Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Spring Break Project #2 - Planting Seeds
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
To the right, there is a brush storage pocket that is specifically measured to fit my brushes. On the left, a paint storage section that holds 15-26 tubes of watercolor paint. A striped flap folds over the top of the brushes to prevent them from slipping out. The interior is canvas and the pockets are Heather Ross fabrics. The outside is my favorite part: a found tea towel and hand stamped art nest label. The gray and cream stripes are so dreamy and complimented the light colors of the the interior. I used four D-rings and created canvas belts to keep the the tote snugly rolled. Creating this paint and brush tote was a very rewarding experience. I know that it will accompany me in all my artistic endeavors!
On a side note: the background for these photographs is my painting table. Years ago I literally pulled the table out of a pile of clutter on the side of the road. My father had it refinished as a surprise. I was so touched my his encouraging gesture!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Weekend lovely! With nice weather, a clean studio, and the children spending last night at my in-laws, I feel relaxed and accomplished. I'm sewing each of my children a tote for overnight trips, library trips, or just for lugging their toys around from room to room. HG's is still in the studio being assembled. I hope they enjoy these totes as much as I enjoyed sewing them!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
This is the third doll clothing swap I have had the pleasure of hosting. I've enjoyed hosting these swaps and have met several wonderful, talented people doing so. A doll clothing swap is a fun way to add unique outfits to your 18" doll collection. Not sure where to begin? Look through your fabric store's pattern books. Simplicity offers some adorable retro patterns. I highly recommend using a pattern to ensure the proper fit for your partners doll. If you are interested in joining, please read the following information below:
- This swap is for 18" American Girl type dolls.
- All clothing must be sewn. Please no knitted outfits.
- You will create 2 outfits. Each will be sent to a separate swap partner.
- I am defining 'outfit' as a dress, shirt & skirt, or shirt & pant.
- You can display the outfits you give and receive at this Flickr Group
- Sign up is now - May 15th, 2009
- Mail out is June 1st, 2009
I know the above dates sound far away but I want to make sure you have plenty of time to plan and sew your doll clothes. You can sign up here:
doll_clothing_swap[at]yahoo[dot]com subject line: spring 2009
Please send inquiries to the above e-mail address. Merci!
PS: Feel free to use the image above as a button to advertise the swap on your blog!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Living in a small space forced us to weed out unnecessary items, make due with what we had, and sometimes deal with things in an odd way. When B was born, we made one of our hall closets the 'nursery'. Now, of course she didn't sleep in the closet or anything like that, but all baby related items and necessities were meticulously organized into that one tiny closet. I loved opening the door and seeing organized perfection.
I love our house now...the children have their own rooms, the fenced in backyard is host to many outdoor adventures, I have more cabinet space than I can fill, I am blessed with my own window lined art studio, but I do miss being forced to live, think, and do things on a small scale. I admit I've become a tad bit lazy with my living simply goals. Now that spring is here, I am ready to begin again.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
My first knitted beret! I have never knitted before until now. I used the Purl Beret pattern from the Purl Bee blog. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to knit this hat. I did have to do some background research for certain stitches and at one point there were 5 needles attached to the hat (scary!). I am very proud of this hat and have been wearing it around town all day. Next I believe I will tackle some fingerless gloves!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
One of my favorite activities is sneaking into the book sale room of our local library to dig through the children's section. I always find something admirable and lovely. I recently found this Finders Keepers book and loved the 2-3 color schemes on each page. Books like this inspire me to keep up with my block prints.
Tonight I served one of my favorite meals to my family: pot roast, mashed potatoes, lima beans and pear halves. I don't know if the lima beans and pear halve combination is southern or just a family tradition, but they are an odd mix non-the-less. My husband always cringes when I served whole kernel corn with spaghetti. I keep an unusually vivid picture in my mind from age five of my mom, dad, and I sitting on ice chests in the new kitchen of our new home eating spaghetti sandwiches and corn. Strange, I know, but this memory still coaxes me to serve corn with spaghetti on a regular basis. What strange food combinations do you and your family enjoy?