have 'booked' in 3 quilt tops for some professional quilting (surely I shouldn't crawl around on the floor to baste quilts while I am pregnant? That's my excuse anyway and I am sticking to it!); I baked some lovely brioche cinnamon pecan scrolls (even though they look rather anaemic in the photo below); and I have been playing with my new toy - an iphone 4! Hence my new look photos - courtesy of the iphone!

It has been so nice to have a relaxing weekend. We've had so many visitors recently, which is wonderful but I felt like I was constantly entertaining. I'm still prac teaching for one more week and then I only have 10 weeks left at work before I start maternity leave. I can't quite believe it is all coming along so quickly. We even start our childbirth and parenting classes in 2 weeks - eek!

There's still 15 weeks until the baby is due and my list of things to do is growing every day - my crafty list that is! I still have to cut and hem the material I bought to make sheets, I have to hem some muslin for some swaddling wraps, I need to make some bibs and burp cloths, finish my granny square blanket and I also hope to make a Sarah doll for the wall of the babies room - not to mention put the quilt together! Although I am feeling very crafty at the moment so I need to take advantage of it - maybe this is start of the 'nesting'?

Friday, July 16, 2010

BIG change..

Remember when I said that 2010 looked to be full of change? Well I wasn't kidding - along with our new home here in Sydney and my study, my husband and I are also expecting a special kind of Christmas present this year - one with 10 fingers and 10 toes.
To say we are excited is an understatement! I have been very lucky and not been sick at all, just VERY tired. But hopefully I am getting to the stage now when my energy should be coming back.

I bought some material last weekend to start making some wraps - some muslin and some flannelette as well as some gloriously soft minky to make a cuddle toy. Only greens, yellows and aquas at the moment as we don't know the sex, but hopefully the little one will cooperate in a few weeks time so that we can find out.

When I told my workmates I was pregnant one of the girls showed me the gorgeous crocheted hats and jackets she makes for premature babies (which she donates to hospitals), so I took the oppurtunity on one afternoon tea break to learn how to crochet! I am so happy to have finally learnt and have made myself some granny squares to practice. I am hoping to get to the shops this weekend to pick up some soft baby yarn to make a special blanket.

And to add to the change, we are also planning our return to Melbourne early next year too. My life really doesn't feel right if I don't have a million things going on at once!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Glee - how I love thee

I am so sad that my favourite show Glee has finished. I love this show - it's so witty and cheeky, and so much fun!

This was a highlight for me last night (and Finn telling Rachel he loved her AND Mr Schu telling Emma he loved her!)- I have loved this song since my Dad made me watch To Sir with love as a young girl

Is anyone else addicted to Glee?

My husband has kindly cleared his work stuff from our spare room this evening and I am planning a weekend of sewing and cooking. Just what I need to recharge.
Have a good weekend!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm still here

It's the end of the uni semester and I have 4 assignments all due next week. I am feeling a little snowed under right now, but I have 2 finished and the other 2 started so it's not all bad.

I am also heading away in just over a week for a conference for work and then to see my sister in London! So while i am desperate to get to my sewing machine, I just can't seem to find the time. I have placed a pattern and some material next to our desk so I am constantly being reminded of what is waiting for me when I finish all my homework!

Otherwise, I am looking forward to a BIG day of craft later in June with all the Craft Room girls. I have a couple of quilts that need binding which I think will be perfect for that day.

PS - I LOVED my teaching round and am so excited to be moving my life in a new direction. I just wish I could start full time already! Thanks for your lovely wishes on my last post

Sunday, May 2, 2010

back to school...

Tomorrow is the day. I am going back to high school - but this time as a teacher (well a student/training teacher!). I am pretty nervous, but also incredibly excited about my first placement. I am almost certain that I made the right choice by going back to uni to change my career, and I hope that these coming few weeks cement that certainty. I can't wait for tomorrow to come so I can get started!

We've been doing a bit of cooking this weekend including these 'blondies'. I had never had a blondie before but I had a bag of butterscotch chips that my sister-in-law had bought for me in the US, and this was the first recipe I found that used them. They have a lovely chewy edge and the coconut is a great addition - but they are very sweet! Although I suspect they will be great for my school lunch box tomorrow, the perfect morning tea treat for my first day.

Chewy, Chunky Blondies

2 cups plain flour (I used wholemeal)
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt / fleur de sel
225g butter, at room temperature
1 1/2 cups (packed) light brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup chocolate chips
3/4 cup butterscotch chips
1 cup shredded coconut

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C. Butter and line a 9×13-inch baking pan.

Whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

Working with a stand mixer, preferably fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter on medium speed until smooth and creamy. Add both sugars and beat for another 3 minutes, or until well incorporated.

Add the eggs one by one, beating for 1 minute after each addition, then beat in the vanilla.

Reduce the mixer speed to low and add the dry ingredients, mixing just until they disappear into the batter. Using a rubber spatula, stir in the chips, nuts and coconut.

Scrape the batter into the buttered pan and use the spatula to even the top as best you can.

Bake for about 40 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the center of the blondies comes out clean. The blondies should pull away from the sides of the pan a little and the top should be a nice honey brown. Transfer the pan to a rack and cool for about 15 minutes before turning the blondies out onto another rack. Invert onto a rack and cool the blondies to room temperature right side up, before cutting into squares or bars

Recipe from Dorie Greenspan, Baking: From My Home to Yours

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

couch potato

hi all, still not too much sewing here - just finishing off the quilting on the baby quilt (so much for being almost done 3 weeks before the baby was due, she's now 5 days overdue and it's still not done!). I have been doing lots of studying though - I have 2 essays due in 2 weeks time which are keeping me very busy. I think once my assignments are off, the sewing will come more easily.

I have enjoyed being a couch potato of late though and have seen some good movies and read some more books. This movie in particular was fantastic, I loved every minute of it (and I adored the clothes in this too - they were very cute). I also saw Julie and Julia - a great movie about food and blogging, which made me want to do lots of cooking.

Right now I am thinking about brownies with peanut butter chips.... stay tuned!

Monday, March 1, 2010

have you seen my sewing mojo?

It is missing. Gone. Hence the lack of posts around here.

So I did a little baking yesterday instead. This is one of my favourite biscuit recipes which I make quite often. I haven't gotten used to the new oven yet, so they came out a little dark - but still great nonetheless.

But this time they had a little something extra in them along with the chocolate chips. My sister-in-law brought me these during her recent trip trip to the US. I not only have peanut butter chips, but butterscotch chips and cinnamon chips as well as toffee pieces. Seriously yummy!

Right now all I want to do is read. I've read two wonderful books in the past few weeks - The Book Thief, By Markus Zusak and The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. Great great stories.

However today is officially my first day back at Uni - so this is how I spent last night. I found my first readings really interesting, but my first assignment is due in four weeks! Eek! It's full steam ahead now.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mad Hatters Tea Party

Our move is almost finished now. We still have a pile of empty boxes waiting to go out, but I think we have almost unpacked everything now. Unfortunately with the move I didn't get my quilt finished for the baby shower on the weekend, but it will (should!) definitely be done by the time the baby arrives in March.

The baby shower / mad hatters tea party was lots of fun. One of the girls organised these gorgeous (and really yummy!) cupcakes from Cupcake Occasion in South Yarra.

I made a bunch of tea wallets to hold our teabags and for people to take home (there is a really simple tutorial here that I used). It only took me a few hours to make 16 of them. I also made a little toy for the baby, but I completely forgot to take a picture of it. Great simple idea though that I will definitely use again.

Everyone also got a sweet teapot tape measure.

I didn't get pictures of all the little details - like tags saying "Eat me" tied to teacups full of lollies or "drink me" on the teapots, teapots full of flowers or silver stands piled with sweet treats, but the effort one particular friend went to was amazing.

I have the best friends and it was great to have a girly afternoon with them.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


2010 looks to be a year of changes for me and my little family. It started on Friday night with our move. We have almost finished bringing everything over to the new place, just some plants and the BBQ are left to come across. I have to say, doing the majority of the moving on Saturday - when it reached 41 degrees in Sydney - was tough. It was made even tougher by the set of stairs everything had to be brought down, and the two flights of stairs it all had to be carried up.

The new place is looking great. I am loving the big screen door on the balcony which allows an abundance of fresh air into the house. I love the fly screens on the windows which stop the mosquitoes. I love having a dining room where we can put a table so we no longer have to eat dinner on the couch. Simple things can make a place so much nicer.

Another change for me this year...

I have decided to go back to Uni. After 8 and a half years of Uni previously and less than 3 years in the workforce, I have decided to try another career. I knew halfway through my postgraduate degree that I wasn't going to be happy being a scientist in the long term, but I pushed through and completed my degree. Partly because I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. And I like to finish things that I start. Also because I didn't want anyone to think I couldn't do it.

So I have decided to do a Graduate Diploma of Education to become a secondary school science teacher. Working with teenage girls last year in the SISTER2sister program was tough, but so rewarding. Having thought about teaching for a long time, these girls helped to cement my decision. I am really excited about this new direction. The degree will take me two years so I still have some research in me, but it is a start - and I can't wait to get started.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Please meet Tilly!

My shiny new pink KitchenAid!

She came out of the box for a photo, but then went straight back in ready for our move this weekend. I think her first test will be Karen Martini's pizza dough.

I hope we will become good friends.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Chaos and hot weather - not a nice combination! We are moving in a week and a half, not too far, just a few streets down in fact, but the packing and organisation is still the same as a big move. Our lounge room looks like a cardboard monster threw up in it and my sewing room...let's not go there.
I am heading to Melbourne at the end of the month for a baby shower and I really wanted to have my present finished to take with me. So I can't pack my sewing machine, or the fabrics I need, which is fine - but now I have no room to baste the thing because the floor is covered in boxes! We get the keys to the new place late one afternoon, so I wonder if I can convince my husband that before we move in, that I need to use the wide open floor to baste my quilt??

I am a bit nervous about this quilt. I let my friend choose the fabrics as our tastes are so very different. As I was sewing the blocks together I started to get very worried, individually, some of them are not so pretty at all. However I am hoping (and crossing everything), that when they are all together that it will look ok.

Last night in the heat I decided it would be a good idea to do some baking. The apartment is still about 10 degrees warmer than it is outside, but I do have some beautiful salted chocolate cookies to show for it.

Craft room girls - these are for tonight!

World Peace Cookies

1¼ cups plain flour
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa
½ tsp baking soda
155g unsalted butter, at room temperature (it really does need to be soft for this recipe as there are no other wet ingredients)
2/3 cup (packed) light brown sugar
¼ cup sugar
½ tsp fleur de sel or ¼ tsp fine sea salt
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
140g dark chocolate, chopped

Sift the flour, cocoa and baking powder together. Beat the butter until soft and creamy. Add both sugars, the salt and vanilla extract and beat for another 2 minutes. Pour in the dry ingredients and mix just until the flour just disappears into the dough- don’t be concerned if the dough looks a little crumbly. Add the chocolate pieces and mix just to incorporate. Turn half the dough out onto a piece of cling wrap on the bench. Shape the dough into a log of 4cm in diameter. Wrap the cling wrap around the log and refrigerate or freeze for at least 3 hours.

Preheat oven to 160˚C. Using a sharp knife, slice the logs into rounds that are 1 cm thick. (The rounds are likely to crack and break as you’re cutting them- don’t be concerned, just squeeze the bits back onto each cookie.) Arrange the rounds onto baking paper lined trays, leaving about 3cm between them. Bake for 12 minutes. Transfer to a cooling rack to cool.

recipe from Baking From My Home To Yours by Dorie Greenspan

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Home again, home again...

Why do car trips always seem so much longer on the way home? We drove home to Sydney yesterday from Melbourne, and after dinner and a glass of red it was lovely to get into my own bed again. We picked up Sampson today from his holiday at the cattery and he is incredibly smoochy - it has been lovely!
And now I'm finally settling in for some late afternoon sewing... just what I need to relax after a busy, but wonderful time away.

I forgot to upload these photos before I went away, but these are the presents I sent to Emily for Chookyblue's SSCS.

This sweet bag was designed by Leanne Beasley

And this little angel was from a pattern in Homespun (and of course, I can't find the issue right now because I am looking for it!)

And of course I had to make one for myself too

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The joy of giving...

Giving. With no expectation of anything in return. Not even a thankyou.

This year we decided that we had to re-evaluate our reasons for giving Christmas presents. Last year I was very disheartened when one of the presents I had spent some time putting together was barely even unwrapped before being placed aside. I had to prompt the recipient to continue opening the packaging because there was more in there that they hadn't even gotten to.

Afterwards, I started to think about why I had given this person a present in the first place.
Was it because I felt I had to?
Or because I wanted a thankyou and a present in return?
Or because I wanted to give them something nice that they would enjoy?

I realised it was a bit of all three. I felt I had to buy them a present, and I expected at least a thankyou in return, but the effort I went to putting the present together was because I wanted to ensure it was something they would enjoy.

So this year I have decided that the frustration and even resentment that I felt after observing their response to my present was not worth it. And so this Christmas we are giving presents simply because we want to. For the simple pleasure of giving. In the knowledge that we have spent time thinking about what each person would like and enjoy. And I'm not going to give the presents that I have felt that I have to give. This year, the only presents I will be giving are the ones I want to give. And I don't expect anything in return.

I don't for one second think that it will be as easy as that. If I am faced with a situation similar to last years, I'm sure I will get frustrated. But I hope to be able to quickly remind myself of my motives, and then move on.

And so today I began my giving. Another pointy kitty went looking for a home today in Inner West Sydney as part of the Toy Society Worldwide Christmas drop. I was drop #36 and the last time I checked there was over 50 drops reported. All those toys being dropped in the hope that someone will rescue them, and knowing that you may never know what happened to them or even hear from the recipient. But I did it because I wanted to. And I hope someone gets as much joy from Miss pointy kitty as I have.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

what do your flickr faves say about you?

I think mine say:

* I would like a bigger fabric stash
* I would love my own, organised sewing space
* I would like my own cosy, comfy house
* I like pretty, girly things

What do your flickr faves say about you?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Crochet anyone?

I'm thinking of trying once again to learn how to crochet. Mainly because of this gorgeous blanket. I have tried teaching myself through you tube videos, but I just can't get the hang of it...

There is a class in the city next month... maybe I will sign up for it

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lebanese Stuffed Zucchinis in Tomato Sauce

Most people double take when I tell them I am half Lebanese. Sometimes they don't believe me. Often I have to get out photos of my family to show them. I think it has something to do with the blond hair, pale skin and blue eyes...

My Dad was born and raised in Lebanon, and came to Australia when he was 21. My Mother is Australian. We were raised on a mixture of Lebanese and Australian food. Christmas dinner can be roast lamb with potatoes and pumpkin, with a side of hommus and kibbi. The food is one of my favourite parts of my Lebanese heritage.

Mihshi kousa b'banadoura (or stuffed zucchinis in tomato sauce) is still one of my favourite Lebanese meals. Most of my absolute favourites are those cooked by my Aunt or Grandmother (Teta) which I have no idea how to make! One day I hope I can learn these recipes so that I can share them with my future family. Thankfully my husband adores Lebanese food!

The only tricky part of this dish is hollowing the zucchinis. I use a special scoop that I got from a Lebanese bakery. It looks like a thin pipe, cut in half lengthwise. However you could use an apple corer instead. The zucchini pulp is not used in this dish, but we keep it to add to soups, or to make fritters. However this time, my husband used it to make zucchini and sultana muffins (recipe in the Handmade Help cookbook)

Stuffed Zucchinis
Serves 6

Meat filling
1 med onion, finely chopped
1 tbs ghee or olive oil
2 tsp salt (or to taste)
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp cinnamon or mixed spice (I use a combo of cinnamon, ground clove, nutmeg and a little ground ginger)
1 1/4 cups white rice, washed and drained
500g minced lamb
1/2 cup water

18 small or 12 medium Lebanese zucchinis
2 med onions
4-5 tbs ghee or olive oil
4 garlic cloves, sliced
1 1/2 tsp salt (or to taste)
2x 455g cans chopped tomatoes
2 cups water
1 teaspoon of dried mint
To make the meat stuffing, saute 1 of the chopped onion in the ghee/oil until soft. Mix the onions, along with the spices, salt and pepper into the rice. Add the lamb and the water and mix with your hands until well mixed and a smooth consistency is reached.

Wash the zucchini and cut off the tops. Scoop out the pulp, being careful not to break the skin. Rinse and drain the zucchini.

Fill each zucchini with the meat and rice filling, only to about 3/4 full to allow for the rice to expand during cooking. Make any leftover meat mxture into meatballs to be cooked with the zucchinis or save it for another day.

Lightly brown the 2 chopped onions in the ghee/oil (do this in the pot you will cook the zucchinis in). Add the garlic and cook until fragrant. Spread the onion mix evenly over the bottom of the pot and place the stuffed zucchinis on top in closely packed rows and layers. (Add any meatballs around the zucchinis). Mix the canned tomatoes with the water and salt and pepper and pour over the zucchinis. Sprinkle over the dried mint.

Cover the zucchinis with an upturned heat proof plate to keep the zucchinis from floating. Cover the saucepan. Bring to the boil and then turn down to a simmer and leave to cook for 60-90 mins.

Serve the zucchinis piled on a platter with the juice poured over the top. Make sure you have lots of pita bread to serve it with!

a food porn close-up!

Recipe from The Lebanese Cookbook, by Dawn, Elaine and Selwa Anthony.